its been 9 days since my section, i had an emcs with DD and had Elective with DS and i have to say that i am feeling good, its hard at times but DD is only 20mths old and doesnt understand that i cant do some of the things she wants at the mo, but we are managing!
i hels DS in recovery and was sitting up when back in the ward, i was up, out of bed and showered after 12hrs and was home after 2 days as was missing DD and when she came to visit it broke her heart when she had to leave me so came home!! been out the house most days, taking it easy and still taking pain relief but would go mental cooped up inside all day!! the only draw back i have at the mo is that im still under midwife care as my scar has been a bit weepy in one little spot but she has told me to carry on as i am as im not overdoing it as not im much pain but just no lifting etc!! xx