I had a c-section with my 2nd child because the doc was worried about his size. He ended up being 10 lbs 2 oz. Everything went very well for me. I left the hospital on Friday. Monday my husband went back to work and I was on my own to care for our baby and 17 month old daughter. Not because there was no one to help me, but I didn't need it. I drove myself to my 2 week appointment. Recovery was good. I felt much better after my staples were removed at 1 week. As far as how your feel emotionally, I struggled with that. It was a planned section, but I found out just a few days before and I cried every day. Mostly I was scared. But I felt like I hadn't earned him. I didn't go through labor and the hard work. It passed. I hope it goes as smoothly for you as it did for me!!