I got my period back when dd was about a year. We started ntnp for awhile but then started trying more seriously.
We got opks and started using them and I got pregnant within a few cycles. It turned out I was ovulating wayyyyyyy later than I thought. I think bfing might shorten your lp? With a 28-33 day cycle (it only took a few cycles to become more regular once they started again) I was ovulating around day 21! Unfortunately that pregnancy ended in mc, but after waiting for a cycle we started trying again and got pregnant with this one right away.
I am not sure if I was ovulating when we were ntnp because I was just loosely trying to dtd at least around cd 13-15, so if I had used opks it might have happened a lot faster iykwim?
Oh, btw, I do/did on demand exclusive nursing, started blw around 6 months and we co-sleep, which all effects your cycles. She is still nursing a few times a day and also several times a night. My twin sister got pregnant a few months after her dd was born (and went on to tandem nurse) and she also was exclusive bfing and cosleeping.
I have heard about people not getting their cycles back until after they completely weaned and also about people who have had 4+ babies without ever getting a period between them so everyone is different!
Just be prepared, if you do get pregnant and are still nursing your milk could dry up (my supply has decreased from a few weeks ago but my sisters never did), your nipples could get sore (mine were excruciatingly sore from first trimester until second trimester) or your daughter could decide she doesn't like to nurse (I think the milk changes taste sometimes, although my dd did the opposite and started nursing MORE after my bfp!).
I understand about time running out. Women in my family tend to have VERY early menopause (around age 35ish) and I want at least 3 children so I definitely have a little clock ticking in my brain all the time, lol.
Good luck!