please advise...

Mummy to HP

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2013
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I could do with help on how to get my daughter to latch better as at the minute she is not latching deep enough and I am left with strips across my nipple which are blisters they hurt so much and I have only been at it for two days :cry:.

I am currently trying the hold across the body its the only hold which I don't feel like I may drop her. I really want to bf but dont think I can cope with this soreness, to top it off my milk came in thoday so I am sore from having massive boobs to :-(

Any ideas?
do you use a feeding pillow, they can help to get baby and you comfortable, or just a pillow or normal cushions can help.
If lo isn't taking the nipple into her mouth deep enough it could be she's not opening her mouth wide enough, brush her lip with your nipple and bring her to the breast when her mouth is most can take some practice.
If you have large breasts or find that the whole breast covers her face - hold baby with one hand/arm and hold your breast with the other, hold breast low down near the nipple but not on it and hold the breast between thumb and forefinger making it flatter, it also makes the nipple stick out more but be sure not to hold the areola as baby needs to get that in her mouth.
If you think baby may have any medical concerns like tongue tie or lip tie please see dr.
BF is learnt by you and baby so please keep trying and it'll get easier with time, we promise!!
do you use a feeding pillow, they can help to get baby and you comfortable, or just a pillow or normal cushions can help.
If lo isn't taking the nipple into her mouth deep enough it could be she's not opening her mouth wide enough, brush her lip with your nipple and bring her to the breast when her mouth is most can take some practice.
If you have large breasts or find that the whole breast covers her face - hold baby with one hand/arm and hold your breast with the other, hold breast low down near the nipple but not on it and hold the breast between thumb and forefinger making it flatter, it also makes the nipple stick out more but be sure not to hold the areola as baby needs to get that in her mouth.
If you think baby may have any medical concerns like tongue tie or lip tie please see dr.
BF is learnt by you and baby so please keep trying and it'll get easier with time, we promise!!

Thanks for your reply, after some sleep and I fairly successful night of feeds I feel more positive this morning (not sure if I will by the end of the day mind). Last night I fed laying on my side in bed which although not ideal I know seemed to help. It still hurt but that's because I am already sore I think. She deffo isnt opening her mouth wide enough and I get i such a panic if I dont get her latched quickly which is silly I know. My boobs are ridiculously massive now as well which is making it more awkward. This morning after the next feed I was thinking of expressing a little off just to try and relieve the pressure. Is that a bad idea?

Thanks again
Expressing for abour 3-4 mins before a feed def helped me when I was really engorged. I also got really sore in the beginning and used a nipple sheild only for a day just to let the nipple heal a bit. My midwife told me to put warm flannels or a gentle heat pacm on the breast before and during feeding and then to use cool pack on it after to make you feel more comfortable. Good luck it does get better!! Xx
There's nothing wrong with feeding LO lying down in bed, just make sure you follow safe co-sleeping guidelines even if you're not planning to fall asleep. IMO, anything that helps you feed LO while also getting a rest is a winner! My midwife actually showed me how to feed LO lying down so it's not a huge no-no as long as you're sensible :)

Do you have a good nipple cream? If not, get some asap and apply it religiously, every time you've fed LO and any time in between when you're feeling uncomfortable. Try and let your nipples air dry too. It might help LO latch better if you express a little milk just before you feed her as your boobs won't be so big for her to get her mouth around! Try and keep it to a minimum, just a little so you're not too sore, but don't worry too much about it.
Expressing for abour 3-4 mins before a feed def helped me when I was really engorged. I also got really sore in the beginning and used a nipple sheild only for a day just to let the nipple heal a bit. My midwife told me to put warm flannels or a gentle heat pacm on the breast before and during feeding and then to use cool pack on it after to make you feel more comfortable. Good luck it does get better!! Xx

There's nothing wrong with feeding LO lying down in bed, just make sure you follow safe co-sleeping guidelines even if you're not planning to fall asleep. IMO, anything that helps you feed LO while also getting a rest is a winner! My midwife actually showed me how to feed LO lying down so it's not a huge no-no as long as you're sensible :)

Do you have a good nipple cream? If not, get some asap and apply it religiously, every time you've fed LO and any time in between when you're feeling uncomfortable. Try and let your nipples air dry too. It might help LO latch better if you express a little milk just before you feed her as your boobs won't be so big for her to get her mouth around! Try and keep it to a minimum, just a little so you're not too sore, but don't worry too much about it.

Thanks for your replies :thumbup:, I have literally just sent hubby out to get a decent nipple cream I had the standard boots one and its ok but the midwife suggested another one. On the plus side midwife said her latch looks ok today and hopefully its just a case of getting use to it and as you said expressing some off before attaching her if I am to engorged etc. After being weighed baby only lost 4% of her initial weight as well so we cant complain :happydance:.
Do you have a breastfeeding support midwife in your area? I had mine out on day 3 as my nipples were so sore I was ready for giving in already. She was literally here for 10 mins, showed me a slightly different way to latch her and its been a lot better since. It still hurt because they were allready sore but not half as bad. I also slather lansanoh (sp?) On all day every day, it really helps. Rubbing breastmilk into my nipples helped them heal quicker as well.

My nipples still feel tender but thats just from how much she's feeding rather than them actually been sore. Hope you feel less sore soon.
my nipple soreness went away in about a week. they get used to the stretching and tugging pretty quickly. haha. I saw a consultant a couple weeks after he was born and she suggested the "football" hold, and that worked wonders for us especially when he was very small. It's difficult for me to describe, maybe search for a photo. definitely use pillows to get you both comfortable.

also, nursing while lying down is perfectly safe. do it as long as it works for you. i am actually quite jealous. sometimes i am so tired and my son nurses for a long time in the evenings, and i want to just lie down. but it's just usually not comfortable for us.
It´s recommended to rub some of your breastmilk on the nipple - it seems that's the best solution to help ease soreness and damage. I also used cream. If in doubt make sure you get mw support, it's very important to have this support to get you through the first few weeks of bf'ing. I had a lot of pain for 4 weeks because the latch wasn't right but I'm 5 months in now and happy I managed to stick at it. Well done mama xx
I nursed my wee one lying down to get his latch sorted as I didn't know how to hold him properly. Once he was more 'attached' I tried the rugby ball hold (football hold) then progressed on with other holds as we both got more confident.

Now - he's just over 6 months and I find it's easier to nurse lying down as he wriggles too much due to being distracted.

It doesn't matter how you do it - just as long as you both are comfortable.

Good luck!

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