Pass the Time: Water Breaking Stories


Mum & Expecting #2
Jan 7, 2013
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I know not everyone’s water broke naturally, but I’m curious to know when and where those ppl’s that did break. I figured this would be fun to hear about and to pass some time.

My water broke during a humid evening (storm evening within that same hour) after I left work. I just got to my parents’ house to visit like I always did after I got off work. I was there no more than 30 mins and I had to pee… I went to pee but heard a weird “pop” sound followed by a gush of water. I didn’t think anything of it because I believed it to just be me peeing more… I finished washing my hands and went out into the dining room and then I felt something really warm run done my leg. I honestly thought that I peed myself even though I JUST WENT.

My mom started laughing and said “oh sweetie… I think you’re water just broke” My respond was “so that’s what that popping sound was in the bathroom. My dad freaked out and was ready to take me to the hospital right then but I told him not to worry and that I needed to go home and clean up and pack my bag and call my husband.

So that was my water breaking story…

Both times mine have broken really late into established labour. The first time, I had an epidural after three days of labour, I think I was at about 7cm when my waters broke. I can't even remember how I knew since I couldn't feel anything! The second time I was in the birthing pool so must have been about six or seven cms, and I just felt this warm gush, and that was it.
I got a slow leak 35 hours before ds was born on the way to collect a curry at nearly 42 weeks :haha: then I had a huge pop and gush in my bathroom at home 20 odd hours into contractions a couple of hours before ds was born.
My water broke as my husband pulled into the hospital parking lot . . . . all over the seat of the car. I was probably 9 cm dilated at the time, and then had to walk all the way across the parking lot up to the hospital entrance because all of the 'emergent labor parking' stalls were taken.
It’s so funny how different everyone’s stories are… I wonder what will happen this time around… or if it will even break.
Mine broke in labor at the hospital. Doctor broke it. So mine not amusing. My mom's though...

When she was pregnant with me her water just went suddenly in the hallway at night so she was in her night gown. Water EVERYWHERE! She wanted to get that cleaned up first but wasn't able to. (It took 30 minutes for her parents to come over to watch my brother) and in that time frame she was having fast strong contractions. It took another 30 minutes to get to the hospital, 30 minutes to check in, and then bam I was born within 90 minutes of being in the hospital. Fairly quick XD

Then my aunt she went to the bathroom thought it was just pee. Went back to sleeping on the couch and finally after awhile labor started and realized that was her water that had gone. She ended up having a C-section baby got stuck.
According to my due date, I was 39 weeks. I got up in the middle of the night (11 PM) to go to the bathroom. I peed. And then after I had peed. This big gush of liquid went into the toilet. I knew it wasn't pee because I had just peed. So, I told my husband and my in-laws (who were with us at the time) that I thought my water had broken.
I really didn't have much doubt because of that big gush. But I wanted to be 100% sure it was my water. So, I looked up ways to tell if you water broke and read a tip about lying down getting back up and lying down again because often the baby's head acts like a cork and the change in position can cause more water to gush out when you lie down. So, I laid on on the couch and water came out all over my pants.
I called L&D, went in, and it was definitely my water.
One surprising thing, though, was that even after all of that water came out (and it was a lot), I still had some left! And a midwife had to move the bag of leftover water out of the way because it was slowing down my labor.
Your midwife was wise Rebecca, mine was not and got a gush in the face as I pushed :haha:

After an epic biblical flood in my bathroom there was STILL more waters to come out. Crazy.

My waters broke whilst mopping the kitchen floor on a Sunday morning hubby walked in and asked if I'd wet my self lol the told me to stand outside whilst he took the mop off me and cleaned
it up ! Then made me strip my bottom half off behind a yowl he held in the garden and proceeded to throw my shoes and cloths out lmao bless knew my little girl born early hours of tues morn ! Didn't have any contractions until they broke my hind waters and when they did that went from one centimetre to baby in arms in 69 mins epic win . Xxx
Oh that sounds like a mess! She wasn't even my midwife; she was sent in by my doctor at the time to check on me because my doctor was busy with other patients and nobody else had been able to figure out why my labor wasn't progressing.
I'd already had pitocin augmenting my labor, and nothing was changing. But that midwife helping me caused me to choose a hospital midwife this time instead of an OB. The doctor I had at the time is no longer here or I'd have her again.
Mine are boring stories, lol. I was induced with Pitocin with #1 and even after all the contactions and dilating the doctor still had to come in and break my water. With #2 I had already been in hard labor for a few hours in the hospital and my water broke during a contraction.
With my first I woke up early in the morning about 6am and there was this ray of light shining straight on my face through a gap in the curtain. No matter how much I turned my head it seemed to keep falling on my face so in frustration I got up and closed the curtain. Climbed back in ned but by then I was wide awake. So laying on my side I began to play on my phone, after about 30mins I felt what could be described as a rip, I felt something at the very top of my bump and at the very base of my bump at the exact same time. I genuinely think looking back that my bag of waters broke and split from top to bottom. Anyway, so here I was lying in bed wondering what the fuck just happened, my whole body was completely stationary before and after the event, the only thing moving was my thumbs on my phone, I kept thinking it couldn't be my waters because I wasn't walking or standing or rolling over or moving in anyway whatsoever, I was completely still the whole time. So I thought I'd test the theory and maybe flex my pelvic floor muscles see what happened. So I counted to 3 squeezed and felt a giant squirt of water come out onto the bed. Lol. So I yelled for my husband to grab a towel that I then sat on as water kept gushing out of me :) baby born 18.5hrs later

My second my waters broke while I was pushing. It was to blame for why I was so convinced I wasn't in labour until the doctor said "you're 9cm" because I kept thinking I can't be in labour my waters haven't even gone. Not thinking that at 33 weeks they probably wouldn't break as easily as they did with my full termer. Baby born maybe 30sec later
I have two fairly good stories! One mine, one my mum's.
First, my story. I was ten days overdue and had gone to bed the night before with contractions becoming regular but still quite far apart. When I woke up, nothing! DH suggested we go for a wander around the shops, have some lunch, take our minds off it. So we drove to town, parked up in Marks and Spencer, and I got out the car, took two steps, and...! Whoosh! I had the big, television gush when my waters broke. Oh, and that urban legend about getting free stuff if your waters break in a shop? Lies! We didn't even get our parking paid for!

My mum's story is fun. She was in labour with me. Second baby, and she knew she was close to the end. She'd left it pretty late to go to hospital, because she had my sister to sort out first. She got to the hospital, and the midwife immediately said she needed pain relief because she obviously had a long way to go yet. Mum demanded to be examined first. Turns out she was fully dilated with a crowning baby! And bossy midwife got a face-full of amniotic fluid!
With Dd my water broke at 10cm!

My water broke with ds on 38+6, an hour after being discharged from triage at 1 cm 0%, we had decided to treat our selves to an Italian restaurant and my water broke in the parking lot!!! I never got my food :( I delivered naturally another 1.5 hrs after that. (Luckily I had a towel in the car "just in case") :haha:
It was 5am and we were just about to go to the hospital when my waters broke on the wooden dining room floor. My husband said to just leave it there as we needed to get to the hospital as I was in pain. As we left the house we noticed the dog licking them up!! :shock: :dohh:
I woke up at 3.30am and was trying to get back to sleep when I heard and felt a pop. I thought it was funny and started laughing which woke up OH then I had a gush and went straight into intense contractions. DS was born at 11.49
I hope I have a boring water breaking story. It's one of my fears to have them break at work or shopping!
I hope I have a boring water breaking story. It's one of my fears to have them break at work or shopping!

Ahaha, i am crossing my fingers that mine pops when i AM out and about or shopping! Mine were artificially broken at the hospital last time, so this time i want to feel a big gush and parade around like 'hell yeah my water's have gone!' :haha:
With my daughter... I wake up at 1130 am in a puddle of water all over my bed!!!! She was born 2.5 hrs later!
With my son, the midwife hadn't broken them as I was positive for group b strep... Well, because she was so unprepared for him to come so quickly (1hr10min into induction), she popped them as he was crowning and both her and my husband got soaked!!!! It was so funny!
Mine started as a slow leak at 6am and leaked all day. Contractions started about 7pm that night but very very mildly! I had her 2 days, yes, 2 DAYS later by EMCS!

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