Playtime / bedtime advise


Mummy to Alfie
Jul 9, 2009
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LO was born 4wks early and the MW told us to not pick him up too often when we have visitors as it will use too much of his energy. When should we start playing and interacting with him more? Don't want to do too much and tire him out.

Also, he seems to wake for his 5am feed and then not settle very well. He will fall asleep on me but as soon as I put him back in his moses basket he will be wide awake. Doesn't happen with any of his daytime feeds though.
Im sorry to have to break it to you but my little devil does that at the 5am feed too! :dohh: except she is now 9 months old-DOH! Its just a phase unfortunatly, something that most babies will go through at some point. Im just trying to ride out the storm too.

As for the not picking up thing, tbh YES it will tire them out if you're passing them around-BUT on the flip side of the coin, you're his mummy and if you want to hold him, then bloody well hold him :flower:

Bear in mind that I bought my little girl home from scbu weighing only 3lb 7oz and that was 3 weeks before her due date (as she was born at 32 weeks). From the moment she came home, yes I left her alone to sleep and build up her reserves, but if I wanted to hold her, then Id hold her.

Try not to worry too much-if you see he is getting edgy and restless, put him down to rest but otherwise, do what you think is best. Its the best way to learn!

Congratulations on your new baby :cloud9:
congrats on your baby - piccies please :D

I agree with Donna, yes its tiring for him but think how much you'll bond let your lo sleep on your chest on your bare skin it will work wonders, im sure family etc will understand that your lo is still a bit fragile and will respect that he cant be handled as well just now but it wont be long, enjoy those special cuddles Matthew fitted perfectly on my chest like he was moulded to fit! now im lucky if the wee bugger will sit on my knee for 30 seconds without trying to either bite me or throw himself on the floor to play :dohh: those first few weeks at home as so special enjoy, enjoy, enjoy xx
I also agree! I held Molly almost constantly when she came out of hospital. I feel it really helped us to bond. Enjoy him and follow his lead!
Cuddle Him as much as you want huni he is your baby! I understand what they say about letting them rest as its good for them and sleeping helps them grow but they also need the bond with there mummy. I try and do Kangeroo care everyday with my ds so we get that closeness. x
I was told the same whilst Poppy was in SCBU. Not nice to hear really :( But I totally agree with the other girls on here. Let him sleep when he needs it but he will love your cuddles and thrive off them I'm sure xx
One of the nurses at our unit gave me the best advice ever. Up, fed, back down in 30-45 minutes tops. After this they will burn more calories than they have taken.

Of course it depends on how long it takes to feed them but I found I would get about 10-15 minutes of "playtime" after a feed and change. Then she would sleep for 2-3 hours. It was frustrating as I always just wanted to get her up for a cuddle. Of course, as time went on, I began to quite like the fact I had 2 or 3 straight hours where I could get on with things that needed doing or catch up on my sleep. Now she's up for longer and down for less, there aren't enough hours in the day!

Abby was kind of the same with her last "night" feed and it was the one I was most tired at. If you are breastfeeding, try taking him into bed and feeding him lying down. Occasionally we would both end up falling asleep, but I always made sure everything was arranged so she was safe. But most of the time I could pop her back in her basket with the minimum of movement and she generally stayed asleep. The main problem came when it was quite chilly, putting her into a cold basket would wake her up so we would either pop a hot water bottle in there to keep it cosy whilst she was feeding, or feed her wrapped in a blanket which she would then be laying down on.

I also would feed her lying on the sofa occasionally during the day, that way I'd get a nice long cuddle while she slept! (Our sofa is extra wide so we both had plenty room):thumbup:

If it's any consolation, she eventually moved her 5am to a 7am and it was much easier to deal with!

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