Sorry to hear about your first husband I ride motorbikes to (when not pregnant) .
You mum does sound a bit like mine, she is rather unreasonable and comes out with things poeple would think of, Very negative woman. Complains about everything, from where her spuds are on the plate to ripping my dad to pieces about the nice dinner he has prepared her because she dosnt lift a finger in the house. Says nasty things to me, i will not have her talk to me at all nothing good ever comes of it. Only so much being called stupid and huffed at I can take. Nothing pleases her,. she woudlnt ever admit she has a problem because she thinks she is perfect and we are all mad. She would make up stuff to my dad,m text me off his phone being nasty, spread rumours about me out of jealously pick on everything from appearance to what way I would be eating. You just cant be around the woman for a second! I get snapped at soon as I call my dad she takes the liberty of answering the phone just to snap of hiss at me. I stopped calling them then they stop visiting and blame me on it.

Everyone has heard how she speaks to me and some have asked what her problem is as she is nice to everyone else just never me. She just sits there with a bitter twisted face on her.

I have stopped going anywhere where she is like family things, she never tells me about them as she dosnt want me to go instead bitches about me at them, then when i hear poeple asking why I am not there days later they all find out it was her doing again. So i get called directly now but cant do, woudlnt be fair her throwing nasty remarks at me and me rowing on my granddad. she has me painted in a bad light even now due to my parenting.
gwizz i dont know my great grandmothers name on my dads side they where all Russian. And my grans name here was Anne which is like my name and a bit boring.
I liked Gabriella but i don't thinks my other half does.