Please help - Baby screaming in pain, doctor says its colic

Just a thought but has he had his urine checked for any sign of infection? Sounds very similar to what my little girl was like when she had a uti.
It does sound colicky/windy - my LO was bad enough but not this bad - but he used to push his bottle away and never drank the recommended amount and his weight fell to 9th centile and I was so worried.
Things that helped
1. The superman position/lion in a tree position. basically lie him on his front whilst carrying him, your hand presses on their tummy and I think the pressure helps.
2. White noise of any kind - hair dryer always helped for us
3. Warm bath with a warmer towel over his tummy - like a baby hot water bottle :)
4. We elevated his cot and pram at the head end as that was supposed to help.
5. Pushing him quite quickly in his pram helped too
6. Go for a walk

He;s now 6 1/2 mths his weight was back to 50th centile last time I weighed him and now I can't fill him - he;s on solids and he eats so much - so it does get better and I know you;re gonna hate this bit but it will disappear at 3 mths ish. Mine was 11 1/2 wks and it literally disappeared over night. I didn;t belive it when anybody told me as he was so bad but it did go. I know how soul destroying it can be to see your baby in pain and not be able to help and I was worried he;d hate me but he's such a happy little boy now.
This happened to me last night!!! For a whole hour he was screaming and farting, the scream was scary so I rang primary care and they just said give a teaspoon of orange juice but don't bother coming to see them cos they won't give him anything. He finally pooed this afternoon. I'm worried this is going to keep happening, I tried stopping the gaviscon but he ended up soaking wet from bringing back his feeds. I'm now wondering if the comfort milk is the real problem. I wish we could get free sample tins of milk cos I don't want to spend a fortune changing to something that doesn't help
My boy started screaming inconsolably, and obviously in a lot of pain, from 5 weeks old. He'd been so chilled out before that but he started screaming in pain for 13 hours every day. I took him to the doctors so many times and they said colic. At 4 months old and after literally 20 doctors visits and lots of talks with the HVs too he was diagnosed with silent reflux and prescribed gaviscon and then ranitidine. It worked in that the screaming was reduced to about 8 hours a day. He was also referred to a paedatrician but I had to really fight to get the referral. Luckily the HVs were very much on my side.

At 6 and a half months old it stopped as quickly as it started and he is now completely fine. The HV said it was probably a combination of being weaned and his tummy muscles getting stronger.

My advice is to keep on at your doctors and HV as my GP fobbed me off with colic for ages until I broke down in tears in her surgery after 4 months of appointments and getting nowhere and then she finally listened.
Hi, we're having this problem like so many others! My LO is on gaviscon, omeprazole and we've just recently switched his milk to lactose free (nutramigen) due to a suspected intolerance. My health visitor did advise me NOT to use gaviscon with any sort of comfort milk as gaviscon thickens the feed to help with reflux. I wonder if this may be contributing to your LO's pain? I also do a good stretching massage before every feed as that is when my boy seems to want to get rid of his wind! It relaxes him enough to poo during a feed and gets rid of any excess wind before his bottle. Hope things get better for you. X x (Also a little off topic, but if you are who I think you are... Hello! I'm Philips' sister!! )
Honestly, thankyou *all* so much for you replies. Although I wouldn't wish it on anyone, I'm so relieved to know I'm not the only one in this position. I'm a little tired at the moment to write a full response but Greg's shown an improvement today - only screamed briefly a few times this afternoon while he was farting but nothing as bad as over the weekend. At the time it felt like it would never end, and adding to that the fact up until a few weeks ago he was nearly constantly crying due to the reflux it just felt like my poor little boy was always in pain! :( Taking all your replies into consideration and will definitely act on some of them if he starts getting distressed again.


Zoe - Oh bugger you found me :haha: He's been here tonight playing Resident Evil with Adam and stealing all my lemon cake!! Hope you're well xx

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