I had a partial molar a few years ago. During the pregnancy we had no clue, just knew the baby wasn't developing properly (the heartbeat was in the 90's, growing slowly, etc.). I eventually ended up having a D&C. I was surprised when they called me telling me that it was a molar. We waited until my levels went back to 0 (which took about 3 months) and decided that we would try again at that point after a TON of research which showed that once your levels hit 0 it is highly highly unlikely they will rise again. Of course this was a personal choice that we felt comfortable with after the research. We went on to conceive my son a few months later who is a happy wonderful 2.5 year old.
I had a surprise pregnancy in August 2013. After several ultrasounds and proper growth with a great heart rate they thought they saw something atypical and suggested it could possibly be another molar. Of course this devastated me as I though everything was going wonderfully. I did go on to miscarry that pregnancy and had another D&C. Biopsy of the baby showed NO molar tissue. They were wrong! All that unneeded worry for nothing! Of course it could go either way but the docs aren't always right and they weren't in my case.
IF it is a molar for you I know it's devastating and feels like the end of the world, especially when you want to start trying again right away. I would suggest doing your own research and discussing with your doctor if you find that you do want to TTC sooner than the year mark. I brought my research in to the office with my doc and we discussed and he agreed and cleared us to TTC again after my levels hit that 0 mark. Then I had my rainbow baby. Don't lose hope, you will have your too, it may just take a little longer than expected. I'm thinking about you!