Please help - urgent advice needed :-(


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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My waters ruptured yesterday at 36+5. Up until this point I had a very easy and normal pregnancy with no issues.

The only single non-textbook issue has been that I had a teeny tiny bleed (3 teaspoons) on Tuesday night which I now realise was in fact just bloody mucous/show but stupidly I admitted myself to hospital for checking and then discharged myself as they were planning on keeping me in but trace etc. on baby was all fine. They also asked if baby had been quieter and I stupidly said yes thinking maybe he had been a bit slower than usual but I realise now it was in my head and I have had fantastic movements every single day. I dishcharged myself after all checks came back normal after a couple of hours.

I had a growth scan at 28 weeks which showed my baby over the 50th centile. I had this booked as my daughter was 5lb8 (will get to this later)

So, I took myself up to hospital last night to be checked over after my waters went. I was told I had a very heavy hindwater leak and as babys head is still "bobbing" they won't rupture the forewaters just yet. I have zero pain, a few tiny niggly braxton hicks but that's it. My cervix is very soft and 3cm and the doctor decided I was in "early labour". I am not in labour at all and do not believe my body is ready just yet. I was kept in on monitors etc. all checks including temperature, fluid, urine etc. are completely normal.

Despite this the doctor admitted me as "extremely high risk" His reasons -

1) I have had a previous "IUGR" baby - my daughter was not IUGR. I argued with the hospital from the start that they had the wrong dates for me (I have 5 week menstrual cycles and also knew the date of ovulation) but despite this they kept me a week ahead. I'm tiny at 5ft1 and 6stone10 is my normal body weight. An idiot doctor decided from growth scans that my daughter was being induced at 38 weeks for being under the 10th centile so classed as IUGR. I'm under the 10th centile in weight etc. too? And at 5lb8 for 37 weeks (my dates) I thought was a pretty healthy weight.

2) I have a "history" of bleeding. 3 teaspoons on Tuesday night, come on?

3) Baby is "premature". Actually by my dates I'm 37+1 now (I know ov dates and the only date we had sex!) and by their dates I'm 37 tomorrow anyway so it hardly matters?

So for the 3 reasons above they now want to rob me of my second birth experience (first birth was a horrific intervention filled induction, strapped onto back with every pain med going). I have just spent the night in hospital with zero sleep (not even 5mins), I didn't even get a proper bed, just one of those stupid board things and a white NHS blanket thing, listening to labouring women screaming and told that I'll be staying on the CTG monitors but they won't be inducing me as baby is only 1/5th engaged and "premature" and being prodded for temp etc. every 45mins. It was horrific. I'm exhausted and can't cope with this, I can't get my body into labour when it's like this and I see a C-Section looming :-(

I asked to discharge myself for 2hours sleep and then midwife snorted and laughed in my face and then when she realised I was deadly serious brought in various doctors. The registrar came in and sneered right in my face "If you have a stillbirth it'll be your own fault" and had various midwifes etc. come in and tell me similar. I got my Mum to come and get me, left them discharge papers and they were waiting for me at the door and blurted out to my Mum how stupid I was being and that I was signing myself out against medical advice. What the f*** gives them the right to tell whoever they want anyway?

What do I do now? I'm home, I haven't had any sleep, I'm a mess and can't stop crying. I'm not in labour, I have zero contractions? I'm thinking of a cuddle with my daughter and OH and then a few hours sleep. Then what?

Baby is fine, CTG shows great heartrate, movements great, no temperature, clear fluid. No contractions (very mild pressure but gut feeling is that nothing is happening)

Not to mention the fact that they hovered over me for hours wanting to fit a venflon "just incase" and I have lovely scribble in my dates from the registrar saying "PUTTING SELF AT RISK OF STILLBIRTH". How f*cking dare he! I'm so angry I can't think :-(
Oh god, what a nightmare.

Try keeping in mind that the primary objective of those 'in the system' is to protect themselves from cost or legal liability.

You know your body and you sound like you're informed and unlikely to take unnecessary risks with your baby. You have made the choice to come home to a place where you can relax and let your own body and baby do their thing - try not to undermine that decision by staying wound up at people who you will probably never need to see again after this birth. Can you put some gentle music onto headphones, go get that little girl of yours and your OH, get a backrub going and just try to relax?
Thank you. Ive had some breakfast and cuddles and an hours sleep and feel much better. Just going back for another 2hours. I am getting alot of pressure now and some strong tightenings. When I wake I will go back in on MY terms and I suppose your right I never have to see them again so who cares what they think.

Babys doing great still, moving around plenty and very happy xxx
What a terrible experience, how are you doing now?

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