My milk was fine first time and is ok still with second one, Sore nipples is all I got. Dosnt happen the dry up on everyone.
My milk was fine first time and is ok still with second one, Sore nipples is all I got. Dosnt happen the dry up on everyone.
It looks like your kids were much older though and probably didn't need much milk at that point.
My milk was fine first time and is ok still with second one, Sore nipples is all I got. Dosnt happen the dry up on everyone.
It looks like your kids were much older though and probably didn't need much milk at that point.
I am not sure why you have said this actually, some woman dry and some dont. Every one is different.
Maybe I shouldnt have bothered commenting then to the OP if I knew I would get a grilling for it.
Alex didnt eat solids till he was 19 months old and William always was a mega feeder to. He was high needs constantly feeding even at a year. Anyway I am not here to debate with you just to give the OP my personal experience as this is my second time feeding while pregnant.
Even though people have successfully nursed through pregnancy most are mothers to toddlers. Her baby is so young that it will still need way too much milk to be able to get by on just colostrum alone I would think. Also everything I e read says milk turns to colostrum at 4-5 months not third trimester.
I'm just speaking from experience. My babies diapers dropped to. 3 a day around the 8 week mark. I slowly started adding in a few extra ounces at bedtime til they dropped again at the 12 week mark. Then I started doing a whole bottle. Now I'm having to do 2 bottles a day. Iv be heard it can happen that you may maintain a full supply but I think she needs to be prepared that is a big possibility that it won't. But it's completely possible to get to 6 months. And also just because your supply starts to go and even when it does change to colostrum, you can still nurse. I plan on nursing as long as he will take it. He will no longer nurse at night because he knows he gets a bottle. Early morning and when we wake up for the day he happily nurses with gusto. The rest of the day he nurses but you can tell he isn't satisfied.