Pregnant Mums With Younger LOs


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Thought I'd put it in here since theres a few of us over different trimesters & because I'm wondering how your coping as Mum already not mum to be.

How are you finding being pregnnat with a young LO?

I'm drained now that I worry how it's going to be after baby is here with the 2 young but as OH pointed out I won't feel like I do now I'll have more energy but throughout the pregnancy I've bene up and down and I will say to people I'm tired but as time moves on its a different kind of tired :dohh:

Tonight I worked out that I can no longer stomach food as in meals or even be bothered making them that I went to the shop and got OH a ding dinner :blush:
This is a thread i will be intrested in reading as we have a 1 year old son and will be TTC very soon thanks wobbs hope youn dont mind x
good thread wobbles, i have always wondered this, i don't blame you about not being bothered to make dinner, sometimes i can't be bothered :blush: and i'm not pregnant! x
I agree that I feel drained by the end of the day, but then can't sleep, so I run on a dead battery most of the time. Little things are harder as the bump progresses, like bath Amy and carry her now she is a lot heavier . . . Running around after her all day while I clean, which she undoes as I do it even though she is just trying to help in her own way.

I am not having sickness like with her so feel a lot more energetic, but I definatley feel drained, to be honest . . . But mostly I cope fine . . . x
No littlelady of course not hadn't really thought about it being helpful to others OR scarey :rofl:

Fairy interesting gaps between our bumps and LOs - looks like our LOs will have very close gaps! (If you see what I mean lol).

Little things that wear me down too or have gone from uncomfy to struggle to *ARGH* and like you one is leaning over the bath and getting down to change her nappy ...getting up is the bigger problem :lol:

I haven't had sickness but I have that sicky yakky feeling from being tired yet I am lucky that OH works from home. I'm sure he thinks I talk **** or put it on and says things like 'most men aren't at home every day' which is true but I'm use to how we live and yes I take advantage of the help (not a use advantage) but I have to say that I actually find it easier with Caitlin when hes not in the house lol :confused: which is rare.
Oh yeah, lol, forgot the nappy one! I am ok at the mo, but my leg gets cramped so much more easier.

Yeah I see about the gap in age. :) I also oddly find it easier to cope when OH isn't under my feet, too :rofl: x
he he, so funny, i no i'm not pregnant atm but i do find it easier when james isn't here, he makes so much mess :dohh: x
I feel for you...hopefully you'll get a last burst of energy!

The bath thing was a pain which is why kieran ended up in the shower, the pram is very handy to have a quick lean on tho.

I used to find dealing with kieran wasn't the problem but it was the rest of the household stuff that i couldn't be bothered with...definatly take advantage of your LO's still having a nap...really gives you that boost.

Not long now x x
Gosh, I remember being pregnant and taking care of my young one. Then again, I did it again and had two to deal with two. But, different ballgame as they aren't toddlers anymore.

I'll be honest and say you do what you have to do and you will survive it. It is tiring with two young ones, I won't lie. But if you make it to the crawling stage, you will find that they both will occupy themselves and you will somehow get more time to do things you need to get done. You will probably have more time than you do with just one. Instead of having you give the one attention, they will find the attention in each other.

But two are very demanding as they are not dependent, you will probably get crazed if Caitlin starts crying or whining at something, and your baby is crying too. It can be a tad stressful.

But you will manage and you will do fabulously :)

I didn't have the help at home so you are at an advantage :)
hehe thanks wobbs doesnt scare me just excites me tbh lol i find it intresting hoe all you pregnant ladies with Lo's are doing ok and feeling ok having one child is a stress alone and so is being pregnant x
The pregnancy is wiping you out hun plus caring for a little one is really tough. You will find it better once bubs is here because you'll have your full movement again :) but its knackering also caring for a young baby plus trying to keep a toddler amused too. My only advice is to try and get as many naps in the day as you can and share the feeding with your oh so you both get a break:)

Not long now is right :)

definatly take advantage of your LO's still having a nap...really gives you that boost.
She only has one a day! Anywhere form 30 minutes to 2 hours and thats pushing it lol!!!
Ugh, I'm TERRIFIED of having another one so close in age to Charlotte! They're only going to be a year and two weeks apart in age! I'm always exhausted and I don't feel like that's fair to Char cause she wants to go go go all the time!
i'm in that very early knackered stage of pegnancy and my little girl is five months old. i was shattered before, now i feel like a hamster unning round in one of those wheel am i suposed to look after abigail, look after the new one in my tum, teach 23 little so-and-sos and keep house??? i can't... so i know exactly where you're coming from. how many of us are there, pregnant with a young lo? maybe there should be a 'bit' for us all to congregate? i need dvise about double pushchairs...
Know the feeling about not knowing what double pushchair to get! :( They all seem to have bad reviews . . . x
I don't even think I'm going to bother with a double stroller. We hardly ever use the one we have and when this one is born Char will be walking (gosh I hope so anyway!) so we'll probably just get an umbrella stroller for her or something. Or I could carry the new one in a sling like I did Char. Gah, I don't know...I'm so confused as to how I'm going to manage everything/one!
well i am late pregnancy with a 19 month old and i am starting to feel soooo drained right now i am getting worried how i will cope with 2, by 7pm i am shattered and she is on the go big time and hypo i have no idea why, always had the same routine, does anyone think they know what is going on??

she will not sleep and will not calm down, i am due in 5 weeks!! aaarrrggghhh i cant wait to have him and maybe when i feel less tired from carrying him about all day i may cope better!! anyone else feel like this or is it just me??
My advice would be try not to worry about it, you already know that its going to be hard work but you'll get through it and once you get into a bit of a routine you will be fine. Also it will be so worth it.
My son is 3 and daughter is 7 wks. I had spd during pregnancy which made things difficult. I know the age gap between my two is much bigger, kian is also quite independent and he goes to school 3 days a week. But we have the added problem of Niamh being born with unexpected health problems and needs 2 operations before she's 1.

What i'm trying to say is havin 2 children is bloody hard work, just take any offers of help (although if your like me thats none!). You have to take what life throws at you, you will get through it, just prepare yourself for some tough times.
The last 7 wks have taught me that.
Don't know how young you mean by young, but im only in the first few weeks of pregnancy and I already feel shattered! I had my first proper morning sickness feelings this morning, running to the loo about to be sick, falling asleep all over the place and still trying to cope with Bethanie!

Like always with little uns, you just have to get on with it.. even when you can't be bothered. I made Bethanie a quick dinner tonight and we got a curry.;)
Sleep when she sleeps, take care of yourself and try to enjoy a bit of peace at night, because it won't last long lol.:baby:
Ya know...I'm actually starting to look forward to this instead of dreading it. I like having my 'little girl' time with Char in the morning. She watches me get ready and then I get her dressed and ready....and adding another one to that mix might be cute. Watching them brush their dollie's hair after I brush mine and their's (if this one is a girl!) is going to be super-cute and Charlotte is going to be at that 'touchy-touch' age where she's gonna want to be into everything so I'm thinking she might even help by bringing a diaper or helping to feed the baby (with VERY close supervision of course). I rough as it's going to be I think it might be fun too....either that or I'm starting to loose my mind! :)

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