please give me hope and advice>>>


Mother of 2 boy/girl
Feb 12, 2010
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Hi there sorry new to this thread unfortunatly..
ive been going for grwoth scans every 2 weeks due to baby being small..however i went there yesterday alone as i thought it was jsut another scan only to be told baby is very small im 25 weeks and few they wanting to take baby out as they say its gona have beta chance outside of me than in as the placenta isnt working properly and the blood flow from umbilical cord isnt doing its job properly...
How can they do this surely my baby needs to be inside,,
i have to go back next tuesday for another scan to check blood flow then they will discuss the timing of taking steriods but they said delivery will be more than likely before im 29 soo upset and cant help but think my baby is going to die,,
the consultant said please be aware that this baby may not survive but we will do out best so dont wurry...i mean how can i not wurry i hope somone else is going through the same thing or has been through it so that i can have some advice i have 2 other healthy happy 37 weeks carried children who were quite small but otherwise healthy :((
also it weighs 467 kg and they are working towards getting baby upto 500 before they deliver which i think is about 1lb1 oz?
Hi kayshablake.

I'm sorry you are going through this. There are actually loads of us in this section now - so you aren't alone!

Sometimes it really can be 'best' to get the baby out before term. The docs will be able to do more than the placenta.

I was born at 29 weeks. And I had my baby this time last year, and she was 27 weeks and 4 days gestation. We just celebrated her first birthday.

The odds these days are higher, so please, dont panic just yet. And you have the chance of a full dose of steroids, which works in your favour too - i only managed 1. There are mums of 24 and 25 weekers on this section too, and im sure they will drop by later to give you some advice.
Thanks very much for replying i just dont know what to do at the moment and i carnt belive i have to wait until next tuesday to see if my baby is still alive..
i mean the heart etc was very strong and its a wriggler so i dont understtand how one day it could just die inside of me i cant settle until i feel a little movement..
Do u havea doppler hun, to put your mind at ease a wee bit?
no i dont have anything like that...ill try and get something sorted for over the weekend x
It might help you hun, and if you really feel theres an issue you can go seek help asap, you know what I mean? That's what I would do, I guess

Stick with us here hun, we're here every step of the way! :hugs:

I am sorry to hear you are going through this terrible time. I unfortunately know the feeling of being told your baby may not make it. At 21 weeks I was told I was dilated with membranes bulging and there was nothing they could do as I was going to go into labour. Feeling yourbaby kick wondering is it the last time is awful. Thankfully I didn't labour and after 5 days got an emergency stitch.

At 25+2 I got an infection and went into labour and was yet again told with the extreme prematurity and the infection there was a slim chance. Although my story isn't a complete happy ending as one of my little girls didn't survive however the other one is 6 months actual next week and 11 weeks corrected and she is doing really well. Still small at 8lb but putting steady weight on at her own wee pace. She weighed 659g when born but in Nicu there was another baby weighed 550g born at 26 weeks and she done brilliantly and was off oxygen weeks before my lo so size isn't everything.

Nicu is a rollercoaster journey but there are plenty people on here that can answer any questions.

Fingers crossed your little one keeps fighting in mummy's tummy


I'm so sorry to read about what you're going through, and I just wanted to let you know that I went through something really similar. At 25 weeks I was told that I'd be lucky to get to 30 weeks and at 26+4 I was told I would be lucky to make it another 10 days. In the end I made it only another 3 days but fortunately my story had a happy ending and Sophie is now home, nearly 16 weeks old with a corrected age of nearly 3 weeks, after spending 12 weeks in neonatal. She was 845g (1lb 13) when she was born.

I had to go through all the daily scans to check the blood flow and growth etc and I know how terrifying it is. I went through hell in the couple of weeks between finding out there was a problem and Sophie being born. But DH and I both think that those two weeks were much worse than the 12 weeks she was in neonatal. It was the worry of not knowing whether she would be born alive, how tiny she'd be and what problems she might have.

In some cases, the baby is better out than in, and there is really so much they can do for babies now. In the incubator they try to mimic the conditions of the womb as much as possible. With me, they monitored every day to find out the best possible moment to deliver before it became a danger either to me or to the baby. They did leave her in as long as they possibly could, and they kept telling me that every day makes a difference, and one doctor even said another half day inside makes a difference. If you are able to get the steroid injections they do really help.

I would agree with SB22 that a doppler is a good way to put your mind at rest. You can get them from amazon quite cheaply.

I really hope everything is ok, I'm here if you need to talk, having gone through this very recently myself. Just to reassure you, there was a 24 weeker in the neonatal unit at the same time as Sophie and she has now gone home, also if Divadexie sees this thread I'm sure she will reply as her little girl was only 1lb 3 and born I think just over 25 weeks but is doing really well.

I think there have also been a couple of 23 weekers in the unit we were in, who survived.

thanks so much for replying i appreciate the time youve taken immensly...
i dont know why theyre leaving me till tuesday why cant they check me out getn pains in my stomach but im not sure if thats because of all the stress..... they say my baby isnt measuring the right size some parts are a few weeks behind so wont that make it alot worse for when its born as its not actually how many weeks they think it is..urgh its all just so hard to understand and im sooo frustrated :(
I know how worried you are as I went through the same thing although I was a few weeks further on than you. I just wanted to say that my consultant said they take the absolute minimum risk when making decisions about our LO and if they say your lo is better out, then they do know what they are doing and at least you are being monitored.

I also wanted to say that if they are using ultrasound to estimate growth (don't know if there is another way) then that can be unreliable. My LO ended up being taken out by C section (yours will probably be too as it's less stressful for tinies) when they estimated his weight at 3lb something.

He was nearly a pound heavier than that and is now 18 months and perfectly healthy.

I remember sitting up the night before the section paranoid about kicks and feelingmore frightened than I have ever been, before or since. But things worked out OK.

You are in my thoughts.
thanks very much

these may seem like stupid ? but do i buy the baby some prem clothes for in hpital or does hpital use there own..also should i buy a breast pump to get me milk once baby has been delivered and then keep using pump and take milk back to hpital and what about nappies do i buy them or hpital uset hem,,,sorry i know so many ? but i have everything swimming around in my head at the moment and need to write it down to get it out xx
thanks very much

these may seem like stupid ? but do i buy the baby some prem clothes for in hpital or does hpital use there own..also should i buy a breast pump to get me milk once baby has been delivered and then keep using pump and take milk back to hpital and what about nappies do i buy them or hpital uset hem,,,sorry i know so many ? but i have everything swimming around in my head at the moment and need to write it down to get it out xx

I wouldn't buy clothes just yet as it will be a while before any clothes will be put on your lo. Once they decide to dress your lo then you can use the hospitals or buy your own and you will know what size to buy. You will need a pump to express when you are at home. You should also get parts to use the hospital grade pump when in the unit. The unit will have bottles and labels for any milk you express. The unit should also provide nappies.

If it is inevitable you are going to have a preemie then you can request to visit the unit beforehand to prepare you as they are very intense environments. If possible request to have a chat with a neonatal consultant and they can give you an idea of what to expect. I seen a neonatal consultant at 23, 24 & 25 weeks and I found it helpful.
thanks very much for that its helped me somewhat??
will i just ask all this when i go in on tuesday to see my consultant... i really dnt think am ready for this or strong enough for this i have a 7 yr old and 2 yr old its all going to be soo hard :(
Im very sorry to hear what you are going through...My little guy was born at 30 weeks ..(went into the hospital at 26 weeks with complete placenta previa and was put on strict bed rest until he was born) so i sorta understand what you are going through. My roommate in the hospital had her LO at 23 weeks though.. he was measuring pretty small AND she was also told that he would be better out than in, And he is doing just fine :) The best you can do for yourself and your LO is to stay positive..I know, sometimes that is easier said than done but I'VE realized that worrying doesn't make anything better. I wish you the best !
:hugs: This must be so difficult especially having 2 other children to look after.

Speak to the doctor who does your scan and he can get it arranged for someone in neonatal to speak to you and take you around the unit if you feel up to it.

Any questions everyone on here will try and answer them.

Take care xx
thanks everyone soo much ireally appreciate the time your taking out of your lives to reply to me and answer my ? i will just have to wait till tuesday for answers and ill update u all of course thanks so much xx
We had a tour round the neonatal unit when we knew Sophie was coming early and we spoke to a paediatric doctor who told us the kind of things we could perhaps expect during our time in neonatal.

Sophie was just wearing a nappy until she reached 4lb. She was in an incubator until then, and the nappy she had was so small the hospital told us they have to order those ones in from America. Once she went into a heated cot the hospital started dressing her in their tiny clothes, but we were also allowed to take our own clothes in. A few people had bought us tiny baby clothes for up to 5lb etc - but even if you do want to buy those I wouldn't buy too many, because Sophie was not in them too long. We mostly used the hospital ones and just had 3 or 4 of our own and she has already outgrown them and is almost into newborn stuff now.

The nappies were provided by the hospital the whole time till she came home.

It really helped us to talk to the paediatrician - the first hospital we were in, they wouldn't tell us anything because they didn't want to commit themselves to saying anything....but then when I was transferred to the bigger hospital, they were brilliant and told us the kind of things we might expect, in a very general way. We weren't wanting any specific info, just to find out what it might be like in neonatal, and that's exactly what they told us in that hospital but refused to tell us in the smaller one!

Oh and I meant to say, you are probably a lot stronger than you realise. When I was at the point you are at just now, I seriously thought I couldn't do it. I couldn't face the thought of everything we were going to have to go through, all those weeks stretching ahead in neonatal etc - but when it happens, you get an inner strength of some sort...something just kind of takes over and you do deal with it. You have lots of ups and downs and times when you feel like you are cracking up, but then you get strong again and you also feel that you have to be strong for your baby. Looking back now, I don't know how we did it, but we did and we have come out the other end. And you will too.

Hi there sorry new to this thread unfortunatly..
ive been going for grwoth scans every 2 weeks due to baby being small..however i went there yesterday alone as i thought it was jsut another scan only to be told baby is very small im 25 weeks and few they wanting to take baby out as they say its gona have beta chance outside of me than in as the placenta isnt working properly and the blood flow from umbilical cord isnt doing its job properly...
How can they do this surely my baby needs to be inside,,
i have to go back next tuesday for another scan to check blood flow then they will discuss the timing of taking steriods but they said delivery will be more than likely before im 29 soo upset and cant help but think my baby is going to die,,
the consultant said please be aware that this baby may not survive but we will do out best so dont wurry...i mean how can i not wurry i hope somone else is going through the same thing or has been through it so that i can have some advice i have 2 other healthy happy 37 weeks carried children who were quite small but otherwise healthy :((
try not to worry, my sister was born at 28 weeks and very tiny she was 2lb1 and she is coming up to her 12th birthday in sep, docs can work miricals these days, my thoughts ar with you, hope all gos well

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