PND Support Thread

Meh I feel so much like crap, why can't I ever be happy?
deffinatly agree with nessajane people kept saying that to me n i was like i cant, its so easy 4 people to say that but hthey arnt the ones going through it. i have just got over PD just trying to sort out the little bit of anxiety now, so starting to enjoy my little1 now :D

Am really pleased your feeling much better hun :hugs:
Thanks hon, but I think its one of those days where I can't be bothered to do anything
Thanks hon, but I think its one of those days where I can't be bothered to do anything

aww hun iv been the same i even got karl to go out and bye me a new phone as i was really well i dont really no :blush: all i no is i couldnt be bothered as i felt like shit but am feeling a bit better now x
:hugs: Jazzy. I think we've all had days like that hun. I know it's hard, but try to focus on your wonderful LO and the gorgeous smiles you get, or anything else that could make you feel better about things. You'll get there, this isn't forever. You're seeking help, you have us who all know what it's like so you will get there.
I'm feeling a bit weepy this evening :cry: I keep thinking about the birth we didn't have, specifically the period in the birthing pool at home when I felt I needed to push and was so elated, thinking we were nearly there and that we had had a wonderful home birth experience. Little did I know at that point that I was still under 4cm with a premature pushing urge and that I would end up being wheeled into theatre for an emergency c-section :cry::cry::cry:
Awww hun :hugs:
i was like that a couple of weeks after having sam even thou i ad him natrual but i didnt expect all the complications i had with him :cry:
hope your feeling a bit better this evening :hugs:
Still bit fed up. Keep thinking "why me?" I was so excited about the birth, not just the aftermath, the holding him bit, I was actually looking forward to my birth experience and I didn't get to have it, not all of it anyway. It's bad enough when someone is petrified of labour that they end up with an emergency CS, but when you're not afraid and actually feeling positive about it it is all the more devastating when it goes wrong :cry:
I no wat you mean about not been able to hold baby straight away hun as sam was 3 hours old before i got to hold him :cry: as they couldnt stop my bleeding i wanted to try breastfeedin but they gave karl a bottle of formular to give him so then sam wouldnt take my boob :cry:
I no wat you mean about not been able to hold baby straight away hun as sam was 3 hours old before i got to hold him :cry: as they couldnt stop my bleeding i wanted to try breastfeedin but they gave karl a bottle of formular to give him so then sam wouldnt take my boob :cry:

:grr: did they know you wanted to BF? Sam would almost certainly have been able to wait for you, they are born with fatty reserves and can go days before BF is established. I hate it when hospital staff jump in like that with absolutely no regard for what is best for mum and baby.
I no wat you mean about not been able to hold baby straight away hun as sam was 3 hours old before i got to hold him :cry: as they couldnt stop my bleeding i wanted to try breastfeedin but they gave karl a bottle of formular to give him so then sam wouldnt take my boob :cry:

:grr: did they know you wanted to BF? Sam would almost certainly have been able to wait for you, they are born with fatty reserves and can go days before BF is established. I hate it when hospital staff jump in like that with absolutely no regard for what is best for mum and baby.

Yeah hun they did no :hissy: they gave him one as he wouldnt stop crying but im not surprised as they wrapped him in one of the horrible rough towels and put him in the cot next to the open window :hissy:
how are you feelin
avc been naughty and been drinkin so i dont no if i can still take my tabs tonight :blush:
Idiots! That makes me sooooo mad.

I'm ok. Jack been grumpy today but he's asleep now so I have had some peace and quiet. It never helps my mood when he cries lots (which is really rare, thankfully).

Hmm, better give your pill a miss if you've been drinking! Hope you're ok :hugs:
Im ok hun just a bit well fed up so i thou having a drink would help my mood :blush: but it hasnt all its done is make me feel worse :cry:
the tabs say its ok to take if you havent had much to drink which i ant av only had 2 so i should be fine x

Hun if you ever want to talk just pm me :hugs:
What a great thread, thanks Aly. I just posted in the unsticky bit below. I was diagnosed with pnd about six weeks ago. Was put on Sertraline that didn't agree with me and I'm now on Fluoroxetine.

I've also started CBT but I'm really not sure about the nurse I've been allocated. She hadn't read any of the notes from when I'd seen someone else the previous week and poured my heart out for an hour. It just felt like although she was really nice she was following procedures and saying what she's been told to say rather than having any sympathy / empathy and experience of dealing with things... Not sure if I'm explaining it very well - it's just the woman the previous week was really reassuring telling me how common things I'm experiencing are and that they're symptoms of depression whereas this one told me to do maths in my head to distract me from things (in this case thinking about death). Has anyone been told they can change therapy people if they want to or anything?

Hope you're all having good days today :hugs: xxx
:hugs: Elm

Am sure if your not happy with the nurse that they have given you you should be able to ask if they can give you another hun :hugs:
but if you ever need to talk jusr pm me im more or less on here all the time hun :blush:
:hugs: Elm, sorry you're going through this but glad you found us, you're not alone.

I've had another down evening. Jack has gone back to cluster feeding after about 10 days of really nice evenings. I find it absolutely exhausting and that always brings my mood down. Sometimes, like tonight, I can't even look at him while I feed him, I get the urge to fling him away from me (I never ever would) and run for the hills! I settled for sobbing quietly while he fed then going for a long soak in the bath. Hubby sat with me and we talked over a lot of stuff, which was good, good to get some things out.

Hope you guys are doing ok tonight.
Shifter :hugs: its good you can talk to your huuby x

Well today i feel like crap all i want to do is run away and just forget everything :cry: i just dont think them tabs the doc gave me are working :hissy:Plus i woke up this morning with an absses (sp) under my tooth so thats really not helping with my mood so hopefully wen i go to the docs this afternoon he can give me something for it and mayb change my tabs x

I really do hope that you are all ok :hugs:

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