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Please tell me what it feels like!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2008
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like u probably know im terrified of going in2 labour and giving birth. if u dint no u do now

wel i think if i knew what 2expect then i may be more relaxed about it.

so, if anyother girls have had kids before, and didnt have a C-Section, then please tell me what the pain and the whole experience was like.

i want details, doesnt matter how horrific :) i know your probably thinking im mad, but im goin mad thinking "what does it feel like" and worrying myself sick over it.

please help me

oh and could u mention what pain relief u had???? :D:D:D:D

thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Contractions feel like horrible menstrual pain.
Epidural going in DOES NOT hurt at all.

After the epi, I honestly did not feel ANYTHING.
If you read through this section of the forum, you'll find that people talk about their birth experiences, what pain relief they used in great detail :)
here people tell about pain relief as well :hi:

drugs glorious drugs nothing is quite like iiiiiiit.....

I was sucking the gas and air....between contractions.......trippy :lol:
I can understand what you are going through...im really scared (my pain threshold is not high...i bawled my eyes out when i had my belly button pierced!!! :blush: )

Try and think that although it is painful...you WILL get through it...and if a 12 year old can do it, so can you!!! Ive been to two births and it was beautiful, though saying that, i am still scared!!

have a look on the net for birth videos (im sure there are some women who will share it with the world) also, on Discovery Home and Health (SKY) they sometimes do home birth programmes and a prgramme called birth stories where they show births!!

Nice name by the way...my sis is called Chelsea :)
Try and think that although it is painful...you WILL get through it...and if a 12 year old can do it, so can you!!! Ive been to two births and it was beautiful, though saying that, i am still scared!!

Nice name by the way...my sis is called Chelsea :)

a 12 year old, who was tht??!!! WOW lol
yea iv seen some home water births on u tube, and then compared them 2 hospital births on u tube. and the home water births look so much more ..... relaxed less painful and there wasnt aload of SCREAMING like there was with the ones in the hospital. there was just alot of ooo and rrrrr.

sounds much better :D
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thanks (about my name) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You can have a water birth in most hospitals too. Too be honest I went into the birthing pool throughout my labour and it helped soo much. Used gas and air at the same time and it made it soo manageable.

You just have to keep focused, try not lose control, start screaming the way you see on tv, keep ur engry for the pushing stage. Remind urself each contraction is one more closer to your little bundle of joy. And try not freak yourself out! Good luck, im sure you'll do great xx
The water helps to releive the pressure on your body as a whole, so it acts as a natural pain killer. And yes, most hospitals will let you deliver any way you want, including water births. Personally, for my first child, im definately going to be in a hospital, It is much more comforting.
You asked for it! It literally felt like I was going to lose My life. I did not think I would survive. There were no complications at all. It was a vaginal birth that lasted 3 hours. The only pain meds I had was a shot of demerol and that did nothing but make Me sleepy. I am heavily tattooed and pierced and have a very high threshold for pain. This was the most agonizing experience of My life. The pain becomes so unbearable that some people such as Myself, loose their sense of control. I felt as if I was losing My mind, I panicked, I couldn't breath. Everyone is different but that was My experience. If I had gotten an epidural, I would've been fine. My labor progressed too quickly to have one. All in all, after you see that beautiful baby, you forget everything that just happened.
One word to describe how it felt.
I was screaming for an epi but it was too late.
Was a short labour but god was it painful, nothing like i'd ever felt before...

But as soon as your baby is born your overwhelmed with love for your child and all the pain and trauma of the past however many hours is gone and you know it was all worth it

(i never had a water birth, my auntie did though and she said it was marvellous and thepain was so much less than with her first :))
Hurts like hell!!! Like a million period pains at once! I only had gas and air and it helped me. I went in the bath and that definately eased the pain. I remember with each contraction thinking "remember this pain, you don't ever want to go through it again" but you know what? As soon as I'd had her the pain went and here I am having another baby so there you go! x
I have the pain threshold of a 3 year old so defo going to be having an epi (if I can anyway) I assume birth and labour feels different to everyone depending on how quick it is and how well you deal with pain
I found my labour wasn't to bad, the contractions hurt, I won't lie but the labour part was fine, I was mostly tired.

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