question about natural 3rd stage..


Proud single Mummy of 5!
Aug 15, 2008
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I had my little girl this morning, managed my home water birth and all is well :cloud9:

But I've been left with a question! My birth plan was to delay cord clamping until it had stopped pulsating, then deliver the placenta naturally... my midwife had read this at my last appt, and said thats all fine etc.. But LO was born with the cord wrapped round her neck twice, really tightly.. and she was really struggling to breath. She WAS breathing, and tried to cry a couple of times.. but it was just really shallow, and he couldn't 'catch' her breath an kept stopping. We tried lots of stimulation etc for 15 minutes, but she still struggled, so I agreed to let them cut the cord, and do their resus. She had 2 puffs of oxygen and finally took a massive breath and pinked up immediately..

Now my question lol.. the midwife, who I made sure had read my birth plan, turned around and said 'right i'll just give you the jab', so I said, no I dont want it thank you.. and she went on to tell me that because the cord had needed to be cut I now HAD to have a managed 3rd stage. I refused anyway, and delivered the placenta naturally, perfectly fine... Just wondering why she would say that?
I'd say she's not telling the truth. You can have a physiological third stage after the cord I cut.....I've seen it goodness knows how many times!!!
oh yay massive congrats, so happy for you. xxxx

i reckon she just though she'd speed up the process a bit for her own benifit, she shouldnt have said that and glad you told her no!!
Congrats :D I think she just said it to make her own life abit easier the cow.
With my first I had a managed 3rd stage n with my second natural and natural was much faster n I didn't feel as crap as the injection left me feeling.

Glad u got ur planned birth n that I stuck to ur guns
Thanks ljo and moomin!

Very glad I stuck to my guns, I knew I'd seen people on here say they had done it, though I did wonder if I'd misunderstood and the midwife was right! Was very happy to have covered her in a big squirt of bloody while delivering it :haha:
Love it haha
Wish I had got my mw with something, she was an idiot
yeh i felt crap after it with imogen, was been sick and then was told oh its the injection. nice of them to let me know after!! grrrrr. cant believe how uneducated i was with labout birth etc pre b&b ha ha.
I threw up after the injection n the mw then said in a horrible voice " u had too much g&a then didn't u" I hardly had any. God she was a bitch.

So glad I came to the home n natural section while pregnant with Corey, unfortunately when I had Zane I thought health professionals know best but they really don't which is sad. Glad we've got them around but most of the time they make things worse......well maybe that's just my local hospital lol
The majority of people even on the forum will not question any of the procedures carried out on them of their babies. And unfirtunately that's how the system likes it. Well behaved aka compliant families.
i think i might become a bit less compliant next time ha ha!! my mw at my home visit said your not gonna be one of these ladies that kicks off are you re: induction threats etc. i just smiled at her ha ha.
There is no correlation between cord cutting and managed 3rd stage. Well done for sticking to your plan.
My community mw was lovely, useless hahah but lovely. She was so excited when I said I wanted a home water birth, she really wanted to be the mw to attend but she wasn't on call and I got stuck with an idiot lol

I also hate that people think natural birthers are just hippies who endanger our babies life.

I'm so glad u got ur Homebirth :D
I might be a surrogate for my sister n I've told her ile be having a Homebirth and she will get a slap if I need stitches again hahaha
Oh Wow moomin that's fantastic, what a wonderful thing to do. The stitches threat is funny though ha ha. X
I'd say she's not telling the truth. You can have a physiological third stage after the cord I cut.....I've seen it goodness knows how many times!!!

I need for you to have the injection just because the cords cut. And congratulations on your homebirth!! xxx
i think i might become a bit less compliant next time ha ha!! my mw at my home visit said your not gonna be one of these ladies that kicks off are you re: induction threats etc. i just smiled at her ha ha.

Haha a client of mine mentioned to her CMW that she was thinking about having a doula....'you're not going to be one of those who thinks she can just get on and do it in the other room by herself are you?' which is exactly what she did and it almost killed her Mw to be quiet and sit on her much so we ended up mob handed with 7 mws in the next room at one point because she wasn't 'cooperating' aka doing as she's told. First time mum, baby born at home, peacefully in water, no medication, no stitches, physiological 3rd stage....yes she DID do it by herself....
I also hate that people think natural birthers are just hippies who endanger our babies life.

My pet hate is that its all about going drug free and being a hero.....the only think not available at home is an epidural.....For me the drug free thing so isn't the main point and it bugs me when people think that.
Here's one for you Moomin.....
Oh my god! 7 midwives!! I'd Of told them all to get out of my house!! I found my mw (apart from ringing that bloody ambulance lol) let me lead the way, she read my plan and did things my way and that's how it should be. I'm always worried about ending up with one like you just mentioned. I still can't get over 7 midwives when there supposed to be so short staffed surly they'd be better being elsewhere!

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