Pregnant with #2 - Couple of Q's


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Jan 7, 2013
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I just have a couple of Q's that i hope someone might be able to help me with.
I have recently just had a BFP on Clearblue Digital and i think i am roughly 6 weeks pregnant - So excited, shocked, but couldn't be happier. I had a MMC in January 2013, fell pregnant again shortly after and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last November. She is just over 6 months old! My OH and i tried to conceive for 3.5yrs before falling with no luck, turns out i wasn't ovulating so i was put on Clomid which worked for me both times. This pregnancy however, i didn't take any Clomid at all - I managed to fall entirely by myself, i couldn't believe it!
We had planned on having another baby soon, but obviously im still on maternity leave with baby #1 - Due to go back in September... Does anyone know if my maternity pay will be the same as my first as i have fallen pregnant during my maternity leave? I will be returning to work full time until the end of December as due date is roughly 10th Jan.

The other Q... Im not sure if anyone can help, but with my daughters birth, i had to have an Emergency C-Section because of a Bandls Ring - It was only found during surgery, the MW's and doctors had no idea that this was what was preventing my labour from developing pass 8cm. The surgeon afterwards told me there was a 50/50 chance of having another... So, am i correct in assuming i will be put in for another C-Section? Does anyone have any idea on this?

Thank you so much to anyone that has taken the time to read this. Really appreciate any feedback!

Thank you
Don't really know, didn't want to read and run. But they may schedule a repeat c section since you've already had one. I'd definitely talk to your ob doc about it
Every workplace has different policies about their own mat pay but with ours you were entitled to the same again, so long as you go back for 3 months after your last mat leave. It's a question you'll have to ask hr really. But you'll definitely be entitled to smp (if you're in the uk) as being on mat leave still counts as employment.

After an emergency c section you'll normally be given the option of a planned c section if that's what you want. Though if you'd prefer to try for a vbac I'm sure you could discuss that with your doctors.

Hope that helps!
Thank you, that's really helpful. Meeting with the MW this morning so i will certainly go over everything with her.

Thank you again
I had a c section with my first too. Never went into labor or had any contractions at she was big..almost 11lbs! I am pregnant with my second and my dr already said we will most likely have another section...due to the fact that I have never pushed a baby out and since the pregnancies are so close together. Good luck!
I had a c section with my first too. Never went into labor or had any contractions at she was big..almost 11lbs! I am pregnant with my second and my dr already said we will most likely have another section...due to the fact that I have never pushed a baby out and since the pregnancies are so close together. Good luck!

That's good to know, thank you for replying. I saw my midwife today, she said it's completely up to me but just as you said, she thought the consultant would probably recommend a C Section.
Hope all goes well with you pregnancy! Good luck with everything Xx
Omg finally someone else with a bandl ring!!! I was stalled at 4cm and no one knew why, when I had my c section they said I had a bandl ring due to obstructed labour (he was brow presentation).

That was 2 years ago and I'm pg with no.2, only 6+4 so haven't seen the midwife yet. After the c sec my surgeon came and told us about the bandl ring, she said it didn't mean that I would have to have another c sec in the future.

I've googled the ass off it but there are many conflicting reviews, I would hope for a VBAC so I guess I will have to see what MW says!
Omg finally someone else with a bandl ring!!! I was stalled at 4cm and no one knew why, when I had my c section they said I had a bandl ring due to obstructed labour (he was brow presentation).

That was 2 years ago and I'm pg with no.2, only 6+4 so haven't seen the midwife yet. After the c sec my surgeon came and told us about the bandl ring, she said it didn't mean that I would have to have another c sec in the future.

I've googled the ass off it but there are many conflicting reviews, I would hope for a VBAC so I guess I will have to see what MW says!

Lovely to speak to someone who has had the same experience! I also googled it like you wouldnt believe shortly after having my daughter and the information was quite scarce. I couldnt even find a forum where a Bandl Ring was mentioned!

Id never heard of it until after my surgery. Apparently they can sometimes be seen around the stomach, in a sort of indentation, but my stomach looked completely normally as im sure yours must have too, and it wasnt until they cut me open that they saw it.
I spoke with my MW yesterday, she vaguely remembered a Bandl Ring during her training but in the years of midwifery, she had never come across one - She said she would be researching it last night to get up to speed on it. I had a number of complications during what labour i had so i think i will opt for a C-Section, i am meeting with a consultant from about 25weeks so i can consider all my options and go over everything in detail at a later stage.

She did confirm i am currently 5wk4days pregnant - Still very early days yet, looking forward to getting past 12wks. Having quite bad pains in my left ovary - Are you experiencing any symptoms of early pregnancy yet?
I think mat leave pay depends entirely on where you live and where you work.

In Canada, mat benefits are typically paid out by the government and mat leave is still considered as part of your employment period. However, to qualify for mat pay or parental pay, you have to work so many hours in the year prior, since you will be on mat leave for much of the year prior, you could lose out on mat pay entirely if the 3 months of work didn't total the minimum hrs of work required to qualify.
Omg finally someone else with a bandl ring!!! I was stalled at 4cm and no one knew why, when I had my c section they said I had a bandl ring due to obstructed labour (he was brow presentation).

That was 2 years ago and I'm pg with no.2, only 6+4 so haven't seen the midwife yet. After the c sec my surgeon came and told us about the bandl ring, she said it didn't mean that I would have to have another c sec in the future.

I've googled the ass off it but there are many conflicting reviews, I would hope for a VBAC so I guess I will have to see what MW says!

Lovely to speak to someone who has had the same experience! I also googled it like you wouldnt believe shortly after having my daughter and the information was quite scarce. I couldnt even find a forum where a Bandl Ring was mentioned!

Id never heard of it until after my surgery. Apparently they can sometimes be seen around the stomach, in a sort of indentation, but my stomach looked completely normally as im sure yours must have too, and it wasnt until they cut me open that they saw it.
I spoke with my MW yesterday, she vaguely remembered a Bandl Ring during her training but in the years of midwifery, she had never come across one - She said she would be researching it last night to get up to speed on it. I had a number of complications during what labour i had so i think i will opt for a C-Section, i am meeting with a consultant from about 25weeks so i can consider all my options and go over everything in detail at a later stage.

She did confirm i am currently 5wk4days pregnant - Still very early days yet, looking forward to getting past 12wks. Having quite bad pains in my left ovary - Are you experiencing any symptoms of early pregnancy yet?

No, nothing was visible from the outside but when they opened me they had quite a job to get him out as it was holding him in place, I remember feeling like they were sitting on my chest, it was them pressing to pop him out :wacko:

My community midwife said she had seen 2 in 14 years, I anticipate being consultant led this pregnancy so hopefully they will have some more experience!

I had hyperemesis G in my last pregnancy and sadly this week the sickness has reared its ugly head once again, although I am not actually vomiting which is an improvement on last time. It's just so very hard whilst looking after a toddler :nope:
Oh you poor thing, hopefully it will ease off as you get further along. I knew someone who suffered with that in pregnancy, by 20 weeks though, luckily, it had subsided! But thats a long few weeks to have to put up with (especially for you with a toddler). Hope your OH helps as much as he can.
With my last pregnancy, i was so big, put on 4.5 stone so towards the end i was literally a waddling duck - i struggled to squeeze behind the steering wheel in our car. Hopefully this time, i wont get so big. Watching everything i eat (i think i convinced myself eating what i pleased would be fine last time as once baby arrived it would drop off) - BIG mistake! Lol - I went from a size 6-8 to 14-16... Finally got down to a 10 just before i found i was pregnant again.
Hopefully this time, with my little 6 month old, i will be alot more active looking after her so it might help maintain my weight.
Good luck with everything... Really hope the sickness isnt as bad as last time :flower:
Thank you! I had it up till 12 weeks last time so hoping for the same (or sooner) this time, OH is great but when he is at work its soooo hard. I've taken some time off work so at least I don't have to worry about that!

Wishing you a H&H 9 months :happydance:

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