Hi ladies!
I took 5mg of Femara cd3-7 this cycle, and was taking the pink clearblue digital ovulation test, as well as the purple advanced and two different brands of cheapies (I like to be sure! 😊
On Sunday night cd15 I got a solid smiley on the pink clearblue digital about 8/9:00pm. When I ejected the test stick the rest line wasn't very dark. I had strong ovulation pains throughout the night..the purple advanced one (still flashing), and cheapies weren't positive yet..extremely light actually! Next morning about 8:30am the purple advanced was solid smiley and test stick test line was super dark and both brands of cheapies were positive (as dark as the control line) later in the afternoon took more cheapies and the test line was much darker than the control line..ovulation cramping continued!
Just had my iui this morning cd17 at 9:40am, I've had more mild to strong ovulation cramping off and on today, more so strong now that it's later in the evening.
My question is, if I had ovulated overnight Sunday night cd15 would iui today still have caught it? Did my surge happen when the other 3 brands picked it up?
Also, I did take another pink digital test a few more times throughout the day yesterday cd16 and the test line was super dark..wondering if that version of the test picks up a tiny bit of lh elevation/change? Today's OPKs are as dark as control line, but have gotten lighter so def surged!
HELP!!!!! Stressing!
I took 5mg of Femara cd3-7 this cycle, and was taking the pink clearblue digital ovulation test, as well as the purple advanced and two different brands of cheapies (I like to be sure! 😊

Just had my iui this morning cd17 at 9:40am, I've had more mild to strong ovulation cramping off and on today, more so strong now that it's later in the evening.
My question is, if I had ovulated overnight Sunday night cd15 would iui today still have caught it? Did my surge happen when the other 3 brands picked it up?
Also, I did take another pink digital test a few more times throughout the day yesterday cd16 and the test line was super dark..wondering if that version of the test picks up a tiny bit of lh elevation/change? Today's OPKs are as dark as control line, but have gotten lighter so def surged!
HELP!!!!! Stressing!