PCOS and fertility treatment?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2008
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Hi girls been a long time since I've been hear. Basically been TTC baby #2 for over 18months.
After over a year we decided to consult with our doctors.
Thankfully OH is perfect. Turns out I have PCOS.
I'm 5ft and weigh 12.5 stone.
I have been having long cycles and currently on my longest yet at 99 days.
The have said they won't do anything until I lose weight.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I'm so disheartened.
Hi girls been a long time since I've been hear. Basically been TTC baby #2 for over 18months.
After over a year we decided to consult with our doctors.
Thankfully OH is perfect. Turns out I have PCOS.
I'm 5ft and weigh 12.5 stone.
I have been having long cycles and currently on my longest yet at 99 days.
The have said they won't do anything until I lose weight.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I'm so disheartened.
I will say try your best to loose but also consult another Dr because my weight is normal they said I should eat healthy and exercise which I do but my period hasn't regulate I got my period after 45 days so it can be frustrating the whole thing. I feel your pain this journey can be really hard. We just need to be positive do the best we can and keep pushing. Wish you luck!!
When I was trying for my 1st ( 6yrs of infertility d/t pcos) my doctor told me I would have to lose weight. She told me to focus on losing 10% of my body weight first. I lost 30 lbs and she started doing clomid with me and gave me 8 months to try. In the end clomid didnt help me get pregnant. I was much bigger than you are at the time I started clomid I weighed 285 (5ft6in tall) she did check all my labs (cholesterol, A1c etc) and they were all normal. She wanted to make sure I was healthy other than weight before she would move forward. A friend of mine is 5ft5in and weighed around 175 and she was told to try and lose 10% of her body weight before they would help her too. I think it's because just losing that small amount of weight can help normalize your hormones and can even jump start your cycles. I have another friend who was diagnosed with pcos at 13 and she always had to take birth control to have a cycle. She started the kept diet this past November and has lost 30lbs and has had her 1st 2 cycles on her own without Medicine.

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