Hello, my name is Ze been ttc since febuary 2014 . I took four pregnacy test last night (1 blue dye (posit) one frer ( posit) and 2 dollar store (posit) all faint lines. Today I took 1 more dollar store test it was also positive and the line was darker more visible. I was super excited and happy I told my man (he cried) my mom and step dad and of course my bestie. Around 5pm today I started bleeding heavy/bad cramping like normal period from everything I read this sounds like a chemical pregnancy I will be making a Dr appt Monday just too be sure the internet forums have back and forth scenarios lol. I'm depressed and a little embarrassed I got a lot of ppl excited including myself now I'm looking for a positive to lay back on. So my question is even if this is a cp it does mean a egg got fertilized by a sperm right? I was preg I can get preg right? Thank you all (babydust)