preemie babies that have come home. . .


Jun 4, 2008
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My little girl was released from SCBU last thursday. . .she was born at 2lb 4oz and now weighs just 3lb 8oz.

Im soooooooooooo happy to have her home-its so fantastic!! BUT its being tainted because im so so frightend for her. I cant sleep for worrying that she's getting cold, that she might be getting hot, that she's not breathing, about SIDS. . . the list goes on and on.
I dont like anyone else holding her or touching her because im worried they'll infect her. And lastly. . .im frightend someone's going to come and take her away.

I have the HV coming over on Tues afternoon to weigh her. If she doesnt put on any weight Iv been told they'll put her straight back in on the childrens ward. Im absolutly terrified. Iv so many questions ad things I want to ask the HV but im too scared to in case they think I shouldnt have her.

does anyone else feel like this?? xx
It is totally normal to feel that way hun, I can understand exactly what you mean. I am sure most mums on here feel exactly the same.

It must be harder seeing as you have the 'threat' of her being taken back into hospital, but fingers crossed she has put on enough weight. You should not feel scared to ask your h/v anything, they are there to help and they will NOT take your baby away from you. I know it would be awful if she had to go back into hospital and hopefully it won't come to that, but if it does then it is for her own good and it would hopefully not be for long.

Try and just enjoy having your precious little girl back home with you and with lots of love and tlc from you she will be just fine :hugs:
Molly weighed 2lb 4oz when she was born too. She was released 2 weeks ago and is doing fine. I'm quite a laid back person and haven't had too many of the worries you are experiencing but I can totally understand that you would.
The very fact that you are worried about these things means you are a brilliant mum. :hugs:
well donnaballon and embojet i think we were all due on the same day (22nd march) and all had preemies.
my little girl came home from scbu last monday after 29 days in hospital.
i have every fear you have. it is soooo scary bringing a preemie home - and very different to bringing a healthy full termer home which i have done twice.
i'm sure as our babies get bigger and stronger we will start to relax a bit more - i'm hoping we will or i'll be in hospital on the mental ward!!!!!!
Thanks so much for the replies ladies. I really appreciate them and they've made me feel a little better. :hugs:

Im worried sick about tomorrow with the HV-and now Iv got the MW coming aswell, an hour before her-she wants to do some blood tests on Brooke as she casually mentioned she was concerned about her thyroid. Another new thing to worry about-I find them doing things to her quite traumatic. :cry: Im not looking forward to them hurting her. . .I have to stop myself from running over to her, scooping her up and running far far far away!!!!!! :dohh:

I sincerely hope all your lovely LO's are well and continue to be so-
its nice to know that someone knows exactly how you're feeling.
Thanks again for the reassuring messages. xx
I have the HV coming over on Tues afternoon to weigh her. If she doesnt put on any weight Iv been told they'll put her straight back in on the childrens ward.

That's sensitive of them :roll: Do they mean a normal childrens ward? Or SCBU? They're idiots is they think admitting a premature baby to a ward where their are kids with all sorts of infections is a sensible idea! If it's SCBU then at least they are strict on infection control!

She will have put on weight unless she really isn't feeding well and vomiting up her milk. She has put on a massive amount of weight already which shows she is healthy and unlikely that she has problems gaining weight.

It's natural to feel very insecure now as you have a premmie baby at home where she isn't being watched over by professionals. But the professionals would never have let you take her home if they didn't believe she would be in safe hands. They will have assessed your emotional state/wellbeing and decided you are perfectly capable. SHould there be any issues you can rush her straight down to the doctor or A&E.

All you can do to make sure she is comfortable is use a room thermometer, check her temperature regularly, ensure she feeds enough during a 24 hour period (we charted amounts on paper for a few weeks - sometimes the boys would look like they were not eating, but over 24 hours it evened out and they were taking their requirement). A cold baby will not want to eat so if you've had to wake her to feed and she isn't interested but she feels cold, whip her clothes off (except for a nappy) and your own and stick her on your chest (Kangaroo care) with a warm blanket to cover her and this is the quickest way her temperature will regulate. Do this regularly anyway as babies love it :)

You're right not to want others to touch her - just explain to people that she is premature and you've been advised to limit possibility of infection. We were told to not go to a supermarket unless it's not busy and to avoid anyone with colds etc.

No one is going to look down on you for asking questions and neither are they going to think you shouldn't have your baby. If you don't feel comfortable asking your HV then why not call SCBU and ask one of the nurses?

Hope this helps & let us know how it goes this afternoon.
Take care, Elle x
Iv got the MW coming aswell, an hour before her-she wants to do some blood tests on Brooke as she casually mentioned she was concerned about her thyroid.

They actually said concerned? The pin prick on the heel test is a standard test that (amongst other things) checks the Thyroid function. They should have done one already in SCBU but it's usually retested when the baby reaches 36 weeks gestation. Can't see why they would be worried about her thyroid without the results from the last one indicating a problem.
Iv got the MW coming aswell, an hour before her-she wants to do some blood tests on Brooke as she casually mentioned she was concerned about her thyroid.

They actually said concerned? The pin prick on the heel test is a standard test that (amongst other things) checks the Thyroid function. They should have done one already in SCBU but it's usually retested when the baby reaches 36 weeks gestation. Can't see why they would be worried about her thyroid without the results from the last one indicating a problem.

Thanks so much for your long posts! :hugs:

Yes, the HV said she was 'concerned' abou her thyroid. Nobody has mentioned this to me before-and she was in SCBU for nearly 6 weeks!! She has had two heel pricks done-one when she was born, and one when she reached 36 weeks. When they did them I asked what the results were and was told then that they were normal!

Like I said, thanks again for your long post. I found it most reassuring. . .I'll update later when they have been and gone. Fingers crossed-Im absolutly wetting myself today!

Hope all your lovely LO's are well xx
How did it go with the HV yesterday? :hug:

Evening :hugs:

The HV was fine yesterday. . .Brooke has put on 2oz in 5 days :happydance: which is heaps for her! I was really pleased with the progress, as normally she only manages 25g-ish. Except the HV wasnt that impressed and commented that it wasnt much!! So I told her to give the poor child a break. :rofl:

Iv decided to ignore them now anyways. Ill soon know if she's not right. :muaha:

Thanks for all the advice-its much appreciated! xx
Don't worry Donnaballona....My son was born at 1lb 15 oz, and was very slow to gain. He was discharged at 4lbs but he had a cast on his leg so we weighed less. All the other babies around him were putting on tons of weight and he was very slow with the weight gain. Well Ive run into some of the other Mom's and their babies recently, and Noah is HUGE compared to them. He is now 23 lbs! So she might be slow right now but she def will catch up!!

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