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PCO... PETITE... Ovulating... AnyOne Else In Near Or Same Boat As Me!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
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Im Jessie, 22 Year's Old, I Not Long Been Diagnosed With PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome) & Was Told Im Not Ovulating, Although My OPK's Are Positive Every Month & I Get Unbearable OVuation Pain (Well What I Thought Was Ovulation Pain), Im Petite & Have Pretty Regular Period's. Me & My Fiance Already Have A Little Girl Together, We Had No Problem's Conceiveing Her, & Since Have Been LTTTC (Long Term Trying To Conceive) Our Second Child, It's Been 3 Year's Since Last Month That We Started Trying, This Is Know Ruffly My 37th Month TTC. Im Due To Go & See Gynecologist Mid This Month & Aint Got A Clue What's Gonna Happen From There.

After Year's Of Telling My Doctor The Problem Lied Within Me, Iv Finally Found Out The Truth, Which I New From Start.

So Far That's My Story & Would Love To Hear Your's (AnyOne In Near Or Same Boat As Me).

Please Feel Free To Join Me & Leave Advice, Tip's, Storie's Of Your PCOS.

Although I Would'nt Wish This Apon My Worst Enemy, It Would Be Lovely To Have Some Support From Other Ladie's Going Though This. x X x

x X x Update x X x

Was Later Told At Gyn App I Was Wrongly Diagnosed And That I Don't Have PCOS I Just Have PCO. Polycystic Ovaries. x X x

Also Confirmed... I'm Ovulating. x X x
Sorry i dont have PCOS but have been LTTC number 2! Good luck x
Thanks Hun, How Long Have You Been TTC For? Not To Long I Hope. It's Hard But Well Make It, FX'd Sooner Rather Then Later. x X x
18 months hun. We're just going through all the tests now. Bloods we're fine, SA was fine. Awaiting results of HSG but think i saw one blocked tube on my xray :) xx
Glad To Hear your Having Test's Done, Fx'd All Will Be Well & You'll get Your BFP Soon, But Like I Always Say, If There Is Somethink Wrong Then At Least You Know Whats Going On With Your Body & It Can Be Treated In Most Case's, It's Sad That Younge Mother's Like Me And You, Im 22, Have Trouble Conceiveing. x X x
I know its hard but i'm glad that if there is anything wrong i found out early on in life and not later on. At least now i still have about 20 child bearing years left :) xx
Totally Agree, Iv Always Wanted To Get My Children In Early Rather Then Later When The Chance's Are Alot Lower, And Atleast You Can Be Treated Or Get Help Before It Could end Up To Late. Good Luck x X x
Gynaecologist Outcome & Treatment...

So Gynaecolygist Went Really Well... Apart from Having To Wait Another Cycle Before Using My Treatment As She Want's To Do Another Progesterone Blood Test On Me On CD21 Next Cycle To See If I Ovulate That Month Without Help, She Also Want's Another Sperm Analysis From My Fiance Which We Will Do Over The Next Couple Of Day's As Im Due On AF Today Anyway & Have To Wait 48 Hour's (2 Day's) No Love Making (Or In Other Word's Ejactulating), Before I Defenitily Start Treatment. But She Did Give Me My Prescription So When Im Ready I Can Collect My Treatment. x X x

I Was Given Clomiphene For 2 Cycle's, Starting From Next Month Sometime After Or Around The 14th Of March, Iv Got To Take 1 50g Tablet Everyday Starting From CD2-6, Just Cant Wait To Start Them Now. x X x

P.s Also Got Wrongly Diagnosed, I Don't Have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, I Have Polycystic Ovaries, But Am On The Boarder Line As The Only Difference Is The Symptom's Like Really Bad Excessive Hair Growth With Do Not Have Really Bad & Because My Periods Are Regular, Although They Are Very Painful & Heavy, They Are Not All Over The Place Which Is A Bonus But Don't Mean That Cant Change. x X x
Glad to see you back hun xx sorry about your diagnosis x
Thanks Hun & Its Ok, How Are You, Hubby & Son, Any Good News Or New Plan Of Action??? x X x
Glad To Hear Your All Ok, Sorry To Hear No Plan. Are You Trying Anythink ATM Or Just Kinda NTNP? x X x
Got a cbfm..used it twice but on a break now until August xx
gonna do ivf next July if nothing by then
Awww Hun FX'd You'll Get Your BFP Before Then, & Don't Blame Ya, A Break Can Be Really Nice Sometimes. Been Up To Anythink Nice While It's Been Warm??? x X x
So I came across this forum and thought I might jump in... I just got diagnosed with PCOS this week after 3 months of no period. So I have am normal weight with a BMI of 21... My doctor said that shes going to put me on progesterone but I don't go back until the 8th to go over everything with her. I am guessing she is going to put me on clomid because i do not ovulate on my own? I don't know this whole thing is very frustrating you try for 6 months then get told basically ive been wasting my time because i need help to get pregnant. and on top of it like everyone i know around me is getting pregnant and they only tried for one cycle and it worked. lol sorry to vent but just had a lot going through my mind
Hey, we'll I'm not slim but I'm 27 and have pcos. I came off the pill and no period for 4 months, was given clomid and fell pregnant first round. My son is now 15 weeks and still once again no period or ovulation!!
It's so frustrating because u can't even "try" there's no point!!
It is nice to hear that clomid worked right away for you i am keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks
Hello FireWife25, That's ok, Dont Be sorry Thats What these Forums Are For, Venting & Support. Sorry To Hear Of Your Diagnosis, Im Gonna Take It Your Trying For Your First, I totally Understand Why You Feel Like You Have Alot Going On In Your Life Right Now, It's Hard To Cope With Pretty Much Being told You've Wasted Your Time Trying. To Start With Im Not 100& Sure Your Doctor Can Prescribe You Anything, I Got Refered To A Gyneacolygist Which Did Not Take Long At All, I Got A Close Appointment. Then They Talk About Whats Next For You, If Your Doctor Said Progesterone, Then Maybe You Wont Need Clomid, Im Not 100% Sure There Either, I Only Got Prescribed Clomiphene (Clomid) Because On My Bloods It Showed I Didn't Ovulate That One Month. Even IF You Do Get Prescribed Clomid Just Think Of It As A Step Closer To Your Wished For BFP. Although For Some It Dont Work, You Just Have To Stay Positive. Also You Will Be Monitor Regulary What Ever You Get Put On As They Will Want To See If It's Working For Your Body, As If It Dont They Will Prescribe Higher Doses Or Other Medititon's With Or Without The Clomid. Most Try Not To Put You On Clomid For To Long As Many Failed Cycle's Make's Your % Of Conceiveing On That Meditication Decrease. So If For Example Like Me You Get Prescribed 2 Month's Worth, Which Is Really Only 5 Day's Each Month For 2 Cycle's, Then It's Not To Long Away, Well For Me It Isnt As Iv Been Waiting To Long For Help, With Many Failed & Wasted Cycle's. Although Yes I Have A Daughter It Dont Mean I Dont Feel The Same Way As You Or Any Other Women TTC. The Jealously Of Other Being PRegnant OR Having New Born's Wear's Off, I Know How Hard It Is To Look And Think Only If I Could Have A Bump Like That Or Be Pushing A Buggy With My New Born In. But Then You Become To Realise, It's Not There Fault & Now Im Happy For All Women Pregnant Or With A New Born As It's Only Natural & A Beautiful Experience. A Few Month's Back I Met A Lovely Girl, In The Same Boat As Me, But She Didnt Have PCOS, Just Hadnt And Couldnt conceive For 3 Year's Then Bam, One Day She Got Her BFP, Im Happy For Her & Realise Now That If That Was Me I Would Hope That Everyone Would Be Happy For Me. If You Understand What I Mean. Hun, You Got A Week & Couple Of Day's, Just Try To Stay Busy & Best Tip/Advice I Can Give You Is Do Not Sit On The Laptop/Computer All Day Searching Everythink On TTC. It Can Cause More Stress Although You May Not Feel It Your Body Does And It Can Cause A Decrease In Your Chances Of Concieveing, The More You Relax & Get Your Body Back On Track The More Chance Of Conceveing Naturally. No Periods For Month's & Even Year's Can Be Caused By Going On The Pill Or Even Coming Of The Pill, Alot Of People Say The Pill Causes PCOS Although Alot Of Medic's & Scientist's Denie It. I Believe Thats True as My Little Sister Has PCO & Has A Normal Weight & BMI, & Had Normal Regular Periods When On The Pill For Around 5 Year's, But When She Stopped Taking The Pill She Didnt Have A Period For Several Month's & Then Got Told She Had PCO. Just Remember If You Still Havent Got A Period By The Time You Got A See Doctor Then, Tell Your Doctor You Want A HPT & Pregnancy Blood Works Done & If Both Are Negative, Then You Want The Pill (That Make's Your Womb Lining Break Down, to Cause A Period) To Bring On Your Period. (Not Sure What Its Called But They Will No & So You Know Its A One Off Pill). Because Having No Period For Month's Or Year's Can Attually Cause A Bigger Increase In Infertility & Less Chance Of Conceiveing. Im Hear To Support You & Answer Any Question's You Have so Dont Be Shy, Even If You Need To Rant. Good Luck With Your App & Fx'd You'll Have Your BFP Soon. x X x

Hello HopeFulFor1st (Or Maybe I Should Say 2nd) Sorry To Hear Of Your Diagnosis. Great News About Jace Being Conceived On First Round Of Clomid. His A Cutie. Your Best Bet If To Go Back To Your GP & See If They Will Refer You To A Gyneacolygist To Try And Get Help Again. Althoguh They May Make you Wait A Few More Month's. Also Try A Lose What Ever Weight You Can Hun, TBH I Dont Know Where A BMI of 33.3 Put's You In The TTC Path To Conception, But You Can Only Try Your Best Right, I Have Faith In You & Am Sure You Can Do It. I Know It's Alot easier Said then Done But Try And Relax, Stay Positive & Think Positive. Let Me Know How you Get On If you Do Go Doctor's & Let ME Know How You Get On With The Weight Losing. I'll Be Hear to Cheer You On. :) Good Luck & Fx'd You'll Have Your BFP Before You Know It. x X x

Thanks For Joining Me. x X x

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