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Possible sciatica?


Mum of 1 & due in Nov
Jan 13, 2013
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Anyone know anything about it?

I've been having clicky hips for the past few days, but only really going up and down stairs. Then yesterday I had to run and carry DD upstairs (she needed a wee and my friends stairs are quite steep with a high banister so I had to carry her to avoid an accident) and since then I've had lower back pain as well as the clicky hips.

It was DDs birthday party today and I've probably overdone it again so I asked my husband for a backrub and he noticed I have a lump on the left side of my lower back. It's less noticeable when I stand up but you can still feel it.

I've tried to google it which is near impossible but sciatica came up so I'm thinking it might be that just because it hurts more along one side. Will phone the doctors on Monday but does anyone have any ideas what it could be and any exercises that might help? Thanks in advance!
I would think it is inflamed tissue. For it to have happened after heavy lifting. But could also bring on sciatica. I have a back injury and nerve damage and am also suffering sciatica. I would say a warm compress on your back will help. And try not to lift anything heavy. For me ok nce sciatica hits it doesnt go away til after birth. I hope you feel better!
I have pregnancy-induced sciatica. Mine is more zingy and nervy-sensationed than just clicky - when it gets bad, it can actually knock my leg out from under me (super safe during pregnancy :roll:). However, it could still sciatica for you... it presents differently in people. The key is this is probably just a result of your body producing relaxin which loosens all those ligaments and tendons allowing your bones to fall slightly out of place. That's why so many people get pregnancy-induced ____. For me, it's SI joint pain and sciatica. For you, it might be a clicky hip. I totally agree with the pp; just make sure you avoid heavy lifting, and use warmth. Ice always made my stuff much worse. Unless you see red, swollen, hot areas, ice will not help much. Heat will feel more soothing and promote circulation to the area.

:hugs: Hope it gets better
Thanks both, I'll get my husband to nip out and get me a hot water bottle. I've a feeling I'll be needing one over the next 6 weeks! I had SPD with DD from 20 weeks so to have only injured myself now I suppose I've gotten away lightly this time. I should use this a warning sign to slow down a bit I think.
Yes... the body is good at telling us when we are overworking, especially in pregnancy. It is tough to slow down when it's because of a little one that we are moving so much. Good luck!
It could be pelvic girdle pain, which is what I get. Basically the relaxin making its way through your system may loosen up the pelvis just a bit too much. I get the pain across my lower back or down my right side into the top of my butt from walking, lifting, if I'm sitting too long, and rolling over in bed also can be painful. From what I read of sciatica you tend to get shooting pains all the way down a leg. Either way, not much the doc will do about it - not much they can do really. Don't do any heavy lifting, ask OH for a gentle massage, maybe try some swimming to help strengthen all your back muscles - but don't do the frog leg kick cause that makes it worse. Aqua aerobics has really helped me, the pain is nowhere near as bad now at 27 weeks than when I was 12 weeks, and I've only been doing it for 3 or 4 weeks. Hot water bottle or heat bags are awesome!
Forgot to update this thread, I went to the doctors on Monday and he found that the pain was mainly coming from my sacroiliac joint so diagnosed PGP and basically said take it easy, use my hot water bottle, paracetamol, birthing ball and no heavy lifting (almost impossible with a 3 year old). And said I could take cocodamol if it got bad but that it might make it worse in the long run because it can clog you up which would add to the problem.

So I've rested as much as possible over the past 2 days and this morning did some yoga and am feeling much better for it, so long as I don't bend over.

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