Hi there,
Just saw a pinkish tinged cottage cheese discharge come out of me when I last went to the toilet and wiped. There was quite a bit of the cottage cheese up there, most of it white but some of it pinkish. I'm freaking out here, just had two back to back miscarriages, am 5 weeks into the next pregnancy. Is this normal spotting, or does Crinone cause this? I'm not sure I can talk to anyone today as it's Sunday...
Just saw a pinkish tinged cottage cheese discharge come out of me when I last went to the toilet and wiped. There was quite a bit of the cottage cheese up there, most of it white but some of it pinkish. I'm freaking out here, just had two back to back miscarriages, am 5 weeks into the next pregnancy. Is this normal spotting, or does Crinone cause this? I'm not sure I can talk to anyone today as it's Sunday...