Ovulation question


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Afternoon Girls, how are you all doing?

I have a question, unfortunatly I did come on last month. 2 days late, but despite being a little annoyed, at least I have accurate dates to go by now.

Anyway, am I right in thinking that most women ovulate from about day 14 onwards? The reason i ask, is because I'm pretty sure that I have ovulated already and I'm only on day 12. I had all the symptoms so just to be on the safe side, i attacked OH at every oppertunity this weekend :blush: . However just in case I am ovulating now, I'll just keep on attacking him this week too, he doesn't seem to be complaining !

As grose as the details probably are, could someone explain what the stages/symptoms are for them when they ovulating please. I dont chart so I'm just wing'in it ! lol.

Thankyou x
hi hun,

good to see you back posting :)

ovultion can vairey from person to person as i understand it,

Some symptoms are ovualtion pains, bad skin, mood swing, change in your CM, incresed sex drive, hungry more, the list goes on lol

Everyone is diffrent so its hard to say really, i know someone can ovulated as early as day 9 on there cycle so it is possible you have already, but keep attacking just in case lol

I think your the best person to judge wether you have or not, listen to your body :)

Good Luck! hope this is your month

I get the usual, egg white cm, slight cramping on one side of my stomache (my mum said thats the side i'm ovulating from, this is my 3rd child and I didn't know that till the other day .... how sad am I ! lol) and my boobs ache too. But wasn't sure whether that means I am about to ovulate, ovulating or finished ovulating ! lol. So many choices ! arggghhhh !

Naimi x
i think (dont quote me tho) that it means your just about to.

lol. i will quote you, i will hold you to that ! :rofl:

Thats what i thought too, which means that i have already ovulated, but like you said, i'll just keep attacking just in case ! My help me lose a few pounds too. Which by the way I'm really struggling with, i've been dieting since new year, but because I know now that I'm trying to get pregnant, i can't help but think "why lose weight when i just want to get fat again !"

Naimi x
ha ha same as me!

I want to lose weight but havent had the motivation coz i have been TTC, but now im on a two month break so i have no excuse lol

My diet started this morning hehe!

I have a 23 day cycle and ovulate on day 12! This is a regular cycle but is just short. My symptoms are similar to yours. I bd when ttc when these symptoms started and for three days following. I know I am lucky but it took my only to month 2 post stopping the pill to catch each time. So hopefully the same will happen for you. Showering you with baby dust!!!
thankyou, I hope I do this month, but it only took 3 months with my youngest, so hopefully it wont be too long.

Naimi x
I get the usual, egg white cm, slight cramping on one side of my stomache (my mum said thats the side i'm ovulating from, this is my 3rd child and I didn't know that till the other day .... how sad am I ! lol) and my boobs ache too. But wasn't sure whether that means I am about to ovulate, ovulating or finished ovulating ! lol. So many choices ! arggghhhh !

Naimi x
Egg white the most fertile CM :muaha:

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