oh my gosh that sounds pretty terrible. i wasnt really able to walk for a long time with my injury, but i think not being able to turn my head would drive me crazy!
i was just able to get on the website for the army hospital where i will be going to all of my appointments and everything, and i found a schedule of the different appointments and what is done in each. for this first one i will be 8 weeks along and they describe it as an OB registration appointment. it says we will go over my options, nutrition, exercise, and all of that fun stuff you need to know about pregnancy. but it says that the fetal heart tones where you get to hear the heartbeat isnt until 2-4 weeks later! man, i was hoping it would be at this appointment. and the ultrasound isnt until 4-8 weeks after that! i can already tell that the waits between appointments are going to drive me nuts! lol.
it does say that after this first appointment i will be able to schedule a free prenatal class. so that seems pretty cool at least.
so how have you been feeling? i keep getting worried that i dont have enough symptoms. lol, how strange right... but i havent really gotten any morning sickness. all last week i was pretty nauseated, but never actually got sick. every once in awhile, like maybe once a day, i get this stretching feeling in my lower abdomen and im pretty exhausted...but other than that and the requisite sore bbs, i feel pretty normal. i probably should be feeling lucky for not feeling terrible, but it just makes me want to get into the doctor and get examined so that i know everything is alright!