Premature twins...


Twin Mummy
Sep 23, 2009
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Hi all, I am hoping you can share some of your experiences with me about having your babies prematurely... here's my journey so far...

I'm having MCDA twins (Identicals - share placenta, separate sacs) team pink. I got referred to a bigger more specialist hospital at 23 wks with suspected twin-to-twin-syndrome (TTTS) but they ruled this out as said it is IUGR (Growth Restriction) in the smaller twin, so was being scanned 3 times a week, had steroids at 26 weeks, and was admitted to hospital at 27 wks with CTG's 3 times a day and scans every other day, and we have just literally gone day by day as to when she becomes distressed and we need to deliver and we have plodded along like that up til now.

I'm now 31+1 weeks (still in hospital!) - I really can't believe I've made it this far and I don't think they can either, but they seem to be doing ok,the dopplers have been abnormal but the CTG's have been ok, so they have decided not to let me go any further than 32 weeks,so I am booked in for a C-Section on the 5th Nov, this coming Friday, so I am feeling really anxious about that, and anxious about whether they will be ok,and how long they will be in NICU etc...

If you could share your experiences about how long your prem babies were in etc I would be so grateful, hopefully it will prepare me a bit better... thanks girls
My experience isn't strictly relevant but thought I'd bump your post :)

I has Poppy at 34 + 2 (SROM) and she was in SCBU for two weeks during which time I expressed milk for her tube feeds.

I'm sure by 32 weeks your twins will be fine and hopefully won't have to stay in for too long. Hang in there and good luck :) xx
Hi Angelblue. My boys were born at 31+3 due to me developing severe PE. Every baby is different, but here's my story. The boys were born by emergency c section at 31+3 only 24 hours after I was admitted with PE. I had two lots of steroid injections, but the second lot were given only 2 hours before they were delivered so I guess they wouldn't have had much time to work.

When they were born, they cried straight away which was the best sound ever, & I got to see them extremely briefly before they were whisked away to the NICU. Be prepared for a lot of people to be in theatre with you, there will be a team for you, and a team of doctors and nurses for each of the babies, so probably about 20 people in total! How quickly you get to see your girls will depend on your hospital and how well you are. I was pretty ill and on a magnesium drip due to my PE so i didn't get to see my boys until they were over 24 hours old. The nurses will bring you pictures though, and your OH will be able to see them whenever he likes.

I'm sure you've been told what the main risks are for babies born so early, so I won't go into that, but for my boys their problem was premature lungs. They started off well but tired quickly and went on to CPAP the first night and were ventilated about 36 hours after they were born. After 5 days they came off the ventilator and were then on low flo oxygen which is given to them via a nasal canula. Be prepared for lots of machines and monitors and for your girls to have drips and feeding tubes. It can be pretty overwhelming at first, but you will soon get to know what everything does and learn which alarms you need to worry about and which you don't!! I had to wait a week before I got to hold the boys, but skin to skin contact is encouraged by the hospitals and they will get you holding the babies against your chest as soon as possible :o)

My boys were in NICU for 8 weeks in total and came home about 5 days before their due date. I remember when they were born I was told to expect them home around their due date, and that if they came home any earlier that would be a bonus, and to be honest it turn out to be a pretty good guide! Ben could have come home a couple of weeks before he did, but my hospital were happy for him to stay in and wait for his brother so they stayed together which was what I wanted.

As I said before, every baby is different, and your girls may not have any problems and may be home very quickly. The nurses in my NICU said that girls tend to do a lot better than boys, and that really did seem to be true, so you've got that on your side!!

Good luck for Friday, and if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask as all of the girls on here are lovely and very helpful x x
I had Chloe and Jaycee at 29 weeks.. They were born crying on 29th Jan 09.. They were due 10th April 09...
They were born crying and were only on oxygen whilst they were being transferred from where they were born to a hospital 70 miles away.
They stayed in NNU for 4 weeks before the doctor gave them the all clear and we took them home. It really does depend on the baby. Its a fact girls do better than boys. Most nurses will tell you that but at any premature age its hard to think positive.
I remember all the questions running around my head.. Will they survive? Will they have clear skin? Will people comment on them? Will the develop problems as they grow up? Will they be brain damaged from the early arrival? These are all questions no one could answer. I had a very bad labour and birth and was asleep when they arrived, I was surrounded by midwives, peads and doctors and I didnt have anyone with me in the room because I was asleep. It was frightening but I am still here and my girls are too. You come out the end at some point hun.. Its scary and frightening and you dont know what to think. Each day the babies are inside the better chance they have.. For them to fight you have to be strong. Its something that you just cant explain and everyones fight is different. I have met parents whose babies were born at 26 weeks, 28 weeks, 33 weeks, 38 weeks and have been in NNU.
My girls were discharged exactly four weeks after their birth weighing in at just slightly over 4lb! It was amazing.. They were perfect.. Now they are 21 months old!
I went into labour twice before I actually had them and the reason they left me this time was because I had an ECG done on my heart which showed my heart skipped a beat and it was all over the place. I had a section with my girls and I recovered well from it. I didnt think it was as bad as I had thought it was going to be. I expressed milk for the girls but I only did it for about 2 weeks and then I couldnt get enough to keep them going so the NNU Nurse put them on Nutriprem2 and their consultant said they would be on it for 6 months, they stayed on it until a year when I changed them to cows milk.
If you ever need to chat please feel free to message me. Im about most of the time

Good luck. Please keep us updated on your progress and good luck for Friday...

Also from reading two bumps post.. My girls also came home together. They progressed at the same time so I didnt have to worry but before we knew how their journey would go they mentioned that if I wanted the girls could stay together even if one was ready for home. I was very lucky as they done so well and were home 6 weeks before their due date. They will never give you a date they think they will come home they will just discuss it when they think its time to discuss it.. When they are ready...
My experience isn't strictly relevant but thought I'd bump your post :)

I has Poppy at 34 + 2 (SROM) and she was in SCBU for two weeks during which time I expressed milk for her tube feeds.

I'm sure by 32 weeks your twins will be fine and hopefully won't have to stay in for too long. Hang in there and good luck :) xx

Thanks for your reply Bec, did you manage to breastfeed when she came off tube feeds?
Thanks for your replies, I was wondering if they would cry I know that sounds stupid! The Midwives have said to me I should hopefully be able to get into a wheelchair about 6 hours after to go and see them. Do you think I'm being selfish if I make family wait until I've seen them? I want to be the first to see them in NICU (except OH obviously) its just really important to me.

I am trying to prepare myself for not being able to hold them, I know its going to be hard. And I am quite anxious about C-Section I hope my head will be so distracted thinking about them when they are sorting me out.

My EDD is 1/1/11 but I am really hoping they will be home by christmas, that would be amazing. I think I would like them to stay together so they can come home together too, but we'll see what happens. I expecting twin1 with IUGR to need a bit more help.

I just feel a bit all over the place at the moment, I think this week is going to go quick. I am booked in for Friday but it all depends on NICU cot availability, so it could end up being sooner or later if there are none available on friday - so I'm a bit on edge!
Certainly NOT being selfish at all. :hugs: If I was to do the NICU journey again, no-one would see the baby until he/she went home! Having visitors can often be too much and some parents resent it, others like it. Totally up to you. I didnt mind at first, but people started taking the pee.
Certainly NOT being selfish at all. :hugs: If I was to do the NICU journey again, no-one would see the baby until he/she went home! Having visitors can often be too much and some parents resent it, others like it. Totally up to you. I didnt mind at first, but people started taking the pee.

Its just really important to me, I've had all my choices taken away from me in the whole pregnancy and this is my one request, I just hope people understand. I just keep thinking though, what if I don't have the C-Section until the afternoon, if I make people wait until I have seen them first the visiting hours will be over for that day - I will feel so awful, but I will never get that back. God its so awkward
I would seriously take all the time you and OH need together first before introducing visitors hunny :hugs: If others dont understand, tough, but dont let it change those first moments
No I dont think it is selfish at all. I think its something I wish I could have done. They are your babies with your OH so its something that you feel you want to do then thats then end of that. When the twins were in NNU the only people that came to see them was my mum, dad, brother, sister, OH mum, dad, sister, my aunt and uncle and the twins Godparents. I didnt want any other visitors. I didnt get to hold Chloe until she was 8 days old and Jaycee was over 2 weeks because she was very poorly and needed a long line. Every NNU journey is different and you will hit every emotion on your way but you will get there. I think the only way you will tell is when they are born and you know what their weights are like and what your dealing with. Im sure given your gestation they may be home but no one can really say for certain hun..
Please keep us updated
I would seriously take all the time you and OH need together first before introducing visitors hunny :hugs: If others dont understand, tough, but dont let it change those first moments

Yeah I suppose they will get over it but we'll never get those first moments together back. I just want to upset anyone, just hope they understand
I would seriously take all the time you and OH need together first before introducing visitors hunny :hugs: If others dont understand, tough, but dont let it change those first moments

I agree.. If they dont understand then thats just tough
I would seriously take all the time you and OH need together first before introducing visitors hunny :hugs: If others dont understand, tough, but dont let it change those first moments

Yeah I suppose they will get over it but we'll never get those first moments together back. I just want to upset anyone, just hope they understand

That was my problem. I never wanted to upset anyone but looking back it was a really tough time for me and OH and it wasnt as hard for them as it was us. I wouldnt worry too much if they cant understand that then they shouldnt really be involved anyway.
Yeah its just so awkward though isn't it. I don't mind them visiting but as long as I get to see them first. We have said only parents are allowed to visit on the first day, and we'll just have to go from there, like you say we won't know what they'll be like until they are here, I have had steroids so that should help, in the scan last wk the estimated weights were 2lbs 9oz and 3lbs 7oz so thats really good, we didn't even think I'd get this far. And they are only estimates so it'll be interesting to see how accurate they are
I had a scan at 27 weeks and 5 days which said both babies were just around 2lb. They were born 2 weeks and a day later weighing 3lb10oz and 3lb5oz... You just never know. The steroids really worked for the girls..
I had a scan at 27 weeks and 5 days which said both babies were just around 2lb. They were born 2 weeks and a day later weighing 3lb10oz and 3lb5oz... You just never know. The steroids really worked for the girls..

Wow thats really good then, I'm just hoping they will be 3lbs or more, I can't even begin to imagine how tiny they will be, I don't feel like my bump is big enough to have 2 babies in it!

I thought the fear of the c-section would be taken over by feeling like 'I've had enough of being pregnant get them out' (at the late stages) and being excited to meet them, and I don't feel either. I mean I am excited to meet them I just don't think I have fully let myself yet because I have been so worried about whether they will be ok if that makes any sense
Have you had a chance to see round the NICU? Some hospitals allow you to see what it's like in advance which helps prepare you and helps you understand what the equipment is, what the noises are etc beforehand. It's worth asking if you think it would help you.

My baby didn't develop problems until a few hours after birth, so I got some time with her before she went to neonatal, but the midwives were fab and wheeled me up, still in the bed to see her as I was poorly. I didn't get to hold her, but got to touch her little hand, which was an amazing boost.

I think I understand what you are saying - you don't want to let yourself excited about meeting them becauase you don't know what to expect. I felt a bit like that too. I viewed it as a bit of self preservation - being hopeful, but not wanting to get your hopes up too much. Not sure if that makes any sense......

Regarding visiting, the unit at my local hospital only allowed parents, grandparents and sibling to visit and a parent had to be with grandparents or siblings. So you might find the rules will help you there. Otherwise I think you're quite right to want to see them first. If anyone can't understand that, then they are not worth bothering about ;-).

I had a section too and it really wasn't anything near as bad as I expected. The surgery was fine and recovery was good too. Speaking to a midwife, mums who smoke tend to be on their feet more quickly as they want to get outside for a cigarette. I would say the same principle applies to mums with babies in neonatal units as you want to get up and about to see your baby/ies. And I do think that helped my recovery along.

I wish you well for Friday.
Have you had a chance to see round the NICU? Some hospitals allow you to see what it's like in advance which helps prepare you and helps you understand what the equipment is, what the noises are etc beforehand. It's worth asking if you think it would help you.

My baby didn't develop problems until a few hours after birth, so I got some time with her before she went to neonatal, but the midwives were fab and wheeled me up, still in the bed to see her as I was poorly. I didn't get to hold her, but got to touch her little hand, which was an amazing boost.

I think I understand what you are saying - you don't want to let yourself excited about meeting them becauase you don't know what to expect. I felt a bit like that too. I viewed it as a bit of self preservation - being hopeful, but not wanting to get your hopes up too much. Not sure if that makes any sense......

Regarding visiting, the unit at my local hospital only allowed parents, grandparents and sibling to visit and a parent had to be with grandparents or siblings. So you might find the rules will help you there. Otherwise I think you're quite right to want to see them first. If anyone can't understand that, then they are not worth bothering about ;-).

I had a section too and it really wasn't anything near as bad as I expected. The surgery was fine and recovery was good too. Speaking to a midwife, mums who smoke tend to be on their feet more quickly as they want to get outside for a cigarette. I would say the same principle applies to mums with babies in neonatal units as you want to get up and about to see your baby/ies. And I do think that helped my recovery along.

I wish you well for Friday.

Thank you so much for your reply, yes we went and had a tour about the NICU but it was about 6 wks ago and we really didn't know how far we were going to get so it was hard to ask any questions, but at least I can visualise where they will be, I might see if I can go again this week.

I think I haven't wanted to be excited because I've been trying to tell them to stay in there as long as possible! and been feeling like their not ready yet! I have really enjoyed being pregnant so feel a bit sad that it is being cut short too, as we may decide not to have any more (with the risk of have more twins! and 2 may be plenty to handle!)

Hhhmmm just feeling nervous and anxious about c-section but I guess thats natural, and they've got to come out somehow and like you say having your babies in NICU is a good incentive to get up :wacko: just nervous!
They offered me a tour of the local NNU but I didnt go. It wouldnt have mattered anyway because they were transferred to 3 different hospitals.

Yeah they were very good weights. Once I had them the NNU Nurse said she wanted to speak to my consultant because she thinks they got my dates wrong at a scan. I said I was 8 weeks when I went for my scan but they put me back by 2 weeks but they quickly dismissed that.. I doubt very much their dates were wrong mine could have been because I was taking the pill.

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