Potty training: intervening during accidents


Done with One
Sep 15, 2013
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I figured since my son and I are on shelter in place until at least May, we’d try some potty training.

33 months
Has receptive and expressive use of the word “potty”
Likes his Elmo and Daniel Tiger potty book
We watch shows with kids on the potty
Diagnosed mild ASD and sensory processing disorder
Pottied independently once at 18 months old (I jokingly said do you need to go potty when taking his diaper off and he walked to the other room, sat on his potty, and peed then literally hasn’t done that since)

present day:
We’re going pantless because with pull ups or training pants he will pee everywhere every fifteen minutes. No pants, he only seems to pee every 1.5 to 2 hours. BUT he has no warning signs and no qualms about peeing on the floor. He thinks it’s hilarious. But now that he’s holding it longer, I can grab him and put him on the toilet to pee so the majority of his pee is done sitting on the toilet.

the question:
Am I supposed to physically move him while he’s peeing? Or do I just let him have his accident on the floor and tell him we go in the potty? Or is his complete disregard for peeing on the floor mean I should just call it quits?

cuz honestly I have no clue what I’m doing and my mom just says she can’t help because all her kids were potty trained by two and she literally feels like we trained ourselves and she did nothing lol
Just kidding. Caved and shelled out the $10 for “Oh Crap Potty Training” book and evidently yes. Moving them mid accident is precisely what you are supposed to do :rofl:
I just potty trained our son who was 3 in February a couple months ago.

I didn't physically take him any time he was having an accident; I would encourage him to take himself there. Sometimes the accidents were too hard to contain and I would just let him have the full accident, say it was okay, clean up and change him right where he was. He just had an unexpected accident in our kitchen yesterday (after weeks without any at least), I just did the same thing: It's okay. Then I cleaned up the pee and changed him. No big deal.

Having a full on accident is not an automatic reason to give up unless you also aren't seeing much progress are my thoughts.
i'm dreading this so much, yet cannot wait for it to happen. Twin boys here, 2 yrs + 4 mos old. They say potty and want to 'try' sometimes, they announce when they are pooping and go someplace private to do it, but overall have no other interest in it.
Do you find the Elmo/Daniel books help? Just saturate them with potty stuff? I have a new potty coming in the mail and a hand me down one ready. Do you keep it in a general area for easy access, or keep it in the bathroom to acclimate to that room?
So many questions...
I bought both the Elmo and Daniel Tiger book. He liked them, and we read them often. I don’t think they actually helped grand scheme of things. His daycare really helped by encouraging him to sit on the potty and say potty. But I really found that oh crap book helpful to change my mentality and approach. I don’t follow it intensely, but it really helped me get a clear picture of how to break it down. My son is ASD and has sensory processing as well. So he needs things broken down and repetitive practice. I also downloaded a potty tracker. Just simple to keep track of when he went and if it was successful.

we haven’t started nap or sleep training because I torn my rotator cuff. But it took about 3 weeks for me to feel comfortable getting him in pants or out of the house. He just went to my moms (40 minute drive) and was dry the whole ride and used the potty at her house. We’re nearly 2 weeks without an accident BUT he’s scared to poop in the toilet so he holds it and then poops during his nap :(

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