Premmie twins


Active Member
Jan 13, 2011
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Hi all,

First post and as you can see I'm a daddy :happydance:

I thought I'd post as I've been reading the forum for the last couple of months and it's been amazingly helpful. Our story:

Like most couples we were delighted that we had been lucky enough to be pregnant - something that we wasn't sure would ever happen. Our doctor wanted a scan ASAP (nothing serious) so at eight weeks we popped along and had a look at our little boy/girl, all was fine. At 12 weeks we had a precautionary scan due to some bleeding, again all was fine except......someone had decided to join the party! We had twins. Not sure I'm still over that initial shock :wacko:

At that scan a difference in size was noticed but nothing to be worried about, in fact it was explained that it is very common especially in girl/boy pregnancies (hint hint). As we had twins the scans were quite often, all was fine though the size difference was noticeable. The 24 week scan came round and we could sense something wasn't right as the Sonographer told us she wanted the Consultant to have a chat. Sure enough, the size difference was massive - our daughter was half the size of her brother (see, hint hint). Our local hospital couldn't deal with anything complicated so we were referred to the nearest hospital that had the capabilities and an appointment was booked for the next growth scan at 26 weeks.

The 26 week scan was soon upon us and we were summoned by a Consultant Sonographer. What followed was a truly awful few hours; the Consultant bluntly told us (whilst my better half was still covered in gel lying down) that the little girl was very poorly and she didn't think she'd make the next two weeks. The problem seemed to be with the blood flow (as many have had on here), it was rubbish to use her medical term. So, we had a problem. I must say after the horrible Consultant the specialist midwife and Obstetrician (who we actually saw at the other hospital) were fantastic. The facts were simple; our girl was under 500g and only 26 weeks, our boy was over 1kg and 26 weeks, if they came out there and then the girl had little chance and the boy would have a fight, what to do?

Not much as it turned out! Steroids were given and a scan every few days ordered. No one really gave our girl (now named Aimee) a chance (except us, we knew she would fight), we were really looking to give the newly named Ethan a better chance. Anyway, the weeks ticked on and somehow managed to get to 30 weeks, however Aimee had progressed little so it was time to take them out.

I wont go through the whole process of the caesarean, it took nearly 48 hrs after initially been booked in to get everything together, what I will say is that our Obstetrician was simply amazing and pulled many many strings to get us two spots on Neonatal. The delivery went well, Ethan came out screaming, Aimee sort of screaming. Births weights came in at 1lb 11oz for Aimee and 3lb 8oz for Ethan.

That was four weeks a go. Ethan needed the ventilator for 24 hrs whilst Aimee was fine with CPAP, in fact she was quickly doing 6 off 4 on. Ethan went on to CPAP after the initial help and quickly took the EBM. It wasn't long before Ethan was on full feeds and got rid of his main line. Aimee took a while to take EBM, it was about four days before she passed anything solid but once she did things started moving. She took about 2 weeks to get the main line out. Ethan has really kicked-on, he came out of the incubator just after xmas and other than a reaction to the eye test has been fine, he's now approaching 5lb, which at 35 weeks is quite a size!

Aimee is taking her time. She is still very small and has recently started desating so a transfusion will be carried out. She's about 2lb 8oz but is quite long, I can see some fat building up but it all seems to be going to her limbs! The eye tests went well and scans have been fine so far. She is jaundice which is showing in her stool so hopefully the transfusion will help. The staff also feel that the extended stay on TPN could be causing her liver to be sluggish so again, the transfusion might help.

So, that's us! a roller-coater ride indeed. We take every day as it comes, my better half spend most of the day with them whilst I go over after work and of course spend more time at the weekends.

I hope my ramble makes some sense!
Congrats on your twins.

I had little girl Evie on 22nd dec 2010 at 27 wks weighing 2lb 8oz. She wasn't ventilated long and had been continously on cpap for the last week as the duct in her heart has not closed so there trying to treat it. She too has had transfusion because she was de-satting really low all the time and on occasion stopped breathing altogether.

This is very common in prem babies i'm told as they forget to breath. NICU can be a very scary place at times but these little babies are fighters.

Wish you all the best
Hi there! Wow, your story is so similar to mine I just had to respond! Many congratulations on the safe arrival of your babies, they sound like they are doing brilliantly!

I had boy/girl twins in October with a size difference throughout pregnancy, we were told at our 20 week scan that Hannah wouldn't make it. I managed to make it to 34 weeks when I had a c-section (ended up having to be transferred to another hospital) - and Hannah and Max are both home now. Max was only in for 3 weeks but Hannah was home after 8 weeks. She had similar problems to Aimee, jaundiced, needing a blood transfusions, low birth weight and further ventilation. She has come home on a small amount of oxygen but has done so well - she is our little fighter!

The blood transfusion should really help, Hannah had 2 and you could see the difference almost straight away - she would de-satting and just looked "better".

How is your OH coping? I cried a lot in the early weeks, and then a lot again when they came home - it's very difficult if one comes home before the other but now they are both home that's quickly forgotten (there's no time to think when you have 2 to look after!!).

Keep us up to date with their progress!
Awww congrats!! It's so hard with a difficult pregnancy, I was the same but only with one baby! Hope your little miracles continue to amaze you and thrive!
Thanks for the kind words.

Hi Raquel, indeed very similar. You did really well to get to 34 weeks, our Consultant was adamant that we needed to do something at 30 weeks though of course it was up to us. To be honest I'm not sure how much longer we could hold it together, having doppler scans every few days, being monitored (which was a total waste of time as they moved so much and we spent all the time chasing them around!) so often, constant meeting with the Paediatric team etc really took it's toll. My gut feeling was that Aimee would have done a few more weeks but then you start worrying about what damage is being done in the meantime but then it's a worry about her brother who is perfectly fine but is going to be forcibly prem!

Anyway, Aimee is having the transfusion today so hopefully we'll see some improvement. She's done so well with her breathing, to come off CPAP so early was great and only ambient oxygen is needed at the moment. They are concerned by the jaundice, it's not the variety they like to see (as opposed too?? I asked myself) but they do think having so long on the TPN could be the cause. We'll see.

My OH is doing well, she has had incredible faith in both of them and has always been convinced they'll be okay. Of course, she has her moments and we don't know what's around the corner but on the whole she's been amazing.

They actually said Ethan could come home next week if we wanted. This took us by surprise as all along they've been adamant that twins will not be split up and Ethan will wait for his sister. I did have a sneaky feeling that when space becomes tight attitudes might change and I'm getting the feeling it is. Obviously if they really need the space then it's only fair we take him home.
congratulations on the birth of your twins, they sound like true premi fighters! :)

my baby girl was jaundice, they said jaundice levels should be at 20 and olivia's was 180, so as you can imagin she was my yellow princess, this was due to been on TPN for so long as she didnt take well to her feeds, her brother took them more or less straight away but she stopped started all the time, and then finally she was nearly on full feeds and her SAT's kept dropping and she was forgettin to breath so they had to stop her feeds.
but a week before we was due home her jaundice levels dropped and she was no longer my yellow princess, might take some time but Aimee's will drop too.

i hope your babies have a speedy recovery and wish you, your OH and your babies all the wealth and happiness in the world

Congrats! And I just wanted to say preemie girls (even the tiniest ones) tend to do a lot better than preemie boys! So she has that on her side!

Stay positive!
Congrats! And I just wanted to say preemie girls (even the tiniest ones) tend to do a lot better than preemie boys! So she has that on her side!

Stay positive!

They all say girls do better than the boys, the cheek of it!

Better colour after the transfusion but not much other improvement. Tests, scans and x-rays being done, everything seems to go soooooo slow with tests - some of the tests being done can take three weeks, seems a very long time to me.
I am also a twin parent. I had Chloe and Jaycee at 29 weeks and 6 days.. I didnt get told anything as there wasnt anything wrong with them. I was just massively huge and I couldnt carry anymore. I also caught an infection which led to septicaemia and I was really poorly. At one stage the doctors said my girls were doing better than me.
NNU can be hard for any family but when you see two of your babies there it hard as you have to keep flipping from one child to another.
I was only 22 when I had them and my OH was 20. We was very lucky, they onyl spent 4 weeks in NNU and they both came home together. Its amazing. They will be 2 in 12 days and I am so excited.
I wish your twins the best and hope they keep fighting.
Quick update....

We're now at seven weeks tomorrow - 37 weeks gestation. Ethan is around 6lb 8oz, he's constantly after feeding, he does about 25 mins on mum but then wants a top-up via a bottle, 100ml every 4 hours is not enough and is wanting top-ups in-between. Ethan is absolutely fine apart from a hernia, he's been discharged by the ophthalmologist and can come home when we want. Aimee has been giving us some concern. The jaundice would not go and lots of test have been done (however, I am far from happy with the performance over the tests but that's for another day), over the weekend we got a talking too about CF. However, the jaundice level dropped on Sunday and the CF test will not be done, all other investigations have been stopped. She's still small at about 3lb 6oz but she doesn't need any O2, she's in a cot and is managing to keep her body temp stable. She's started breast feeding and manages cup feeds easily. Eyes, hearing (I think hearing has been done) etc are all said to be excellent, the ophthalmologist was particularly impressed with her eye development. Her Hb level is still low but is climbing so the doctors are reluctant to give another transfusion.

So, we're getting there! We've been offered the use of a room to spend a night with them before we do the 2 night 'rooming' adventure.
Ahh thats good news about Ethan. I hope Aimee continues to get stronger.
The rooming in was amazing, I didnt sleep but I told them I only wanted to do one night and they said it was ok. so we were discharged the following morning.
We're hoping Aimee starts to progress quicker now her liver functions seem to be getting going. The funny thing is, Aimee is much more feisty than her brother, she's also far more alert and is constantly looking around, I'm also certain that she has a certain level of vision as she seems to be trying to focus on things. Ethan just likes eating, sleeping and cuddles anything else is a waste of time and effort in his opinion!
Glad they're coming along so well. Are you taking Ethan home without Aimee first?
Glad they're coming along so well. Are you taking Ethan home without Aimee first?

I honestly don't know. The staff are looking at moving him out but we wanted to keep the two together. As it stands, Aimee's release date has dropped from mid-March to her due date on the 20th Feb, if that remains the case we'll push to keep them together, if Aimee takes a step back and the date is pushed back again I think we'll take him home, it wont be easy but we'll manage!
Glad they're coming along so well. Are you taking Ethan home without Aimee first?

I honestly don't know. The staff are looking at moving him out but we wanted to keep the two together. As it stands, Aimee's release date has dropped from mid-March to her due date on the 20th Feb, if that remains the case we'll push to keep them together, if Aimee takes a step back and the date is pushed back again I think we'll take him home, it wont be easy but we'll manage!

This was something I worried about. This is what I thought

In one sense I wouldnt want to split them up and I would of wanted them to stay together until they both came home but then I thought is it really fair that my daughter who doesnt need this space in NNU would be preventing another sick/premature baby from the care the baby deserves to have, and to me that outweighed the first bit.
I was very lucky as both my girls went home together but there is a lady on here who's twins were born close to term and one went home and the other had a stay in NNU.
Glad they're coming along so well. Are you taking Ethan home without Aimee first?

I honestly don't know. The staff are looking at moving him out but we wanted to keep the two together. As it stands, Aimee's release date has dropped from mid-March to her due date on the 20th Feb, if that remains the case we'll push to keep them together, if Aimee takes a step back and the date is pushed back again I think we'll take him home, it wont be easy but we'll manage!

This was something I worried about. This is what I thought

In one sense I wouldnt want to split them up and I would of wanted them to stay together until they both came home but then I thought is it really fair that my daughter who doesnt need this space in NNU would be preventing another sick/premature baby from the care the baby deserves to have, and to me that outweighed the first bit.
I was very lucky as both my girls went home together but there is a lady on here who's twins were born close to term and one went home and the other had a stay in NNU.

We kind of came to the same decision; if the space was really needed we'd take one home but in the early days the unit was adamant that they'd leave together. It's all academic now - we've had two phone calls in the last 24 hrs really pushing to get him out. They want us to room tonight (which I can't do due to work) so it's more likely tomorrow, I'm guessing he'll be coming home on Saturday. Not quite sure how it's going to work out with visits back to hospital and the house being in the middle of renovation (we had to stop when it all kicked-off :wacko:) but where there's a will.....

Aimee didn't quite make her due date, we had to wait another five days. That was four weeks a go today. Aimee came home at 4lb 5oz, can't remember what Ethan was. Ethan had a dual hernia op before he came home which went well and there's only two very minor scars.

Everything health wise has been fine. Aimee was discharged at 5lb last week, Ethan was discharged when he left hospital, he's well over 11lb now. Both feed, sleep and cry like their life depending on it! Aimee devours 3 - 4oz NP2 every three hours or so (she's on demand) Ethan gets through 6oz NP2 every four hours.

Whilst they are doing fine, mum and I are totally knackered! Ethan is great, he only really cries when he's hungry or has a really full nappy. He can usually go from 8pm to 7am with one feed. Aimee is another matter! She is very hard work - constantly crying, always 'fighting' something. Aimee only really stops when she's feeding and napping, unfortunately it's worse at night so we get very little sleep. We've been told that when she starts putting on weight that should settle down.
glad theyre both doing well!
even with the crying lol
its been really reasuring to read your experiances with premmie twins, especially being 27 weeks with twins myself and constantly being worried about early labor

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