Pregnancy one - little boy born screaming at 36 weeks after induction due to pre-eclampsia (April 2004)
Pregnancy two - pre-eclampsia controlled by medication from 26 weeks until going to be induced at 37 weeks got there and in labour. Little girl born screaming (july 2005)
Pregnancy three - PROM at 28+6, induction at 29+1, induction classed as failed at 29+3, born sleeping at 36+6 due to medical negligence, IUGR, a placenta that was 50% too small, 50% clots and a 10% abruption (may 2007)
Pregnancy four - Factor V Leiden discovered at 8 weeks gestation put on baby aspirin and clexane, pre-eclampsia controlled by medication, induction due to loss and fast labours, baby goes into distress during induction after they try to break my waters and there is none. Emergency section. Placenta looks awful. Baby has IUGR but is born screaming. (May 2008)
Pregnancy five to eleven - first trimester loses (August 08 to September)
Pregnancy twelve - more clotting disorders found, put on clexane, aspirin and progesterone. Taken off it all at 16 weeks. 21 weeks baby is extremely small on the anomaly scan. 22 week scan baby shows signs of fighting for her life. 24 weeks and 3 days baby girl is born sleeping. She was only 340 grams so around the size of a 19 weeker, the reason was medical negligence, early onset of severe IUGR, placenta too small, 60% clots and a 10% abruption.
I also had a DVT onset started during labour but undiagnosed for a week
Pregnancy thirteen - first tri loss
Three months after that diagnosed with MTHFR (homo)
Pregnancy fourteen to seventeen - first trimester loses
And recently I've been diagnosed with natural killer cells