i totally agree with you. ultimately, i just want a healthy baby too. i will be happy with either a boy or a girl. but there is a part of me that really wants to be able to buy dresses and bows! lol.
i am so sorry to hear about your stepson. i have a cousin with the same condition. he is about 17 now though and living a completely normal life. giving his mom all of the stresses and worries hes supposed to at his age!

i was born about a month and a half early and my husband was a little premature too, so I definitely have my worries about that. i have already begun reading all of the books on how to keep myself healthy!
i had the exact same thing! i was so sure that my period was coming that there was no way that i was gonna waste a test. but my OH made me take it. i think i about fainted when it was a positive...OH had to sit down when i showed him. but after the shock wore off we immediately got excited.
i am completely okay with him having a son. ive been in his life since he was only 7 months old, so i was never like an outsider coming in that i think some stepmoms feel. sometimes though, i am kind of jealous that i dont have the same bond that my OH has with him. but ultimately he has a great mother, and i was never wanting to replace that. but i know with my own child i will have a bond that i try but just cant seem to create with my stepson. i love him so much though, i think i fell totally in love with him the moment i met him.
my OH wasnt married to her, it was just a girlfriend. he was married before, but no kids from that. when she found out she was pregnant, he tried to do the right thing and he proposed, but she didnt want to get married. she said it was an accident, but were pretty sure that she kinda planned on getting pregnant. but her and i have always gotten along and shes always been very nice to me. we arent like close though, because there is still a lot of tension between her and OH.