Hi all :wave:
My first pregnancy with Adele was A nightmare. I had alot of bleeding and didnt know i was pregnant after loads of tests and all came ack fine they still didnt know what was wrong untill the doctor asked me to do a pregnancy test and it came back positive

we were all very

as i had only been with my OH for 3 months when i found out. The told me because i was bleeding alot i would either lose the baby or she would be pre term. I always had a feeling if i did become pregnant the baby would be early as im really small and was really skinny at that time. Pregnancy was terrible i was in and out of hospital alot and had really bad kidney infections, at one point it was so bad they told me i might have to go onto dialasis (sp?) because my kidneys werent coping to great at all. With me bleeding right up to 26 weeks, my waters broke but OH said i was wettinmg myself because it was just trickling. Got to teh hospital and it was definatly my waters had gone

They took more blood from me and had to be given a blood transfussion the next day (4 pints wich took 18 hours for them to get think my blood was rare atthe time AB+) After being stuck in bed gettinmg blood they took us down to theneonatal unit and showd us everything, it was heartbraking and all i could think about was if my baby is born tonite a few days this week, what will its survival rate be. The nurse looked at us and i could see it in her eyes all she said was we would do everything we can
After 7 days in hospital on the high risk maternity ward i signed myself out, i was depressed being stuck in a room on my own looking through the door seing all the new mums and dads going home with their little babies and i was stuck

It took alot for me to do this but i signed myself out. They told me their was a high risk of silent labour where all of a suddon you would feel the urge to pushand you would have a baby at your feet but i just wanted home. Luckily taht never happend and every day i had a nurse come to teh hosue to check on me and babys heart beat. I was on steroid injections and really strong anti biotics incase i got any infections.
3 weeks later (29 weeks PG) i felt really ill and bad cramps but didnt think nothing of it, 1 am i rangtehhospital and was told to get straight in (carried through A+E in mr men pj's

:rotfl: ) i was 3 cm dilated and they sent OH home. 6am came and i was 9cm dilated and OH was called to get back in asap. I cant really remember what wasgoing onexcept ikept needing to P but it was just blood that was comming out (sorry tmi) after 3 house and 53 mins of pushing i gave birth to wee Adele. I never got to see her all i seen wasa foot and it was deep blue

she never made a sound and tehy rushed her away. I was fine but just wanted to know what i had and if she was alive but tehyw ouldnt tell us anything.
After i was cleaned up the asked OH to go with a midwife. They took him to the neonatal intensive care unit where they explained what was going on. He came back with atiny picture
The doctor came to tell us they were finding it very difficult to get the drips andstuff into her wee veins because they kept collapsing but they managed to in the end.
It was that night i saw her for the first time and i broke my heart

i wanted to hold her so badly.
Anyway it was a long battle for her and she was in hospital up untill 2 weeks before her due date and then she came home. Shewas lucky because she was only 2lbs 10 oz and dropped to 1lb 6oz but she got back and was now able to comehome :cheer: :cheer:
She didnt suffer any long term damage but we did find when it came to her eating lumpy foods she would coak and had to go to a speach therapist but now over 4 years on she is doing brilliant, typicall 4 year old hyper giving cheek to me and never stops eating
she went through alot and i can never thank the hospital enough for keeping my baby alive
sorry its so long but i felt i should share it with you all
this is a picture of her now https://photos.bump-and-beyond.com/219.png
thankyou all for reading