My daughter has had signs of puberty for years and she's just turned 9. She started with body odour then hair under her arms, she now has hair under her arms, legs, between her legs and the start of breast buds. I was 10 when I started my periods so I have prepared her for that but she's a drama queen to say the least so I'm not looking forward to her starting them at all!!
It's been scary for her as most of her friends are not showing any signs at all so think she's felt a bit isolated regarding it all. We went to the docs a couple of years ago but at that stage there wasn't much and they said once she gets to 8 it's early but just the low end of normal.
Good luck!
I see your DD is September 2005 the same as mine. Has your DD ever mentioned about other girls in her class wearing bras? Mine has said that loads of other girls in her class are wearing bras which strikes me as bizarre as 99% of them are pretty flat chested.
Is this the norm, for 8 and 9 year olds to wear bras?
No my daughter doesn't yet although this past couple of weeks I've noticed more development in that area so not sure how long it will be. She has crop tops she occasionally wears but not all the time. There are some girls in her year at school who wear proper bras, one of them has done since they were 6, I'm assuming she has precocious puberty because she really does need one! Think there are a couple of others but as far as I'm aware (and my daughter tells me most things!) the majority don't yet.