I'm really struggling to find a middle name I like for our chosen first name of HENRY if this baby is a boy. My first son is Charles Alexander and I like the idea of a long middle name as our surname is only four letters. All I can think of is Frederick. I want old English/Saxon/Viking if possible - definitely not any Hebrew/Biblical as I don't like the meanings. Also despise made-up names, modern names and trying to stay clear of William, Edward, George as we would have too many "king" names in the family.
Also, we have decided on either Matilda or Mathilde (wondering if we can get away with the latter or if it is pretentious) and did think of Alice, Beatrice or Violet for middle name but hubby really likes Madeleine. Could we do "Mathilde Madeleine" or is it too many M's?
Also, we have decided on either Matilda or Mathilde (wondering if we can get away with the latter or if it is pretentious) and did think of Alice, Beatrice or Violet for middle name but hubby really likes Madeleine. Could we do "Mathilde Madeleine" or is it too many M's?