Well I'll give you a picture of our circumstances but pretty sure now we are going to pay off debt first and save for emergency at same time.
We have $25,000 in student debt now that we are out of school. It doesn't accumulate interest while you are in school only once you are finished it starts. These are two loans one of which is 5.5% and the other 3%. We were saving a down payment through school to buy a house, and we have $12,000 saved. We could pay all of the 5.5% loan off right now. We just really want a house
and sad that we are so close. Our rent is very decent and we love the location we are in. We really only want to move because we don't like sharing walls with our neighbours. You hear everything and they hear everything lol. We live in a townhouse.
We realized that with our TTC plans and house buying plans we might be over our head with all of it at once. A monthly mortgage payment will be a lot more than our monthly rent now and if you put me on mat leave and a loan to pay off we could be very stressed....So we have budgeted that if we focus on the debt first we will be debt free in 8 months. Then we can start the house savings again and would have enough to buy a house in the summer of 2015.
The house we live in now is 3 bedroom, so we have room for a nursery, but then there is the sound problem..I know our neighbours will be woken up same as us when baby cries lol. But it will only be there for a little while if baby is born in Feb, if we conceive first month, which I doubt. So we could then be in a new house by the time baby comes...we review the budget ever so often so we could afford to buy sooner once debt is paid. Right now this is a tentative plan.