

Mummy to Amelia
Mar 10, 2009
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Hi everyone,

Not sure there are so many of the old schoolers around anymore. I just tend to dip in and out of this forum these days. However, there has been some progress with Millie so I thought I might update anyway.

On Tuesday evening Millie said MAMA for the first time, I was so happy I actually cried! she has been saying "g" for gone and "ai" for bye but this is really the first word that isn't just a sound and is two syllables (even if they are the same)! Big relief really as she is very late with this at 32+ months, and I have been very stressed about it, thinking maybe speech just wouldn't come to her at all. So I am feeling a lot more positive, and I ask her to say MAMA about a hundred times a day as I just never get sick of it! She does however....when she has had enought she ignores me and won't perform, but who can blame her!?

On Wednesday we had the Educational Psychologist visit us at home and it went very well indeed. I had been worried that she would suddenlyrecite the complete workd of Shakespeare or something.

As it happened she did perform well, but the psychologist saw that as her demonstrating her potential. She said that Millie communicates beautifully without speech right now, that she excels at imaginary play, is very sociable etc. So, she is going to recommend wholeheartedly that Millie gets a special needs place at our local inclusive nursery. Her report will be sent to the panel that make the decision, and we should find out next month what the outcome is, so my fingers are tightly crossed.

She also said that because of her prematurity, her developmental delay and the fact that she was born in Aug instead of Nov she should be a prime candidate to start school a year later (in the year group she would have been in if she'd been born on schedule) Although she did stress its early days on this matter.

So all in all its been a great week, and to be honest I really needed some positivity, as I felt like we had hit a wall as far as her development was I am hoping and praying that her language continues to develop. :thumbup:

sending love to all those in hospital with their little ones right now :flower:
That's great news! It must have been amazing to hear her speak after all the worrying and waiting. So glad she's doing well and Im sure she will continue to make progress.

I was also worrying about school years as Lydia was born in July and due in September with hearing loss on top of that so its good to hear that I may be able to defer her if she needs the extra year.

Good luck with getting Millie the nursery place

Great first word :thumbup:

Glad to hear Millie is doing well. 32 months doesn't time fly by!
Thanks ladies,

Charliej101 - If Lydia was born in July but due Sept then you will also have a good case for starting school a year later. From what I have heard the authorities generally don't like it and don't make it easy but it can be done! I will update here periodically about that particular battle when the time comes!

25weeker - too right doesn't time fly, I can't believe she is starting nursery in Sept, I think she is really ready for it.....I on the other hand.....
oooh that is amazing news sherryberry, congratulations!! My son is almost 2 and is just now starting to say a few words. I know I shouldn`t worry, it`s normal for these little guys to take a bit longer but DANG IT if I don`t stress about it all the time :wacko:

My pediatrician who is wonderful and keeps us grounded just shrugs and says 'as long as he can walk and talk by the time he goes to school what`s the rush?' that puts things in perspective for you ;)
I think this can be quite a daunting time knowing your child is about to go to nursery and if they are ready. I was surprised to hear yesterday that Alex had her place. She still can't talk yet-we did think she was saying "kitty" but it seems to have gone? speech therapy has been cancelled for two months in the hope she calms down, she has no concentration.:dohh:

Look forward to hearing how u get on in September, Amelia seems to be doing great!
Hi Vermeil, your doctor sounds like a sensible chap, it's right long as they get there it doesn't matter how long it takes! Just hard to remind ourselves of that when everyone around us seems to have a little genius who is 12 months or so younger than Millie! Plenty of time for your LO though, not quite two and already saying a few words sounds brilliant to me!

Sandy - I will definitely let you now what happens with regards the nursery place. Millie really took me by surprise with saying mama, like it came out of nowhere! I thought she would practice the mmmmmm sound prior to saying mama but she didn't, she just came straight out with it. I am sure Alex will get there soon, and completely take you unawares too.

It's not all good news however, we saw the dietician today and didn't go so well. Millie is 84cm in height and weighs 10.3 kilos. She has failed to gain weight in the last 4 months but has grown a little taller so has slipped back on the centile chart. And to top it all off the little madam is weaning herself of her milk.......often refusing to drink ANY of her bedtime bottle. The dietician is concerned about this as if they decided to add supplements to her diet it would go in her milk, and if she's not drinking it then it's a problem. I don't even want to think about the alternative to putting extra calories in her milk may be! I am going to bring her tea time forward by half an hour so there is a longer gap between fod and bedtime bottle, see if that helps the situation.
sometimes it feels like if you make progress in one area and allow yourself to feel a little positive something comes to bite ur arse and piss on your parade......or is that just me?

hope your little ladies are both well, am off to bed now x
We are having problems with milk too. I find putting it into different cups seems to interest her but it's hit or miss some nights. Her eating is poor too -and I weighed her today to find she's lost a little again, leaving only 4lb between her and Tori. Mind boggling.:wacko: I feel like I'm constantly encouraging her to snack all day just to get something into her. We are going to try calcium supplements too, seeing as she's not doing so great on the milk!
Hi ladies, the old timers return with more issues eh...thought things were meant to get easier! Well progress wise Erin is doing good so cant complain but her weight and growth is terrible. She was just over 20lbs and was doing better with eating but she's picked up Liam's sickness and diarrhoea bug and when i weighed her last night she's lost about 4oz so far! She's gained height and is about 84cm but she has had such eating issues. Our dietician doesn't seem that concerned, she's on loads of supplements but the issue is more volume, she eats so little. She was really behind with the types of food she would eat (i was still giving purée's til a few month ago) hubby and I decided that we would need to bite the bullet and stop the mush. We now give whatever we have and although she eats little she has came on leaps and bounds with chewing, attempting diff foods and not spitting out or gagging. We were really happy with progress but unfortunately it comes at a price as she didn't gain much weight. The usual thing has happened though and as soon as she's not well she reverts back, not up for eating, gags more and tbh i think if i didn't push her she wouldn't look for anything! Got dietician again in June but i cant really see what she can say or do, it does worry me all the time and i long for the time she begins to put on good weight gain but cant see that ever happening!
Great news Sherry ... but sooooooooooooooooooooo envious :blush:

Still no speech from Andrew. No real movement on the eating front either, though it sounds like we should be grateful that he still drinks 3 bottles of milk a day. We have the dietitian visiting this week, I'm not expecting miracles.

We haven't heard anything yet following our request for a Statutory Assessment. He's been offered two places for September at local mainstream nursery but he'd never cope, so we're trying to stay optimistic about getting a place in the special needs nursery.

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