Pregnancy, Yahoo, & Text Buddy-September 2010-US

LOL you're ALOT braver than I am! I have ZERO tolerance for pain so I am planning on getting an epidural. I'll be able to better focus on getting my baby out and not focus so much on how bad it hurts.

Speaking of an OB... I have my 1st appointment this Thursday at 3:15 pm!:yipee:
haha...well thats my ideal version of labor, au naturel. but in the back of my mind i have a feeling that, come the actual time, ill be screaming for an epidural! lol. thats why i wanna give myself the option...cause with the midwives you dont really have an can change your mind, but they arent gonna give you the epidural.

thats awesome that you were able to get an appointment so quickly! mine isnt until the 27th, and it seems like its FOREVER away! youll have to let me know what goes on at the first very curious as to what to expect from it :)
I can totally tell you. Thank goodness it's on one of OH's days off because I didn't wanna go by myself. And OH doesn't want me going without him either lol.

I didn't know midwives don't give you the epidural option. Why is that?
im the same way! i made sure to schedule it when my OH can come too...cause i dont wanna do any of the appointments on my own! i definitely need support. lol

im not sure if all midwives are like that or if thats just the way the military is. but thats what happened with OHs ex...she went with the midwives cause she didnt want to end up with a male OB doctor. and then she couldnt have the epidural. haha!
Haha! I requested a female OB. I just don't like the idea of another man besides Oh touching me down there, even if it IS his job!

My mom went all natural with me and both my brothers. She said it wasn't the hardest thing she'd ever done, but definitely the most painful LOL!
i know what you mean. my family practice doctor back home was a guy though, and so from about age 18 i always went to him for my yearly girl checkups. so ive gotten pretty used to that over the past few years.

i really think i want to try to do everything natural, but i really dont know if i will be able to. im pretty tough when it comes to certain types of pains. for example, when i was 15 i busted my kneecap into about 5 peices on a rock climbing accident. i had to continue to climb out of the canyon and hike the two miles back down the trail. and that eventually led to three surgeries and pins in my leg. so pain i can do, but somehow i think that this labor sort of pain might be on a completely different level... :-/ lol
Lol yea i get what you're saying. The worst pain I've had was when I fell off my horse, pinned my arm up behind my head and after that I couldn't turn my head to the left for 3 weeks.

I'm excited for my appointment! I hope the doctor is able to tell me exactly how far along I am.
oh my gosh that sounds pretty terrible. i wasnt really able to walk for a long time with my injury, but i think not being able to turn my head would drive me crazy!

i was just able to get on the website for the army hospital where i will be going to all of my appointments and everything, and i found a schedule of the different appointments and what is done in each. for this first one i will be 8 weeks along and they describe it as an OB registration appointment. it says we will go over my options, nutrition, exercise, and all of that fun stuff you need to know about pregnancy. but it says that the fetal heart tones where you get to hear the heartbeat isnt until 2-4 weeks later! man, i was hoping it would be at this appointment. and the ultrasound isnt until 4-8 weeks after that! i can already tell that the waits between appointments are going to drive me nuts! lol.

it does say that after this first appointment i will be able to schedule a free prenatal class. so that seems pretty cool at least.

so how have you been feeling? i keep getting worried that i dont have enough symptoms. lol, how strange right... but i havent really gotten any morning sickness. all last week i was pretty nauseated, but never actually got sick. every once in awhile, like maybe once a day, i get this stretching feeling in my lower abdomen and im pretty exhausted...but other than that and the requisite sore bbs, i feel pretty normal. i probably should be feeling lucky for not feeling terrible, but it just makes me want to get into the doctor and get examined so that i know everything is alright!
That's weird cuz I've been feeling fine. Like you though, sore bbs, nausea, and a weird stretching feeling. I've also been feeling extremely tired.

Thank goodness I went in and talked to my school counselor! I don't have to go in until like 10:30 am for school. So I'm there for the last 5 hours of the day, which is GREAT because I hated my first 3 hours.

I'm hoping to get in on some prenatal classes as well. Not sure where I can take some, but I'm definitely going to look around!
i guess we are just the lucky ones! either that or we are speaking too soon and we're both gonna be feeling terrible next week. lol ;) hopefully its the first one though!

thats awesome that they moved around your school schedule so that you can get some extra rest! i am only taking 3 courses this semester, one is monday night 330-600, one is wednesday night 500-730, and the other is my thesis course which i dont have to go in regularly for. so as far as school goes, i lucked out. but i work tues, thurs, and fri from 700-500. meaning i have to wake up at 445 to get ready and catch the bus on time. its pretty rough...ive been going to bed at like 9 on the nights before. lol. man im such an old woman these days!

the great thing about the military is they offer a bunch of classes for free. they have the prenatal one, they have a lamaze/labor one, they have an exercise one, and they even have one for siblings to help the kiddos get used to the idea of having a little brother or sister. im not sure, but i would imagine a regular hospital would offer things like that too. i bet your ob will fill you in on all of that at your appointment :)
Well I wasn't able to get in with an OB-Gyn yesterday... Apparently there was something wrong with my insurance, so I have to go and change a few things on Monday. Which means now they won't be able to book me an appointment until the 2nd or 3rd... UGH!!!

So I guess you will just have to tell me everything that happens when you go to your's!
oh thats so annoying! i hate when stuff like that happens. i used to have so many problems when i was on my parents insurance and i would go to appointments here in hawaii. i know how frustrating that can be! and now you have to go through the wait all over again. total bummer! :-/

on the bright side, by then youll be like 7 weeks along and maybe theyll be able to do more as far as exams and such than they would have been able to do today! :)
That's what I'm hoping. I was really excited to go see the Ob-Gyn though, and I was really disappointed that I couldn't.:cry:

The good news is that I'm on my dad's insurance, and he's changing everything for me on Monday. I really don't talk to him anymore, but he still speaks with my mom and she told him about everything that happened and how I'm pregnant, etc.

I'm going to try and get my appointment set for the 3rd because I want OH to be able to be there.
im glad that everything is getting worked out. i bet your dad was excited to hear about you becoming a mom, even if you have a sort of estranged relationship with him.

was you OH going to be able to be there at this previous appointment? hopefully you can get the new appointment set just right so that he can be there! i know that feeling all too well...i dont want to do any of the appointments without my OH. i told him i was too scared to do it alone. and hes already been through this once so he knows what happens at all of the appointments and will be much calmer than me. the problem is i know they want to make an appointment for 2-3 weeks after this first appointment. and that is the time that OH is set to be in vegas for work! :( im hoping that we will be able to schedule it around a time when he will be here.
Yes, OH was with me when we went, and he was also disappointed we didn't get in.

Even though OH is already a father, him and the ex were never close due to her cheating and lying about LOTS of things, and he was constantly working to try and support them so he didn't get to do all that with her, nor did he want to.

Wow. That made OH sound like a really bad guy. He's not... He's told me and so has his mom, that they just never got along after about a month of them being together. She tried telling him that a guy she worked with raped her, although OH found out later that was a lie and so was almost everything else that came out of her mouth.

He just couldn't be around her without drinking. So he drank more than he should. Now that they are no longer together, he barely touches it. He couldn't go with her to doctor's appointments because she wouldn't go and she wouldn't take care of herself. Plus he was always working.

So all of this is new to him as well. He didn't get to see his son's birth, and he didn't get to see him alot during the first 3 months of his life while he was in the hospital. He was born 3 months early and with Cerebral Palsy.
thats just crazy. i cant believe a person would lie about stuff like that to their spouse! she must really be a "special" sort of person. and that she wouldnt take care of herself while she was pregnant...thats just so selfish of her. i wonder if she feels guilty that her son was born so premature, like maybe it could have been better if she kept herself healthier. thats just my opinion...i want to keep myself as healthy as possible to make sure my baby has the best chance at starting its life out healthy.

im glad that your OH is with you and happy now. im sure all of this is so exciting for him this time around! my OH isnt overtly excited, but i can tell he is on the inside. hes not the sort to really show his emotions very much, but everything i do lately he is always thinking about the baby. its pretty cute actually.
Lol don't you love that?? Sometimes that's all OH wants to talk about and it's so adorable. He's already been telling his buddies at work and he told his family. He's really excited.

She just doesn't care, I think... I mean obviously I don't KNOW what she's thinking, but I really don't think she cares. She's always trying to like let OH's mom come pick up Mikie while she has him, and she wants us to pick him up like as soon as OH gets off work at 8 am. She's never been rude to me, but she's always going on and on to OH.

So have you bought anything for baby yet?? I want to so bad but I know that isn't a good idea until we are past the 12 week point and find out the gender. We have lots of clothes that Mikie never wore, so if we have a boy we will only need to buy like one or two newborn outfits.
haha. i know, boys are so funny. my hubby announced it at his work too. i havent even gotten to announce it at work yet!

it sounds like your OHs ex is one of those "convenient parents" where she only wants to be a mom when its convenient for her. but when she has other things going on then shes trying to get out of her motherly responsibilities. i have a friend whose ex husband is like that. he will come in and out of his kid's life when he feels like it, but when he doesnt he has every excuse in the book as to why hes not around.

i havent bought anything yet, but i have wanted to so many times already! im making myself refrain though because (a) i know its way too early, (b) i really want to wait until we find out the gender, and (c) i know were gonna be getting so much stuff from family. we also have a lot from when dyl was little. so if its a boy we have tons of clothes from about 6 months up. we will only have to buy some infant stuff, which my OH doesnt have as he was still with my stepsons mom at the time and she kept it all.

ive also already picked out the stroller i want and the carseat. haha. im out of control pretty much! lol

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