So I had my appt yesterday and got to find babys hb with the doppler. My doctor is so cool
Anywho, he basically said that they will be monitoring me very closely still, especially the pre eclampsia stuff and told me that he will be sending me to their fmf specialist. Next week is my CL appt where he will check it and measure. He also wants to do another ultrasound of baby, I think to check measurements and stuff again. He said, he is worried because I keep checking things off his worry list as tme goes on. Like its a gradual thing lol I have to do the 24 hr urine jug thing again. the lab tech was like, wow you are a pro at this now! lol All in all, I am feeling optimistic still because my platelets are still high enough for me to continue my progesterone shots until 36 weeks... But I will have more bruising and stuff which I don't mind. *when platelets are low, you are more prone to bruises and stuff). And my bp has been stable still, and my pressure pains have been less frequent since being on bed rest... I am told to remain on strict bed rest until delivery which I figured lol I still can't lift up my munchkin but its okay. oh and since I have the blood disorder again, he is not worried about DVT or blood clots. I sure could do without getting GD again!! I know I have pre e again, but I pray I don't get GD again!
His current goal for me is to make it to 28 weeks, then 32, and so on. I know I will make it to 36 weeks at least! I feel the positive vibes!
Cant wait til appt next week to check cervix and baby. Oh and Im looking forward to the appt with the fmf specialist as well. I already know which hospitals I will be transferred to just in case things become worse later on, and they are both great hospitals.
You ladies have a great weekend!