

Mumma to B & I
May 19, 2008
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I am pretty sure I have a mild cystocele. I just feel like absolute shit about it and wondering who to blame and fearing how it might develop. Was it the ventouse from my first birth? Was the manual removal of placenta this time? I planned this lovely home natural birth and got it and any pleasure or pride in that has been washed away by the anxiety over my postnatal recovery. I'm only 4 weeks pp so praying things will naturally recover in time - it was 8 months before I could dtd after the ventouse.

Has anyone had any prolapse? Can you share your experiences?
my friend did and it went away after a few months... she saw a consultant about 2 months after her birth. i'm afraid i don't know the gritty details but perhaps you could get your GP to refer you to a gyneacologist as that's what she did
Thank you for the post and that's reassuring to know. My problem is I absolutely don't want anyone near my bits pretty much ever again! Lol (DH excepted at some point anyway!). I know if it is a prolapse it's definitely too mild to warrant surgery so I guess I was actually angling for tales of self repair so thanks!
Hi PeanutBean,

I was wondering if I've got the same problem. I gave birth over a week ago and since then I've been having major problems with my pelvic floor muscles and I suspect there is something seriously wrong with my bits. I had emergency forceps and an episiotomy which has really screwed everything up to the point where I have only just had the courage to feel my way around there. I daren't look in the mirror!

What symptoms do you have? I've read on a number of forums that these problems do tend to sort themselves out - it just takes time - and I'm a REALLY bad patient. :(
my friend was petrified about seeing a dr... she had easy vaginal birth with a small tear but still didn't want anyone down there. she said it wasn't so bad at the gynea... he just looked and confirmed it was prolapse. said to do pelvic floor excersise and it would go. sorry can't tell you anymore.
I had the feeling that my insides were falling out after giving birth? Is this the feeling you mean? I was so worried I had a prolapse but I didn't. It lasted for about 6 - 8 weeks, but got better, I promise! I did lots of pelvic floor exercises.
Babygirl - I think that feeling is normal! For me that lasted longer with my first than this time. But no this is seeing as well as feeling! But not falling out (hence only being mild if it is a prolapse).

Jj - at a week I would expect everything to feel horrendous so try not to worry just yet. I know I feared a prolapse after my first labour but never looked so have no idea if I had one. I got the impression then that there had to be incontinence (which I've never had) but know now there isn't always even with bladder prolapse. If I'm jumping the gun in stressing at 4 weeks then you def are at 1 week!

It takes a while for the feeling to return to your pelvic floor - what sort of problems are you having? I know it was a few days before I could do any exercises, or at least feel them. Everything does take quite a while to go back anything like normal and is unlikely to be quite the same. I found the epis last time left me bigger then before, I worried I hadn't been stitched far enough. I found the main problem was I'd never looked before birth so had nothing really to compare to and was too afraid to look for months after the first birth hoping that denial would eventually make everything ok! But it did work ok because I did make another baby. What sort of issues are you worried about?
Hi hun

At the stage you are at now, I wouldn't worry too much. It takes a good few weeks for things to return to normal! If however after a couple of months you are feeling a tugging down, dragging sensation, then it is possible that you have a prolapse. I have just been diagnosed with a 1st degree prolapse and have been referred for trained physio to repair it. They said it won't be a problem unless it gets worse and progresses to a 2nd degree but the physio should stop that. The main symptoms I have had is a pulling down feeling, a feeling like I am pushing down and the feeling like I have a tampon in that is falling out (obviously when I don't have a tampon in!). But like I say, at just 4 weeks pp, I wouldn't worry about it just yet! You could always mention it at your 6 week check up with your GP x
What kind of prolapse do you have Emzy? I'm certain mine isn't uterine or rectocele. I don't feel any dragging feelings or the really the tampon feeling that I know a lot of women feel. For me it feels like I'm more exposed than normal which is a bit irritating and to look I can see the top portion of the hole has flesh there iyswim. Goodness at 4 weeks I'm still pretty stretched and would be able to see a uterine prolapse, even a mild one. :wacko:
Hi PeanutBean,

It 's probably too early for me to worry about a prolapse, but it does feel like everything's heavy in my vagina.

My main problem at the moment is bleeding through my urethra. The doctors and midwives have said bleeding usually occurs in this area if the urethra was damaged during the placement/removal of a catheter and should only last a few days. I did have a catheter, but had the urethra checked yesterday in hospital and there was no blood (boy did I feel an idiot!). They inserted another catheter and drained my bladder - not a drop of blood. However, I noticed last night that when I use my pelvic floor muscles, that is when I see blood coming from the urethra. Of course, I didn't use my pelvic floor muscles when they drained my bladder! If I get up or clench those muscles when urinating, fresh blood appears. I'm not sure if this is something that'll heal itself with time (it's been 9 days since I gave birth). I've already had a course of antibiotics which did nothing. :(
Peanut I have a 1st degree uterine prolapse. I really wouldn't worry too much at only 4 weeks pp, I remember mine feeling like it was sort of inside out for a good few weeks after the birth. I didn't notice the symptoms I mentioned before until about 3 or 4 months PP, once things on the outside had more or less returned to 'normal' if you know what I mean x
Jj you know I wondered if I'd had a spot or two of blood from my urethra too (I also had a catheter) but if I did it stopped. I have felt bruised innit ever since and had been wondering recently if I was either getting a uti or if the sensation was actually in the prolapsed bit of bladder. I'm not sure either is the case :dohh: Had another look and things don'g look too bad. I'm wondering if it's actually my labia feeling irritated as everything is dry right round (keep getting split skin like a split lip - ow!) rather than whatever is inside. God it's just so hard to tell what actually hurts!

What I see also moves downwards when I do pelvic floor exercises so I am also wondering if it's the normal muscle just a bit exposed by everything being gapey still. If not then I can't see the exercises helping raise anything up'

Jj i'm sure your bleeding will stop. Does it hurt? As if catheters aren't bad enough at the time. :(
Hi PeanutBean,

I bleed every time I urinate and it's very noticeable. I just wish the medical staff at the hospital could watch me pee as they'll see the blood lol. I feel the bruising, too, but I don't really feel pain when I urinate - it's more uncomfortable.

You could see your GP and get some antibiotics for a UTI (if an infection shows up). However you seem to have a similar problem to me. I suspect it's just bruising and just needs time to heal.

I hope the bleeding stops. I dread urinating as I know there'll be blood and it just frustrates me that I don't know where exactly it's coming from! :(
Have they not tested your pee? The red blood cells should surely show up if they do. Being postnatal sucks eh?!
Hiya hon. I'd say it's far too early to worry about a prolapse. I have a prolapse of the vaginal wall (cant remember the official name) and, like Emzy, feel a pulling sensation like a tampon that's about to fall out. I've had differing advice about prognosis, the physio said it would improve with the exercises, the doctor said it is what it is and not much can be done without surgery in the future. I haven't found the exercises much use so far but I'm not great at remembering :blush:

As for the cause, some ladies' muscles are more elastic than others which is the case with me and probably why I developed mild SPD and didn't tear during the birth. The actual birth was very quick (about 5 minutes pushing) so the combination of it all was the cause. My GP actually said that if you're prone to prolapse, you'll have one even if you have a c-section :shrug:
I've been reading round this site: postpartum Sorry the link was my cystocele search but I've found it quite interesting so might also be for you ladies who know you have prolapse.
Postnatal problems definitely suck!

They did check my urine initially and found blood, but they put it down to a UTI which I've had antibiotics for. The midwife told me this morning that they've done all the relevant checks so it's just been put down to a damaged urethra. *shrug*
No acknowledgement of how it's been damaged I suppose? Bloody medics.

They think it was down to the catheter when I had the emergency forceps delivery. The midwife did state that bleeding from the urethra should not be occurring after this length of time, but there is nothing else they can check.

Last night the ache in this area was sooooo bad. I'll just keep an eye on it, but if it continues for another week I'll have to demand they take another look!

Have things improved for you?
I think yeah! I feel less exposed so to speak. Suddenly find I can't remember whether it was sore when I last peed so maybe that's a good sign too. My pelvis is on the mov again so that might help too.

I suppose if you continue with pain and bleeding something would need to be done but then if that could only be surgery it might be worse after. I hope it heals and soon. :( :hugs:

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