Question about complications / problems that can occur during C-Sections


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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When doing research on C-Sections on the net, lots of webpages mention all the dangers and problems that can occur with a c-section. When on the forum i haven't heard of many people that have had serious complications. I just wondered if anyone has had any serious problems or complications from a c-section or if it is just the web dramatising things x
Amanda Holden had massive complications from her c section.
I did have a problem but it was from the spinal not the c section, although I wouldnt have had the spinal if I had had a normal birth

When it was put in, some nerves were cut and I lost all feeling in my foot for about a month afterwards and I couldnt move my toes
This happening is extremely rare though
I bled a lot from my abdomen and the epidural began to fail so i started feeling the doctors pulling at my insides just after they had lifted my baby out of me. So i was given a general anasthetic to knock me out. It was scary. I ended up in intensive care for a couple days.
Not sure if this is from the c-section, and if it counts as serious, but I had retained placenta after my first c-section. It nearly cost me my uterus, and took over 3 months to heal. With my 3rd c-section, I had a bad allergic reaction to the stitches used on the uterus, and that took 4 months to heal. I also had reactions to the spinal and epidural, which caused problems, and I've lost all feeling on my lower stomach skin due to the repeated c-sections.
my baby was to far down after 10min (only took3min to get my first son out ) she called someone eles who came running in with forceps so my scar was cut even more,lost a lot of blood,baby wasnt breathing for a mintue, worst feeling in my life :cry: 13min it took to get him out, had they scanned me first to see exactly where he was i wudnt of gone thro this :cry:
My babies head was swollen and far downin the birth canal so when they pulled him out he tore my broad ligament they couldn't find where the tear was and had to call the consultant in to help I ended up losing 8 pints of blood but honestly everyone was so calm in the theatre that I was calm and my recovery was just as quick as a normal c section
Wow...if I wasn't nervous about my planned section before I certainly am now!
I've had two with no complications. Most are complication free.
I had a planned c-section with zero complications. I healed very quickly and was up and walking within four hours (probably had something to do with my son being in the NICU and I wanted to see him and breastfeed :haha:).

I did have a twitch in my right leg for about two weeks from the spinal, but that's pretty common.
I had an internal hematoma - somewhere between my abdominal muscle and uterus, about 8cm wide. Basically a huge pool of blood. V.v. painful, they didn't realise I had it but I was very slow to recover, a few weeks later this blood got infected and I was hospitalized again. All I can say is , anything can happen whether section or natural .. all we can do is hope for things to go smoothly x
i just had my c/s on the 16th and i took a bad reaction to the spinal. but i was up walking abt the next day. and ive had 2 previous c/s 1 with a spinal with no complications . the complications in a c/s is very rare :flower:
I had 2 uncomplicated sections but have been left with severe internal adhesions/scar tissue, it took 40 mins to get to LO in the last one and my left Fallopian tube and ovary are completely wrapped in tissue. I have been advised to seriously think if I want anymore children and that any abdominal surgery in the future could have complications.
I'd say that 9 out of 10 people do just fine during c/s. I have rarely seen a complication. It does happen, but not often. Examples: they accidentally knick your bladder (they would repair if it so). But honestly, most people do just fine.....promise!
Amanda Holden had massive complications from her c section.

Hi. Amanada Holdens complications were not due to c section but due to placenta accreta where the placenta imbeds into the deeper lining of the uterus which increqses risk of post partum haemorrage. This would have been the same risk if a normal delivery. Xxx
Amanda Holden had massive complications from her c section.

Hi. Amanada Holdens complications were not due to c section but due to placenta accreta where the placenta imbeds into the deeper lining of the uterus which increqses risk of post partum haemorrage. This would have been the same risk if a normal delivery. Xxx

I saw her on this morning and her bladder was also attached to scar tissue from her previous section and she bled from that too when they moved it. That's what she said on the tv, because it frightened me as I've had a previous section!
I bled a lot from my abdomen and the epidural began to fail so i started feeling the doctors pulling at my insides just after they had lifted my baby out of me. So i was given a general anasthetic to knock me out. It was scary. I ended up in intensive care for a couple days.

This happened to me too minus the ICU stay.

I also had retained products (RPOC) and am having surgery tomorrow under general to remove what is probably retained placenta that made me hemorrhage over a week ago.

Apparently both are pretty rare though.

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