I felt the same before I had Brayden - nobody had seen ANY PART Of me that was private since I was able to wash myself as a child, now, I walk around topless at home LOL. Seriously, though, trust me, when you go through labor and delivery and have just about every person in the hospital looking and putting their hands up your hoo-haw, putting in catheters, etc etc etc, and then have the big surgical light on it for all to see everything during the actual pushing part, you lose a LOT of modesty. I didnt even have the big light bit as I ended up w/a c-section, but I had to have 3 people help me take a shower the next day b/c of the surgery.
My doula said that she could always tell what stage of labor a woman was in by how many clothes she was wearing LOL.
Think about how you look at patients. Are you looking at them and thinking "OMG, they have **** or wow, look at THAT!"? No, you arent. You're looking for landmarks, symptoms or whatever you need to look at to be able to treat them properly. As for other people once you get home - nobody need see anything but you and your hubby. Even your baby doesnt need to - the part that's exposed by the nursing bra is in the baby's mouth - they arent staring at it! Plus, for about the 1st 2 months, baby will likely sleep during feedings anyway, and after that will be too distracted to look at your boob! There are also great nursing covers that you can use out in public - I have one called a Peanut Shell, and it's great!
if it still wierds you out, you can always pump. Personally, though, I'd rather spend 10 minutes feeding brayden and be done with it instead of spending 20 minutes trying to get him to take a bottle then spending another 30 pumping every 3 hours, kwim?
My suggestion is to not make any firm decision until you are at that point. A LOT of things change with delivery. Buy a pump, cause you'll always want the odd bottle or whatever available, and go from there.