Pregnant with periods?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
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So, I am not trying to get pregnant although if I got pregnant, im not going to lie, I would be excited.

So, back in March I had a pregnancy scare, honestly thought I was but then I got my period and tested negative on the test.

For the past 4 months, I have felt funny on and off. I have gotten sick super easily and been nauseous on and off. I have taken a bunch of pregnancy tests, just to make sure I wasnt and they were all negative.

Generally, I have taken this as an sure thing that I was not pregnant But more recently, I have started to feel movements in my belly that feel just like the beginning movements of a baby. At first I was like.."oh I feel the gas way more than I used to." but I keep feeling it and find it strange. It feels like there is a baby in me. I took another test and it was negative..I just got my period but it was shorter than normal and so was last month.

Now, I need to point out that I am very, very overweight, making it harder to tell if my belly is growing or not. However, I have gained some weight even though I am trying to lose. And I also noticed that if I push through the fat on my lower abdomen, I reach something hard. It feels very strange. At first I thought it was scare tissue from my c-section but it seems like a lot?

Combined with all my random symptoms, I cant help but to think that I am pregnant and my body just isnt acknowledging it? Either that or something is wrong with me? If I am pregnant, I would be about 18 weeks as that was the last time I had sex. So I would be right around the time to notice movement. It is all so strange. I dont even know what to think.

I know I need to go to the doctor and I am planning to make an appointment as soon as I can find someone to watch my children. I just thought I would see what you ladies thought.


I can't really help too much on this but when my mum was pregnant with my sister she was pregnant for five months before a test showed up positive, even at the doctors.

The best thing to do is go to the doctors but you already know that. Blood tests are much more efficient than hpt's.

But what you're describing is possible.
And forgot to mention that she had her period every month for those five months bang on time. Obviously she didn't think she was pregnant because the tests all came up negative but when she found out she was in fact pregnant she was shocked to say the least.
And forgot to mention that she had her period every month for those five months bang on time. Obviously she didn't think she was pregnant because the tests all came up negative but when she found out she was in fact pregnant she was shocked to say the least.

Thanks so much for the reply. I must say, since ive been wondering if im pregnant, I am starting to get kind of excited by the idea, and kind of hope I am, even though this would no be the best time for me, financially to have another child.

I know I need to go to the doctor, I actually am overdo for checkups (both from my pcp and my gyno) but I was putting them off to try and lose weight (ive gained a bunch in the last year and was already very overweight. Its been a battle my whole life). I was embarrased that I had gained so much in such a short period of time. But then I went back on weight watchers and I have been calorie counting, but have not been losing. :-/

I know at this point I really can't put it off any longer. If im pregnant, clearly my body isnt going to lose weight (I did lose weight in my last pregnancy) and if im not pregnant, clearly there is something else wrong. I must say, im a bit scared to find out. I'm worried that something serious might be wrong.

I know I need to go though. I just need to find a time where I have someone to help with my kids.

ANyway, Thank you SO much for your reply!

That's okay :)

Honestly, don't worry about it all. I know what you mean about the calorie counting as I haven't lost a pound in a month although I'm eating right and exercising but only time will tell. You just have to stick to it, although being a parent already must be exhausting. But if you find 15 minutes go for a brisk walk in the morning, it will kick start your metabolism and you'll start burning calories more than usual. I read a new diet book, didn't actually follow it but it was literally a book on how our body works and it really helped me.

Just be honest with the doctors tell them that you're worried about having any tests done because you've gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time. If its left too long for any woman they will start worrying if there could be something wrong. If you're not pregnant it could just be a very simple reason that you've gained weight.
Hope this helped :)

Another thing I remembered. A friend of my sisters was very over weight and had no clue she was pregnant as her size didn't really change. She had normal periods and only found out she was pregnant when she went to the hospital with agonising pains and was told she was in labour. She was absolutely stunned, her friends were ringing her for a few days to find out why she never made it out on the weekend. They couldn't believe it when she told them she had a baby. She was even going out and drinking heavily throughout the entire pregnancy.

Very bizarre.
Another thing I remembered. A friend of my sisters was very over weight and had no clue she was pregnant as her size didn't really change. She had normal periods and only found out she was pregnant when she went to the hospital with agonising pains and was told she was in labour. She was absolutely stunned, her friends were ringing her for a few days to find out why she never made it out on the weekend. They couldn't believe it when she told them she had a baby. She was even going out and drinking heavily throughout the entire pregnancy.

Very bizarre.

Ive heard stories like that and seen that, "I didn't know I was pregnant" show, but never knew how seriously to take it. It's crazy to think about.

Ive gotta say the more I think about it, the more I want to be pregnant (as long as everything is ok and the baby is healthy) and the more I kind of hope I am. I am actually nervous to go to the doctor, because it seems so inconceivable that I may be like 18/19 weeks pregnant, that I am sure they will tell me I am not, and I am beginning to dread that. :-(

Funny how I literally did a complete turn around in my feelings towards this in less than a week. I went from being super nervous and like, "what will I do," to being like, "It would be kind of nice to have another one right now," to "oh I really hope it is!" lol

But part of me is still pretty sure it's not a baby...I mean, everything we are taught about being pregnant goes against it being a baby. It's too strange.
I know.

But sadly that is the only way you will know. Even if they do say something negative, pretty much everything has a cure or at least help so stay positive.

Either way, it has made you think that deep down you would like another child.

I'm the least positive Person, 8 months and still nothing and I'm only 21 :(

What will be will be. Just aim for the stars!

I may be fairly young but if you ever need anyone to chat to I'm always here.

In my town there is a help place. last year i was in the same position you are so i went to the help place and they tested me and it came out negative but i demanded an ultrasound and they did one but there was nothing there. so maybe there is a help place in your town they could do a quick ultrasound to be sure. It helped women that couldn't afford diapers and clothes.
Thanks guys. I really appreciate the replies. I will definitely let you know what happens.

jesgurl99- when you thought you were pregnant, did you have what felt like a hardened uterus? I am very overweight, but when I push down on the fat below my belly button, I hit something hard where fat should still be. If you had this, can you tell me what it was? I find it a bit disconcerting. :-(

I keep feeling little pops in my belly and I have felt a couple of "summersault" type motions. It reminds me SO much of when I was pregnant with Shane. My mom says it is probably just gas, but its been 20 months since Shane was born, and I have only specifically noticed this in the past week or so. This coupled with the hardened belly, weight gain and change in my belly shape just seems so weird. But I am getting my period and negative tests.

Ugh...I wish I would just get a positive test or the symptoms would stop. lol

On another note...ive been craving a lot of fruit (especially watermelon and red grapes). If I am pregnant, maybe its a girl? lol Ugh, I really need to stop this cause I am going to be super dissapointed when I find out im not pregnant.
I've definitley heard about this on tv and other forums. I will keep you in my prayers that it is a pregnancy and nothing wrong. you poor thing!!! the waiting game is awful...its so easy to get your hopes up! The symptoms match i think, my uterus was hard when i was pregnant, not abmormally hard...but harder than my regular belly...especially with braxton hicks which i started to get around 16 weeks (early i know). so if you are pregnant and feeling a hard uterus you may be having those. Good luck! I"m really curious to see how it goes.
I know.

But sadly that is the only way you will know. Even if they do say something negative, pretty much everything has a cure or at least help so stay positive.

Either way, it has made you think that deep down you would like another child.

I'm the least positive Person, 8 months and still nothing and I'm only 21 :(

What will be will be. Just aim for the stars!

I may be fairly young but if you ever need anyone to chat to I'm always here.


Hang in there!! I know the waiting game is tough. I'm your age and VERY impatient myself. my husband and i both are. we've already had one and trying for another. since it hasn't happened right away like it did with my son it makes me nervous. we have to stay positive!! :hugs:
Aw thank you foey.

Just got to hurry this cycle up now and keep everything crossed :)

:hugs: I hope you soon find out what is going on. I thought I was preggo just a couple weeks ago. I was having every crazy preggo symptom but 5 days later my AF came and all the symptoms just disappeared two days before I got AF. Our body has a funny was of tricking us. But if you are getting your AF and still feeling the symptoms there may be something there. I hope that you are able to get the answers you want soon. Keep us updated :)
Thanks so much ladies! I really appreciate the replies and support.

I keep going through these fazes where im like, "I really think im pregnants," and then I'll do a complete turn around and be like, "theres no imagination is running away with me."

I got a new bathroom scale as mine has been broken for a couple of weeks and according to that scale, I lost the weight I gained. Im going to watch it and see what it says over the next few days. But then again, I lost a significant amount of weight in my pregnancy with Shane as I was so I dunno if that really means anything.

I also notice that my stomach seems harder at times and squishier at others....and my position makes a difference in where it feels firm. But then again, I kind of remember it being that way when I was pregnant with shane (fyi I adopted sean hence why I never talk about that pregnancy). Because I am so took a while fro me to get a real, hard pregnancy bump and even then there was always fat surrounding it, masking it a bit.

I was sure a little earlier today that I was not pregnant but then I was just laying down for a few minutes watching the weather and I felt what felt like thumping on the left side of my lower abdomen. Any movement I have been feeling has been on the left side for the past two days, since I felt what felt like summersaults in the middle of my abdomen. Ever since then, it has been on the left.

Also, when I lay on my right side, I feel the firm bump much more then when I lay on my left side. It really makes me wonder if there is a baby in there and it has chosen to make itself cozy in the left side of my uterus.

I won't know for sure for a couple of weeks...cause I dont have anyone to watch the kids during clinic hours until my mom is on vacation. I figure if I am pregnant, 2 more weeks at this point wont make much difference (I hope!).

In the meantime, I am eating super healthy and picked up some over the counter pre-natals. I figure if im pregnant im giving the baby what it needs....if im not pregnant, I am giving myself some extra nutrients...cant go wrong with that.

On another note, I hope you wonderful ladies conceive soon and have wonderful pregnancies! <3
So, I am once again having a moment when I am sure I am pregnant. The hardness I feel under my fat seems to be higher than it was a couple of days ago. im not sure though.....starting today im actually measuring it with my fingers

As of today it feels like it is right at, or maybe a drop below my belly button. So strange. I really just want to get to the doctor and find out what is going on.

Do any of you ladies know of anything that can cause this besides pregnancy?
I had my son 9 months ago and I get phantom kicks which feel like a baby but I'm definitely not pregnant. A lot of friends have said the same thing. Maybe google it and see if it's like what you are feeling. Hope you get the answer you want.
Wow! I still get phantom movements, they started a couple of weeks after having Lo and they really do feel like I can feel a baby moving around in there. If you've been trying to lose weight maybe you're toning up and that's why your stomach feels harder underneath, the developing muscle tone? And we all know how our minds can play tricks on us- as soon as we start to think we might be pregnant we get lots of "symptoms".
However, maybe you are! I am very impatient to hear :haha:. Good luck either way :flower:
Thanks guys. My son is 20 months old and I never experienced any movement until recently, at least not movement that I particularly noticed.

So, getting a doctor appointment is proving more complicated than I had thought. Now that im on medicaid the practice I used will only see me through the clinic and the next available appointment is the end of September.

If I had a conclusive reason to say I was pregnant, I would be able to get one sooner, but I have generally not thought that I had anything conclusive.

However, I purchased a second hand fetal doppler and have been trying to use it. I have not heard a heartbeat, but the other day when I was using it, I swear something kicked it. The doppler even registered it (two times in a row and then the "kicking" stopped).

Then tonight, I was trying to use it and I started hearing a "wooshing" sound like you would hear from the placenta. I heard it to the right and left of my belly button. I had to have the doppler angled just right, but I heard it clear as day and even got a video of it, which I can try and post if anyone wants to hear.

Is there anything else that can cause this? I know you have an artery in your abdomen, but I believe it runs down the center and as I am VERY overweight, I dont see how I could possibly hear it, especially on both sides of my belly button. ALso, the hardness in my abdomen seems to have gotten larger.

I am planning to call the doctor tomorrow and try and get an earlier appointment...but I am just kind of freaking out a bit and would really love opinions.

As of last week, I am still getting negative HPT results. The whole thing is too strange for words.

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