plus size and ttc over 35

i'm 36 and size 22-24 and worried that this may be causing its own problems ttc in addition to the age ones! i know that as soon as i have my bfp i will have the determination to make sure everything that passes my lips is going to be something healthy for the baby, but whilst i'm feeling stressed, i just cant seem to muster the determination to do anything for me now and as noone has yet said the weight is a problem officially i cant seem to get it in my head! i know i should loose weight for my own sake aswell as ttc but i just seem to have o will power at the mo.

is anyone else out there like me or got any tips/advice and has any experiences they can share please?

I was 50 lbs overweight when TTCing, I got pregnant from my frozen transfer so it wasnt a factor for me, but who knows if I would have gotten pregnant faster or naturally at my goal weight. My doctor ever told me I had to lose weight, im 5'10 so the 50 lbs is distributed evenly, but if they had checked my BMI it was 29.... in the overweight catagory bordering on obese.

i know that as soon as i have my bfp i will have the determination to make sure everything that passes my lips is going to be something healthy for the baby, but whilst i'm feeling stressed, i just cant seem to muster the determination to do anything for me now

LOL this made me smile as I said the same thing, but honestly the stress doesnt leave when you are pregnant as you have each milestone to get through....the first scan to see if baby is viable and has a hb, getting to 12 weeks so MC risks go down, getting to 20 weeks and having measurements screenings. Im past that now, but I want to get to 28-30 weeks for bub to have a good chance if he was born early. So although I try to eat healthy I still crave comfort foods and havent been that good, like I thought I would be.

one thing I can suggest to everyone is to try acupuncture.....I comfort ate for 8 years after my dad died and nothing helped, even therapy. I started acupuncture before my frozen transfer and I felt like a different woman....calm, didnt crave sweet things. my dr said that if your body is unbalanced and in crisis mode its very hard not to turn to comforts, but acupuncture can bring it back to balance. so once I give birth Im going back for acupuncture for my cravings. right now Im going to her for chiro for back pain and cant afford both!

congrats Sarah!! good advice

:hugs: So sorry for your loss :hugs:

Thank you for your reply - I'd love to stay in touch if OK? i am having to do a crash diet this week ready for 1st consultation on Tuesday..... I need some motivation - we are moving house and run our own business so life is pretty full on at the mo! :wacko: xx[/QUOTE]

Thank you :hugs: and yes of course stay in touch- i pop on here fairly regularly.

i have a fair amount to lose- but its slowly coming off thats the main thing. Lost 2.5 lb this week- but i'm dreading the weekend as i am going out with my OH to go and watch the Football....and that will mean drinking! lol oh well.

how are you getting on?
Hi Ladies,

Mind if I join in?

I'm about uk size 22/24 and have a lot of weight to lose. I have lost 36lb since January, but thats not as much as I would have done if I had stuck to it.

I find it really hard when someone tells you that you should lose weight so that you can do something in particular, even if that someone is me.

I've been telling myself that the reason I lost the last baby was my weight, but then it could have been anything off a long list of things. I am 50lbs lighter than where I was at my worst, but I'm about 21lbs heavier than when I last got pregnant. (Comfort eating after miscarriage)

I promised myself I would lose weight and learn to scuba dive. I did dive and I really struggled to find equipment to fit me, now we're TTCing again, I wish I had done more with the weightloss, but I'm 37 and running out of time.

I have had a few friends who have lost weight when they are pregnant because they don't eat anymore than they do beforehand and the baby is fine making use of what the mother eats when the mother makes use of what they've eaten over the last few years.

Well, I'm still trying to lose weight while trying to conceive, so we'll see how it goes. Its good to see there are people in a similar position.

I have had a few friends who have lost weight when they are pregnant because they don't eat anymore than they do beforehand and the baby is fine making use of what the mother eats when the mother makes use of what they've eaten over the last few years.

thats true for me so far, Im 24 weeks and at the same weight as pre pregnancy, where most people have gained 10-20 lbs by now. I lost 10 lbs in first trimester as I was so sick and only just put that back on making me the same. Midwife says to expect about 20 lbs to go on from now, so that means once bub is born I might only be 10-15 lbs over my normal (which is 50lbs overweight already). This was surprising to me as I thought people gained 30-40 lbs! At the prenatal classes the lady said bub feeds off your fat stores so thats why overweight people dont need to gain as much. My bub as measuring a week ahead and looks perfect so he is doing great even though I have not gained.

of course losing weight while ttcing would be beneficial as Im sure all sorts of hormones can be out of balance when overweight. however I wouldnt stress too much, as having that ontop of TTC stress is too much. I really believe when you force yourself to diet it never works, so just concentrate on trying to feed your body nutrients and cut down on sugar but dont eliminate (as you will end up craving it). its been really nice not thinking about weight while pregnant for the first time in years.
Thank you :hugs: and yes of course stay in touch- i pop on here fairly regularly.

i have a fair amount to lose- but its slowly coming off thats the main thing. Lost 2.5 lb this week- but i'm dreading the weekend as i am going out with my OH to go and watch the Football....and that will mean drinking! lol oh well.

how are you getting on?

Well done ChelliBelle :happydance: That's great.... As for the drinking - well.... it'd be rude not to join in! lol :winkwink:

I have loads to loose... I am only short and have gained lots over the winter - Not good :nope:

I have just got my last day 3 results from doctors - I am confused as to what they all may mean so asked on a thread on here.... if they are bad then i guess maybe they'd be better if i could shift some more weight...

I am currently on day 2 of that tuna/beetroot diet.... It's not the greatest but I just pray it shifts some lbs for me..... [-o<
Hiya TerriLou :flower:

So sorry for your loss :hugs:

I am 39 now, and well over weight, according to what they seem to say on the charts i should be about 8 stone! Last time i was 8 and a half stone I was 18! :haha: ( I have gained weight over this last winter , so not good :nope: but I am someone who's never been exactly thin lol! ) I am however pretty fit.

I have been TTC for over 2 years and I guess according to what the charts say i have all that time been over weight... I dunno....

Best of luck to you and i hope we can all support each other in our quest to loose weight and gain our baby :flower: :hugs:
Hiya TerriLou :flower:

So sorry for your loss :hugs:

I am 39 now, and well over weight, according to what they seem to say on the charts i should be about 8 stone! Last time i was 8 and a half stone I was 18! :haha: ( I have gained weight over this last winter , so not good :nope: but I am someone who's never been exactly thin lol! ) I am however pretty fit.

I have been TTC for over 2 years and I guess according to what the charts say i have all that time been over weight... I dunno....

Best of luck to you and i hope we can all support each other in our quest to loose weight and gain our baby :flower: :hugs:

Hey Flibberty, I am only 5'4", so should also be 8.5 stones. I am more than double that, so I have a long way to go before I'd be considered 'healthy'.

I am, however, also pretty fit. I can handle Zumba sessions when other people in the classes struggle, I actually did a 3 hour Zumbathon last month, which was great. I also do quite a lot of walking and cycling with my Husband.

It seems like there is a lot of support on here and I look forward to us all getting our BFPs soon and helping eachother through the sickness and mood swings. xx
Hiya TerriLou :flower:

So sorry for your loss :hugs:

I am 39 now, and well over weight, according to what they seem to say on the charts i should be about 8 stone! Last time i was 8 and a half stone I was 18! :haha: ( I have gained weight over this last winter , so not good :nope: but I am someone who's never been exactly thin lol! ) I am however pretty fit.

I have been TTC for over 2 years and I guess according to what the charts say i have all that time been over weight... I dunno....

Best of luck to you and i hope we can all support each other in our quest to loose weight and gain our baby :flower: :hugs:

Hey Flibberty, I am only 5'4", so should also be 8.5 stones. I am more than double that, so I have a long way to go before I'd be considered 'healthy'.

I am, however, also pretty fit. I can handle Zumba sessions when other people in the classes struggle, I actually did a 3 hour Zumbathon last month, which was great. I also do quite a lot of walking and cycling with my Husband.

It seems like there is a lot of support on here and I look forward to us all getting our BFPs soon and helping eachother through the sickness and mood swings. xx

Well done you :thumbup: not sure I could do 3 mins of Zumba never mind hours! :shock: We walk and cycle too, and I love it but I need to do more if I am to shift the weight, just not enough hours in the day! Day 2 of this crash diet thing today - Pray it helps for the IVF!

It's a great support to find others who are in the same boat and to have some support of someone who knows how we all feel :flower:

I have just done 3km on my X Trainer in 10 mins... gets the old heart pumping, hope it burns the calories too! :happydance: xx
Well, on 4dpo today, I wish the 2ww would fly though, had a very slight dip in temps this morning, but not getting too excited.

Determined to wait until 25 June to test, which'll be 11dpo and also payday from work!

I'm so impatient!

Got a college enrollment pack over the weekend, there's a course starting in September for Tai Chi, I think you learn all about where it comes from as well as doing the exercise. I tried Tai Chi a while ago, but the average age, not including me, was about 70, so didn't really fit in there. I fancy giving this course a go.
Well, on 4dpo today, I wish the 2ww would fly though, had a very slight dip in temps this morning, but not getting too excited.

Determined to wait until 25 June to test, which'll be 11dpo and also payday from work!

I'm so impatient!

Got a college enrollment pack over the weekend, there's a course starting in September for Tai Chi, I think you learn all about where it comes from as well as doing the exercise. I tried Tai Chi a while ago, but the average age, not including me, was about 70, so didn't really fit in there. I fancy giving this course a go.

fingers crossed for you :thumbup: I understand about being so impatient... lol :haha:

Good luck with the course, sure it'll be great, don't know much about Tai Chi though - will have to google it :thumbup:

I'm feeling pretty crap today went to have our consultation for IVF - I have to loose weight before we can start... I cried and cried - i feel such a failure in so many ways - not only am I not getting pregnant besides all tests coming back Ok - It's my fault we cant start IVF right away too.... I'm just crap all round... :sad1::sad1:
Feeling a bit blue best friend has just found out she is pregnant, I so happy for her......but feeling like the amount of weight I have to loose before I can even attempt to conceive is so overwhelming. My job doesn't help it is so stressful, all I want to do is eat crap :(

Flipperty, how much do you have to loose?
Well, on 4dpo today, I wish the 2ww would fly though, had a very slight dip in temps this morning, but not getting too excited.

Determined to wait until 25 June to test, which'll be 11dpo and also payday from work!

I'm so impatient!

Got a college enrollment pack over the weekend, there's a course starting in September for Tai Chi, I think you learn all about where it comes from as well as doing the exercise. I tried Tai Chi a while ago, but the average age, not including me, was about 70, so didn't really fit in there. I fancy giving this course a go.

fingers crossed for you :thumbup: I understand about being so impatient... lol :haha:

Good luck with the course, sure it'll be great, don't know much about Tai Chi though - will have to google it :thumbup:

I'm feeling pretty crap today went to have our consultation for IVF - I have to loose weight before we can start... I cried and cried - i feel such a failure in so many ways - not only am I not getting pregnant besides all tests coming back Ok - It's my fault we cant start IVF right away too.... I'm just crap all round... :sad1::sad1:

Aah, Flipperty, this is what I would worry about too. I hope you're feeling a bit more positive today. :hugs:

I know it can be harder for the IVF to take, but surely that should be your decision to make, whether you are willing to risk it or not and then you can lose weight in your own time, if possible.

Larger ladies can conceive on their own, so why can't we have IVF too? This annoys me about Fostering too. My friend was interested in taking in a foster child, but she was told she had to lose weight first. How can being overweight make you a worse foster mum that someone who is at her ideal? Its discrimination. Saying that, I think the laws have been relaxed somewhat over the last few years, so this may not be the case anymore.

I had wi I was down 4.1 yeah!
So I figured it out I need to loose 28.2 to be in onederland

So that is achievable my wedding is in 16 wks so I can do it

Problem is when do I order my dress? I'm thinking the end of aug
Feeling a bit blue best friend has just found out she is pregnant, I so happy for her......but feeling like the amount of weight I have to loose before I can even attempt to conceive is so overwhelming. My job doesn't help it is so stressful, all I want to do is eat crap :(

Flipperty, how much do you have to loose?

:hugs: awww hun i know its so hard. I always think loosing weight has got to be the hardest thing. I mean if you need to stop drinking say, you technically just stop! but with food it's not like you can just stop eating all together....temptation is always there! we need it to bloody survive lol

Just keep telling yourself why your losing it.....Just a little each week and before you know it you'll have lost a stone.... and over time you'll find the weigh loss will increase... but i do know how hard it is....i'm trying to!

....and that little bundle at the end will be worth all the slim line tonic water in the world!!!!
Thank you :hugs: and yes of course stay in touch- i pop on here fairly regularly.

i have a fair amount to lose- but its slowly coming off thats the main thing. Lost 2.5 lb this week- but i'm dreading the weekend as i am going out with my OH to go and watch the Football....and that will mean drinking! lol oh well.

how are you getting on?

Well done ChelliBelle :happydance: That's great.... As for the drinking - well.... it'd be rude not to join in! lol :winkwink:

I have loads to loose... I am only short and have gained lots over the winter - Not good :nope:

I have just got my last day 3 results from doctors - I am confused as to what they all may mean so asked on a thread on here.... if they are bad then i guess maybe they'd be better if i could shift some more weight...

I am currently on day 2 of that tuna/beetroot diet.... It's not the greatest but I just pray it shifts some lbs for me..... [-o<

Tuna and beetroot....that sound erm.....interesting lol...... think i'll stick to slimming world :winkwink: well i put that 2lb back on when i went away at the weekend, but i'm having a rerally good week this week so far.

i have lots to lose, about 6 stone if i'm honest. I'm a 20 now down from a 26 since nov, so it is do-able.

I have no knowledge of IVF to be honest, but fingers crossed for you xx....and yes the weight loss cant help :)
Hi Ladies,

Mind if I join in?

I'm about uk size 22/24 and have a lot of weight to lose. I have lost 36lb since January, but thats not as much as I would have done if I had stuck to it.

I find it really hard when someone tells you that you should lose weight so that you can do something in particular, even if that someone is me.

I've been telling myself that the reason I lost the last baby was my weight, but then it could have been anything off a long list of things. I am 50lbs lighter than where I was at my worst, but I'm about 21lbs heavier than when I last got pregnant. (Comfort eating after miscarriage)

I promised myself I would lose weight and learn to scuba dive. I did dive and I really struggled to find equipment to fit me, now we're TTCing again, I wish I had done more with the weightloss, but I'm 37 and running out of time.

I have had a few friends who have lost weight when they are pregnant because they don't eat anymore than they do beforehand and the baby is fine making use of what the mother eats when the mother makes use of what they've eaten over the last few years.

Well, I'm still trying to lose weight while trying to conceive, so we'll see how it goes. Its good to see there are people in a similar position.


Terrilou, hello and welcome :)

Well done on your weight loss- that's fantastic. I've lost around the same amount but it's taken me longer (Nov 11) but its comeing off so who cares right!?

I have to say that i generally disagree with the weight and miscarry thing- this is my personal opinion mind, i'm not an expert. I think you have to look at the how many women that get pregnant with no issue, and have healthly full term babies and yet they have abused their systems and bodies for years and all the way through pregnancy.
There are many people who smoke, drink and take drugs and continue to go on to have healthy badies (not reccommending this ladies, merely stating a point lol)
Many thin and healthy women cant get pregnant, or have MC in the same way that those of us that have more weight do.
the body is a wonderful thing, and while MC is a Bitch of the biggest magnitude, I dont believe it happens because your big.
My mum and sister are bean poles (wenches) :winkwink: both have had MC, both went on to have a few children. I'm sure many have similar stories

Being healthly is not always about weight, skinny people have high fat diets, high cholerestrol etc
Saying that- Losing weight can only be a good thing- for you and potential baby. If only to make sure that when your running around after your little one your dont knock yourself out with your big boobies!!!!! :))

Chin up hun, be positive- your doing so well :) x
Well, on 4dpo today, I wish the 2ww would fly though, had a very slight dip in temps this morning, but not getting too excited.

Determined to wait until 25 June to test, which'll be 11dpo and also payday from work!

I'm so impatient!

Got a college enrollment pack over the weekend, there's a course starting in September for Tai Chi, I think you learn all about where it comes from as well as doing the exercise. I tried Tai Chi a while ago, but the average age, not including me, was about 70, so didn't really fit in there. I fancy giving this course a go.

fingers crossed for you :thumbup: I understand about being so impatient... lol :haha:

Good luck with the course, sure it'll be great, don't know much about Tai Chi though - will have to google it :thumbup:

I'm feeling pretty crap today went to have our consultation for IVF - I have to loose weight before we can start... I cried and cried - i feel such a failure in so many ways - not only am I not getting pregnant besides all tests coming back Ok - It's my fault we cant start IVF right away too.... I'm just crap all round... :sad1::sad1:

hi Flipperty,

Sorry your feeling down- but the good thing is that all your tests came back OK!!! :happydance: and ok yes you have to lose weight before you get IVF, but losing weight is something that you have the control to do something about! and thats a great thing......

Dont get me wrong, i'm not dismissing how hard it is to lose it, and sometimes when i look at how much weight i have to lose its disheartening- but this weight took years to creep up, so i realise its gonna take a while to come off (thankfully it comes off quicker than it took to go on!)

But hunny you can do it- I have faith in you. When you want something so bad and you have the opportunity to make it achievable, I am sure that you will find the strength and will power to make you you get your IVF.

If you can, go join a slimming class.... a gal can not life on tuna and beetroot alone :winkwink: x
I had wi I was down 4.1 yeah!
So I figured it out I need to loose 28.2 to be in onederland

So that is achievable my wedding is in 16 wks so I can do it

Problem is when do I order my dress? I'm thinking the end of aug

well done- that's a fab loss!

August sound like a good time, it will give you enough time to get the dress altered if you continue to lose more weight with time to spare!

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