Hi ladies just a wee update. My son has seen his paediatrician a few times and also a new speech therapist. He's now on the waiting list for diagnostic test. Speech therapist is pretty certain he has ASD. I'm forever asking her as he has improved so much with speech since starting nursery and is even attempting to play with some friends. It's very confusing but although he's using a lot more words, a lot of his sentences are repeating other people. He also still has poor gross motor skills and poor spatial awareness. Hes 3 next month and I worry what the future holds for him but wether he gets a diagnosis or not I will continue to support him fully to make him be the best he can be and more importantly be happy. Pre diagnosis is such a stressful and worrying time
What ever the outcome he'll be fine so long as he has you in his corner x
We got our first salt app through he go's next week so we'll see how it go's thought he's doing really well at nursery and his behaviours improved a lot over the last few weeks xx