The rich/poor divide refers to who controls the money. This wikipedia article explains a bit though the data isn't very current: It says the top 1% of earners own 21% of the nation's wealth; the top 10% own 53% of the wealth. The top 50% (which I'm below according to those stats) own 93%. So the bottom 50% get only 7% of the nation's wealth to share between them. This is the divide. No divide would be everyone sharing wealth equally.
This link explains poverty: (Sorry for only giving wikipedia, on my phone so researching not so easy!) According to this in 2004 21-28% of children (depending on your measure) were growing up in households below the poverty line.
It's difficult to compare poverty in the UK with that in, say parts of Africa, because of our social infrastructure but there nevertheless are people living so excluded from society that they do not benefit from that infrastructure.
Whilst no-one can deny that the very vast majority of us have much more wealth than many in the developing world it by no means makes it ok that the country's wealth is so unfairly distributed. It's important to bear in mind that lower income equates to a shorter life expectancy and more illness in life. If we are talking about how to make a society fair it surely ought to be that everyone has an equal prospective life expectancy, or at least that social factors are not contributory to any decline.
the divide is only what you make it and i think its not to do with how much money you have, its to do with your attitude.
many 'poorer' people just act so dead end, theyre happy to have a moan about what they dont have, and 9/10 times its someone elses fault.
if youve ruined your life thorugh drugs/alcohol, then thats your fault, regardless of whats happened to you in the past.
if you have no qualifications, its your fault- theres enough chances in this country
if your kids dont have adequate clothing/food, then its your fault.
theres no such thing as cant get a job, its mor a case of refusal to work cleaning toilets or in macdonalds.
I don't understand why people think that everyone can get a job if they want to. The fact of the matter is that we are in recession and there are 5 times as many people job hunting as there are vacancies. Jobs don't grow on trees. Yes there may be people who won't do certain things but it's not that simple. Even if there were sufficient jobs to go round I wouldn't want a job as a receptionist again and I wouldn't be offered one as I'm well overqualified. But it's irrelevant when there aren't enough jobs for everyone.
Plus it depends where you live. Loads of jobs in London (and people looking for them), not so many jobs in other parts of the country.