question for the single moms and moms to be


Active Member
Jul 23, 2012
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Hello everyone.. im 3 and half months pregnant, have a very complicated relationship with my babys father, we were such a happy couple until i got pregnant and our relationship seems to have gone so far down hill since then. it wasnt a planned pregnancy. But i just wanted to ask ye, how do ye cope with the loneliness? I have only told 2 people out of my friends and for the most part they are supportive but its not the same as cuddling into him every night. I just feel so lonely all the time x
I totally understa.d how you feel. My daughter's dad and I recently broke up allthough it was my choice. I hate not having soneone to lay next to and wake up to. Lately I've let ny daughter co-sleep with me. Its easier for me, she loves bei g next to mommy, and I'm not by myself. Its in no means the same but it helps.
I get by day to day, but it hurts a lot. My baby's Father decided since the day I told him that he's not interested. He hasn't even seen me since I've been pregnant, hasn't even acknowledged that he is a having a baby. He doesn't even reply to my messages anymore. It makes me so sad, and I'm so lonely. So *hugs* because I know how you feel xx
Hey girls.. thanks for yer sweet replies. Its horrible being in this situation feeling so alone but its nice to know ye girls understand what i mean... Its fine during the day as i keep myself busy with college work but at night i just get so upset and lonely and always end up in tears... the thing is he keeps texting sometimes promising the sun moon and stars and giving me so much hope that we ar going to be a happy little family and other times (like today) texting saying he will never talk to me again if i dont get rid of the baby. why can lads be so cruel. ..sigh...

big hugs for ye girls tho

Im a single mum to a 11 month old and expecting #2. To be honest once the baby comes you wont have a chance to be lonely. FOB walked out on us just before DS was born and it was so hard then but becoming a mum will make you tougher and more resilient. Eventually wont mind the odd lonely night because you'll know that the next man that comes along will have to be twice the man FOB was and your baby will be your #1 priority! :hugs:
Sounds like he doesn't know what he wants if he's going back and forth with what he's telling you. My ex does the same thing he'll text me or come over to see his daughter and be all sweet to me and then the next day he's an ass. Its hard but you just have to ignore it. Don't keep him from the baby if he wants to be around once s/he is born but you don't need him playing head games with you. Its not healthy and it will keep you from moving on and being happy. Hope he does change his mind and come around though. Best luck ♥
Hi, I was a single mum (we broke up the day my LO was born) and it was complicated, and confusing, and looking back I can see all of the things that I should have done and didn't. I found the best thing we can do, is focus on our son. It's hard, and honestly really sucky, and I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time right now :( :hugs:

I relied a lot on the people around me, the few friends and family I had that hadn't dissapeared when I got pregnant. My and FOB's relationship as parents, people, and friends has gotten better and we communicate now fairly freely because it is all about our LO.

Not sure if any of this helps, but good luck.
I feel your pain hun, i walked out on FOB about a week ago as he was mentally abusive and didnt want this little bundle of joy. Even though i know its the best decision for me and the baby, the nights are still long, lonely and hard. At the end of the day although it sucks to be a single mum especially while pregnant, its better it happens now when you have time to grieve and move on then trying to deal with a baby and all the emotions that come with a break up. :hugs: and i hope things get better for you. PM me if you ever want to talk
You just have to, I found hope in the LO growing in my tummy. FOB and I broke up when I was 16 weeks pregnant, I went to a lot of my appointments alone, he wasn't even present at Caleb's birth. I allowed him to see him once he was born but we haven't heard anything from him since Caleb was 3 months old and I came to the conclusion that I was better off alone and we didn't need a deadbeat in our lives. Now I couldn't be happier, I have a beautiful little boy. I promise it gets better.

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