Please help, sac only found


Feb 15, 2016
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Hi Ladies,

Just need some advice here. I went for my first OB appointment last week. Thinking I was 8 weeks, 5 days pregnant based on my LMP. When he did the scan he could only see a sac (he did both types of ultrasounds). He had sent me for a follow up scan next Monday.

However being the worry wart I am, I went to my local doctor and asked for a proper ultrasound scan. They were able to identify I was 6 weeks, 3 days pregnant but could only find a sac measuring 18mm and yolk, but no fetal pole and has asked me to come back.

My HCG levels were also tested and came up quite high. I am quite worried that my pregnancy is not viable. Has this happened to anyone before? Have they scanned too early? What was the outcome?

I have no bleeding or cramping. Just queasy in the mornings, tired and sore breasts.

From a very distressed me :(
My sister had this. Went for her ultrasound at just about six weeks. No fetal pool found so she thought the same thing. Dr had her come back the following week and all was fine :) Emmie is a healthy, smart 3 year old now. Good luck!!
I know how heartbreaking it is, the same thing happened to me, I was 7 weeks and the sac was empty, however, my situation was very different, I went for a scan because I had started bleeding so it wasn't a surprise to see it wasn't viable. Its completely understandable for you to worry but it isn't over yet hun, you might just not be as far as you thought. Ill keep everything crossed its good news for you! xx
Hey. Sorry your going through this.
There are always two possibilities. You may not be where you think you are with your dates. If you have irregular periods then you may not be as far gone as you thought you were.
If you are absolutely 100% sure I. Your dates and when you ovulated then it's very likely that the pregnancy is not viable. By now you should see a little blob with a heartbeat.
I have also been in this situation with my 2nd loss and it is devastating thinking something would be there and then seeing just the sac. I remember it so well. I had spotting which told me something was up. Sometimes you t have anything though. I had a missed miscarriage 3 weeks ago and had no signs at all. Still felt sick sore boobs etc. Wouldn't have known a thing, only found out due to an early scan at 8.5 weeks. My HCG levels were also nice and high. My doctor was shocked to find out that I had miscarried again
Hoping In your case that your dates are off.
Good luck for next scan :flower:
Thankyou to all the ladies that have responded. I will let you all know how I go. I appreciate all the support. Means alot
Hey hun read my link at the bottom of my signature I had the same sort of thing but have a beautiful 3 year old sitting next to me good luck x
Hi All,
Its been a little while since I wrote here. To be honest I needed a break. I ended up miscarrying (missed miscarriage) on the 4th March so its been 5 weeks today. I have some ok days and some days where I am sad.
Hi becsta - I'm so sorry for your loss. I unfortunately know how you're feeling. I had my D&C 2 weeks ago after finding only an empty sac at my first (and second) ultrasound. Because we did an IVF embryo transfer, there was no mistaking how far along I was supposed to be. This was our second attempted transfer of a (genetically tested) embryo transfer for #2, and we thought we had finally caught a break in a process that for us has had so many ups and downs. We have one "normal" embryo remaining, which we will try to transfer this summer. The pressure is definitely on me as this is really our last effort for another baby. The emotional, physical, and financial tolls of fertility treatments is a lot to take.

Our loss has been difficult to accept, but I'm finding that keeping myself and my mind busy has been helpful for me, and it's been getting easier with each passing day. Hang in there. I hope that things get better for you and that you find peace soon. :hugs:
Hi becsta- I'm in the same boat as you. I had my ERPC on the same day as you, 4th March. I had a scan at 10 weeks after some spotting and all they found was an empty sac measuring 8 weeks. It completely devastated us. I too have good/bad/sad/angry days. It's still a complete mix. I try to distract myself with things but nothing seems to be working. We're TTC again now that af has arrived so in a way that's a distraction, or at least a focus. To think during Oct/Nov last year I was trying to distract myself from TTC, now it's the distraction itself! I hope you're doing ok. It's such a confusing time but I've found lots of support from other ladies on here who understand exactly what it's like. X

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