Potential IUGR - Info appreciated


Jan 21, 2010
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My wife had what we expected to be her final big ultrasound last week when she was approximately 30.5 weeks pregnant (due March 19). Everything to date has been absolutely perfect, zero concerns. However, despite having her regular pre-natal appointment already booked with our family doctor for February, they asked her to come in this morning for a follow-up which was of course a concern, especially when they called two days ago and wouldn't provide any details, leaving us to worry aimlessly.

Anyhow, it turns out our little guy has potential IUGR based on his abdominal measurements and now my wife needs to book another ultrasound as soon as she can get in so that they can take more measurements, monitor abdominal growth since last week, and basically confirm / negate whatever they saw that raised a flag.

The Dr was very reassuring saying they see this type of thing all the time and that they're ultra conservative and want to be as safe as possible with these types of things so they follow up on everything. He also said that because my wife is tall, her abdomen is shaped a little differently than is typical during pregnancy (it was with our first baby too) and that could explain possibly inaccurate measurements. The baby's feet were also over his head (he was bent in two) so maybe his abdomen was squished because of his position.

Anyhow, the Dr said it's probably not IUGR but if it is, issues would likely involve the kidneys because it's the abdomen that measured small, not the rest of him. The strange thing is that the technician said the baby weighed 3.2 lbs and we were at the 30.5 week mark so he fell right within the average range for this gestational age. Our first born is basically a text book baby, never a health issue ever and always in the 90th percentile for size so with that and all the perfect ultrasounds to date, this is really hitting us out of the blue.

Basically we're just looking for any info anyone can provide on our situation, whether it sounds like this is / isn't IUGR, what we can expect if the abdomen is in fact smaller than it should be, etc. We're literally hours into hearing about this for the first time so no matter what, any light you can shed is appreciated!

I'm going to be watching this thread for replies too because I found out last week that I might have this but haven't been given any other info and I'm too scared to google incase it brings up loads of bad stuff xx
Well, I did Google 'cause I'm someone that researches like mad in situations like this if for nothing else than to mentally prepare for what might end up happening as well as knowing what questions to ask the Dr in the case that they aren't volunteering information. The list of some of the common potential issues resulting from IUGR are:
-A difficult time handling the stress of vaginal delivery
-Increase risk of being stillborn (extreme cases)
-Low blood sugar level at birth
-Lower resistance to infection
-Trouble maintaining body temperature
-An abnormally high red blood cell count
I am in the same situation. At 28 weeks my baby's abdomen was showing a couple of weeks behind in growth, then at 30 weeks was almost 4 weeks behind. I go for my 32 week growth scan on Tuesday 26th Jan and I am hoping bubs will have had a growth spurt! My baby too was in the frank breech position until Tuesday past when it moved to head down ( I think it did this over last weekend as I felt a somersault movement!) - it was lying with legs bent straight up over the tummy and face. The sonographer said there is a chance that at the 32 week scan it could show growth as at this stage the baby should have gained adipose fat so I am keeping my fingers crossed bubs will have grown a bit! I have been warned to take my hospital bag with me though as I may well be delivered next week. I have googled lots of info on this and at this stage its a case of weighing up whether baby is safer where it is, or should be delivered to receive special care!

I have had slightly raised blood pressure and this can be a cause, also I believe my kidneys were not functioning properly before I fell pregnant and this was never properly investigated by my GP - I have been showing persistent protein in my urine since an infection in 2007!

There is a good prognosis for babies with iugr that do not appear to have any other problems so I wish you luck. Please keep us posted and I will do the same. x
I had 2 very severe IUGR babies. My 1st daughter Carly was born at 28w3d weighing 13 ounces (380grams) and 10inches long. She also had a brain and heart defect. She only lived for 4 months. Our 2nd daughter Hannah was stillborn at 32w2d weighing only 2pounds 15 ounces and 16 inches long. I know this isn't a fairytale ending but it's what happened to me. IUGR untreated can be fatal for the unborn child if not caught in time and action taken. The only treatment is delivery if the baby is in distress.
I am new here, but my son was born at 36 weeks IUGR. He weighed 4lbs 2 oz and was 17.5" long. They said he was the size of a 32 weeker. They couldn't find a reason why he was IUGR. It was a 'perfect' pregnancy up until my 36 wk, u/s. We were sent right to L&D and I had a an emergency C sec. due to fetal distress.
He was in the NICU for 8 days mainly bc he had trouble keeping his temp bc he was skinny and bc he had feeding issues which we still battle today. I am wanting to TTC again, but we are scared it will happen again.
Noah is now 7.5 months old and doing great!!!
Wishing u lots of luck. {{HUGS}}
Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences with this. We had our follow-up ultrasound yesterday evening and the technician was very thorough, much more so than any ultrasound we've had in the past. This was encouraging in that he knew why we were there from our requisition paperwork, confirmed it with us in person upon arrival, and made sure there were plenty of accurate measurements, particularly of the area of concern, so that there will be no doubt following this ultrasound whether there is or isn't an issue. Now we're torn between wanting to know the results but at the same time not wanting to hear from the Dr before my wife's next scheduled appt (first appt with our obstetrician) because that will likely mean there's either no issue at all or that it's at least minor / not urgent.
My baby was born with severve iugr. He weighed 2lb 11 1/2oz born at 34+6 and is doing great. He measured small from his 20 week scan and I was tracked throughout the pregnancy with growth scans, usually every 2 weeks. They were happy when he followed the growth curve but were watching out if he dipped off this growth curve (5th centile). They look out for decreased growth in the abdomen as the body continues to use the nutrition for the growth to the brain, therefore the abdomen suffers with growth measurements.

Connor's growth stopped about 30 week when his abdomen circumference was 23.3cm. I had steroid injections then to help the lungs in case of early delivery, plan was to get to 36 weeks but no later, I was to have close monitoring - ctg, scans and blood flow doppler reading for placental blood flow. My waters went before the 36 weeks but he was born safely by c-section. He spent 4 1/2 weeks in scbu, mainly to regulate body temperature and grow. He did not need any oxygen when he was born and only had a nasal feeding tube and iv nutrition for a few days until feeding was established.

He is now 8lb 14 oz at 22 weeks. Wishing you well for the duration of the pregnancy.
So my wife had her follow-up today from last week's 'double-check' ultrasound. It was her first appt with the obstetrician. It was kind of half and half relieving and disappointing in that the initial concerning ultrasound wasn't a mistake, his abdomen is in fact measuring small, but the positive thing is that in the two weeks between ultrasounds his abdomen went from measuring at the 10th percentile to the 15th percentile, so in two weeks he caught up 5%. The obstetrician said the only way to keep an eye on it is to keep on getting ultrasounds to make sure his progress doesn't fall behind again. Hopefully he keeps making gains! The doctor was very encouraging and said the baby's high level of activity as well as my wife's perfect history with this pregnancy (besides this issue) and with her previous pregnancy are all very positive. I don't know whether maintaining his 15th percentile standing from here on out is enough to let him go full term or whether they'll induce, and it sounded like they might induce if he regresses again, but the doctor was also very encouraging in that regard and made it out to be no big deal if that's what ends up happening. The dr sort of danced around answering my wife's questions about what would it mean once he was born if he doesn't catch up any more in his abdomen and my wife has to be induced, as in what can we expect as far as health issues (if any), etc. It was more or less a "we'll cross that bridge" attitude, but not in a refusing to discuss it way, more just that they're monitoring the situation and don't want her (us) worrying about potential issues. Anyways, like I said, would have been nice to find out it was all just an error but also encouraging to know our little guy did some catching up and can stay where he is for now.
Sorry it's taken me a while to find this thread, I'd stopped monitoring the Gest Comps and moved permanently into the Preemie area!

Andrew was born at 29+1 weeks with severe IUGR, he weighed just 1lb 6oz (approx size of a 25weeker). This was as a result of placental bloodflow problems which had been picked up at a research scan at 21 weeks (he measured small but within limits at 12 & 20 weeks) and I had regular growth scans thereafter. I also then had steroid jabs at 28 weeks when my placenta started failing, and the decision was made to hasten his arrival a week later.

He spent the next 11 weeks in NICU, coming home just two days after his original due date. Because of his premature delivery he needed ventilating, and has gone through the standard NICU progress of ventilator - Cpap - oxygen thru nasal cannula and also of feeding - OGT, NGT etc. But he is just fine!

He has no issues as a result of his IUGR other than one of "image" - because he's so small, he still only fits early baby and newborn clothes, most of which are terribly cutesy and fluffy - I'm sure you know what I mean! I make a point of dressing him in trousers (jeans) and tops because that is more akin to his actual age of 5 months, but it's difficult. And we get fed up of people going "Ooooh, it's a newborn" when we are out at the shops!

Physically his only complication is a hearing disorder from his auditory nerve not developing properly (can happen with preemies). Other than that, he's just small.
My wife had her 3rd ultrasound yesterday, there was the original about a month ago where our little guy was measuring at the 10th percentile, then another one two weeks ago when he had caught up to the 15th percentile. As of yesterday, he appears to be measuring at the 40th percentile! This will obviously need to be confirmed with follow up ultrasounds and the results of this ultrasound made official during the follow up with the obstetrician but the technician had all of his previous measurement reports there, was fully aware of the concern and said she measured the heck out of his abdomen. According to her, he's 34 weeks old measuring like a 33 week old, something she says is not even significant enough that they would bother bringing to the parents' attention. Of course with the previous two ultrasounds coming back with him measuring at a much lower percentile, we're going forward with measured optimism, but it sure sounds like he did a huge amount of catching up in the past couple of weeks! He currently weighs 5 lbs and at the average 1/2 lb per week weight gain at this gestational age, if he goes to term, we're looking at about 8 lbs :) Anyhow, I'll follow up here with any developments as things proceed - thanks again to everyone who's shared their experiences so far.
Hi there, I posted a couple of weeks ago and I can now report that Mia Emily Nicol was born by emergency c section on 29th January She weighed 2lb 4oz at birth and 15 days later, weighs 2lb 11oz! She did not require help with breathiing from birth and aside from a feeding tube, has no other aids! She is a little star and aside from being tooty - is perfect in every way :) We are hoping to get her home around my due date (21st March) so to anyone with a potential early delivery ahead, keep positive because your baby is stonger than we give them credit! Good Luck! xx
Hi there! I know this is an old thread but my situation right now is exactly the same as your wife's story. I'm
32 weeks pregnsnt and Everything looks great but the baby's abdominal measurement which is also on the 10th percentile. I have a follow up US in 2 weeks. Could you please tell me what happen after your last post? Thank you so much and sorry for the typos, I'm using my phone. Thanks again and God bless you and your family.

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