Question About Irregular Cycles


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
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Hey ladies,

I've tried to conceive in 2015 for a few months that ended with BFN every month! I took a 2 year break and have just recently starting trying again after AF ended on May 22nd. I Bd'd a lot that month and a lot around the time I was showing watery CM and EWCM, I felt like I had almost every pregnancy symptom but unfortunately woke up this morning with the :witch: after a long 47 day cycle!:cry:

I've been using Kindara to track my cycles for the past year and my cycles are always irregular, Last cycle was even skipped *65 day cycle* but normally my cycles go as long as 41 days but after my 65 day cycle it became a 47 day cycle (hope I'm not confusing anyone)

I need help! Is there anything I can take or do to make my period more regular or to help conceive? I Googled some pills that make your system more regular with ovulation and stuff like that..Here's the link:

Do anyone of you's think this would work? Any suggestions on what I can do??:cry: Thank you!!

Note: I'm 25 and I've been pregnant twice before years ago in my teens but was way too young to even think about having a child so I had to get an abortion so I know I'm fertile. Do you think having an abortion interfered with trying to conceive now?
It doesn't really matter how long or regular your cycles are, what matters is that you're ovulating and you are timing sex for just before. Are you doing anything else besides tracking cm to track ovulation? If not a few cycles of temping or using opks might help you better pinpoint ovulation timing. I know for me using opks helped me learn what ovulation felt like for me, so eventually I knew when it was happening without having to track anything.

As for fertility issues, yes, if you had a surgical termination, it can lead to infertility. Even more so if you've had more than one. You can develop uterine adhesions (called Asherman's syndrome) if the surgical instruments damage the uterine wall. I had a d&c just before this pregnancy due to a miscarriage and did a lot of research on it because it was a possible risk. If you're with a new partner as well that can contribute too. It's worth getting investigated if you do have light and irregular periods, which can be as sign of Asherman's.

I'd also just track your cycles in the meantime with temping and opks to make sure you really are ovulating.
It doesn't really matter how long or regular your cycles are, what matters is that you're ovulating and you are timing sex for just before. Are you doing anything else besides tracking cm to track ovulation? If not a few cycles of temping or using opks might help you better pinpoint ovulation timing. I know for me using opks helped me learn what ovulation felt like for me, so eventually I knew when it was happening without having to track anything.

As for fertility issues, yes, if you had a surgical termination, it can lead to infertility. Even more so if you've had more than one. You can develop uterine adhesions (called Asherman's syndrome) if the surgical instruments damage the uterine wall. I had a d&c just before this pregnancy due to a miscarriage and did a lot of research on it because it was a possible risk. If you're with a new partner as well that can contribute too. It's worth getting investigated if you do have light and irregular periods, which can be as sign of Asherman's.

I'd also just track your cycles in the meantime with temping and opks to make sure you really are ovulating.

Thanks for your reply!

The only thing I use to track ovulation is my CM. I haven't tried OPK's or BBT yet. I assume I am ovulating though based on the amount of EWCM I get after a few days of watery CM:shrug: Sometimes I'll have light periods that last 5-6 days but other times like now I'll have medium-heavy periods with lots of cramping. My periods have gone from 25 days to 41 days with these last two previous cycles being extra long (could be due to stress?) I'm wondering if taking the pills listed above will help in anyway to regulate my periods..Any suggestions?
I would confirm you're ovulating before messing around with any supplements that could throw off your cycle even more rather than help. It could be you aren't ovulating or it could be your timing is off, and knowing that will allow you to adjust what you're doing before you start spending money on things you don't really need. It's also entirely possible the issue could be with your partner (assuming this is a new partner and not who you were pregnant with before), and if you know you're ovulating just fine, then you'll know maybe it's worth him getting checked as well. That said it does take most ladies several months to get pregnant even with temping and timing ovulation perfectly so if you've only just started to try again in the past few months, it might just need more time. I wouldn't necessarily be discouraged yet.
I'm so sorry you didn't get your bfp Kay. I was really hoping you would. Try not to let it discourage you just yet. I think the main thing with irregular cycles is to either temp or use opk's or ideally both to see when you actually ovulate. CM alone really isn't that reliable. I personally would hang off with supplements for now as they could affect your cycle more. It could literally be a case that your missing ovulation. I had a surprise when I started temping when we were ttc our daughter because in a 28 day cycle I wasn't ovulating till day 17-18 with a 10-11 day LP. So for the first few months we had been trying for our daughter we had been missing ovulation every month. It really might just be that your timing is wrong.
I'm so sorry you didn't get your bfp Kay. I was really hoping you would. Try not to let us discourage you just yet. I think the main thing with irregular cycles is to either temp or use opk's or ideally both to see when you actually ovulate. CM alone really isn't that reliable. I personally would hang off with supplements for now as they could affect your cycle more. It could literally be a case that your missing ovulation. I had a surprise when I started temping when we were ttc our daughter because in a 28 day cycle I wasn't ovulating till day 17-18 with a 10-11 day LP. So for the first few months we had been trying for our daughter we had been missing ovulation every month. It really might just be that your timing is wrong.

Thanks, I will try to give the OPK's a try and see if I actually am missing it! I just wish there was something natural that could put irregular cycles back into place!
I have long irregular cycles as well. I temp and chart and it's helped me at least be able to pinpoint that I am indeed ovulating and helps me with timing bd to increase our odds of conceiving. Long cycles suck because you're still in the same cycle when others have finished theirs and are halfway through the next.

One thing a lot of women with irregular cycles take is vitex. It's an herb and is said to just adjust hormones to where they're "supposed" to be. You really do want to make sure you really have issue though before deciding to take them, because if you don't the vitex will make it worse. I'd definitely chart or do opks for a few cycles before trying the vitex.
. Good luck!!
I drank red raspberry leaf tea and it did me wonders! Don't be discouraged! My husband and I tried for two years before we got our daughter and we've been ntnp for a while. My daughter is 1 year and 3 months now and I found out yesterday I am finally pregnant again.
I take 2600 mg epo & b-complex that whats helped regulate my cycle after yrs trying different things. Its extremely annoying and can be expensive to track when irregular. My cycles became severely irregular after my mc in 2012 epo and b complex has worked wonders the last 6 months. Vitex also worked gave me 28 day perfect cycle but It made me depressed.
I'm so sorry you didn't get your bfp Kay. I was really hoping you would. Try not to let it discourage you just yet. I think the main thing with irregular cycles is to either temp or use opk's or ideally both to see when you actually ovulate. CM alone really isn't that reliable. I personally would hang off with supplements for now as they could affect your cycle more. It could literally be a case that your missing ovulation. I had a surprise when I started temping when we were ttc our daughter because in a 28 day cycle I wasn't ovulating till day 17-18 with a 10-11 day LP. So for the first few months we had been trying for our daughter we had been missing ovulation every month. It really might just be that your timing is wrong.

Hey Maryanne,

So i tried the OPK's and today I got a positive on the test and I'm only on CD 9! I bd'd two days ago, hoping that can help to increase my chances..Just not sure how long I have or when I should be BD-ing. Any thoughts?:flower:
Hiya Kay! Get dtd now! Today and tomorrow are peak fertility days. If it's a true positive it means you should have a shortish cycle too this month. I'm crossing everything for you!
Agreed - you get to BDIng! The positive test just means your surge is going on and you will be ovulating sometime within the next 48 hours. Did you do the digital ones or the ICs? Remember, the test line on opks have to be as dark as or darker than the test line.

I've sufferrrd from really long and irregular cycles too. It's super frustrating because my doctor cannot find any medical reason as to why. This cycle I am taking clomid so I hope that helps but I also am going to acupuncture and taking EPO, B compex and some other vitamins. Good luck!
Good luck with everything!

I too have long irregular cycles. When I first started seeing my current obgyn, she asked me when do I ovulate? I literally had no idea how to know smh!

I'm taking the medical route to regulate periods with Provera and Femara. I think I might as well order an ovulation kit to see if my body gives any signs.
Honestly I am so confused as well. I am having anything between a 33 to 44 day cycle every month. I am now at day 43 of my cycle. I tested twice and I got a BFN. It is either a cycle where I have not ovulated at all or a pregnancy I guess? :wacko:
Have you considered temping/charting? I have long, irregular cycles and charting really helped me conceive #1 and my forever baby, who I lost in May. It gave me a much better idea about when to expect af at the very least, because I knew when I ovulated and could rely on af "x" amount of days later. Might be worth it to read Taking Charge of Your Fertility and downloading the Fertility Friend app to help you conceive.
Seconding Fertility Friend -- that app is worth its proverbial weight in gold! :)

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