anybody else?
I'd say

BUT not 100%, I've read tons and tons of sonogram info and pics, and they aren't supposed to guess girl just due to "lack of noticeable boy bits"
However I would say that at that gestation, the penis should be easily seen, but some babies just aren't in a good position. Do you have a profile or a shot from the front?
More than likely girl, I just wouldn't buy pink just yet cuz I also don't see the "hamburger" 3 you get to have a re scan? I found out boy at 15 +2, but it was a VERY clear profile, and the cord was nowhere near the legs...
Not trying to bring you down, I do think girl, I'd just be careful in case
The boy bits just happened to be floating more upward, lol...
But still, 95% girl...some techs will say they aren't totally positive even when they really are, due to legal issues...
Congrats! Enjoy your (most likely) baby girl!