Today is CD 50 and no AF still. Can't wait for my Vitex to come tomorrow! Should I start taking it even though AF should arrive any time now? I keep having some AF symptoms so I would expect it soon, but every day I wake up and it's still not here. Last cycle was 46 days. I will take a pregnancy test tomorrow morning just to triple check though.
Thanks, Laura for the advice on Clomid and congrats on your pregnancy! If Vitex doesn't work for me in a few cycles, then I will go to my doctor and get a second opinion about whether I'm ovulating on my own or not. I want to give the natural remedy a solid try before going on Clomid. Before the BCP, I didn't have trouble like this so I think I can kick it back into gear with Vitex. I am very glad it worked for you and gives me hope because I have that option
